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Measures for Competitive Biddings for Goods for Engineering Construction Projects [Revised]
工程建设项目货物招标投标办法 [已被修订]
Order of the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Construction, the Ministry of Railways, the Ministry of Communications, the Ministry of Information Industry, the Ministry of Water Resources and the Civil Aviation Administration of China
With a view to standardizing the competitive bidding activities for goods used for engineering construction projects, safeguarding the interest of the state, social public interest and legitimate rights and interests of the parties involved in the bidding activities, ensuring the quality of projects and increasing investment returns, and in accordance with the Bidding Law of the People's Republic of China and the division of functions of the relevant departments under the State Council, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Construction, the Ministry of Railways, the Ministry of Communications, the Ministry of Information Industry, the Ministry of Water Resources and the Civil Aviation Administration of China have adopted the Measures for Competitive Biddings for Goods for Engineering Construction Projects, which are hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of March 1, 2005.
Makai, Director of the National Development and Reform Commission
Wang Guangtao, Minister of the Ministry of Construction
Liu Zhijun, Minister of the Ministry of Railways
Zhang Chunxian, Minister of the Ministry of Communications
Wang Xudong, Minister of the Ministry of Information Industry
Wang Sucheng, Minister of the Ministry of Water Resources
Yang Yuanyuan, Director of the Civil Aviation Administration of China
January 18, 2005
Measures for Competitive Biddings for Goods for Engineering Construction Projects




Chapter I General Provisions

第一章 总则

Article 1 These Measures are formulated with a view to standardizing the competitive bidding activities for goods used for engineering construction projects, safeguarding the interest of the state, social public interest and legitimate rights and interests of the parties involved in the bidding activities, ensuring the quality of projects and increasing investment returns, and in accordance with the Bidding Law of the People's Republic of China and the division of functions of the relevant departments under the State Council.
   第一条 为规范工程建设项目的货物招标投标活动,保护国家利益、社会公共利益和招标投标活动当事人的合法权益,保证工程质量,提高投资效益,根据《中华人民共和国招标投标法》和国务院有关部门的职责分工,制定本办法。
Article 2 These Measures shall be applicable to the competitive bidding activities for goods legally subject to bidding and used for engineering construction projects within the territory of the People's Republic of China.
The goods as mentioned in the preceding Paragraph refer to important equipment and materials for engineering construction projects.
   第二条 本办法适用于在中华人民共和国境内依法必须进行招标的工程建设项目货物招标投标活动。
Article 3 Those engineering construction projects that comply with the scope and standards as prescribed by the Provisions on the Bidding Scope and Scale Standards for Engineering Construction Projects (Order No.3 of the former State Planning Commission) shall be conducted by choosing goods suppliers through bidding.
No entity or individual may evade bidding activities by splitting a project legally subject to bidding into parts or by any other means.
   第三条 工程建设项目符合《工程建设项目招标范围和规模标准规定》(原国家计委令第3号)规定的范围和标准的,必须通过招标选择货物供应单位。
Article 4 The principles of openness, fairness, justice and good faith shall be observed in competitive bidding activities for goods for engineering construction projects. No competitive bidding activity for goods shall be restricted on the ground of areas or departments.
   第四条 工程建设项目货物招标投标活动应当遵循公开、公平、公正和诚实信用的原则。货物招标投标活动不受地区或者部门的限制。
Article 5 Competitive bidding activities for goods for engineering construction projects shall be conducted by tenderees pursuant to law.
When the tenderee of an engineering construction project carries out an overall contracting bidding for the project, and if the goods outside the overall contracting scope amount to the state scale standards, the tenderee of the engineering construction project shall organize competitive bidding activities according to law.
When the tenderee of an engineering construction project carries out an overall contracting bidding for the project, if the goods in the form of temporarily evaluated price as included in the overall contracting scope amount to the state scale standards, the bid winner of the overall contracting and the tenderee of the engineering construction project shall jointly organize competitive bidding activities. The assumption of risks and liabilities by both parties involved shall be stipulated in the contract.
The tenderee of the engineering construction project or the bid winner of the overall contracting may entrust a bidding agency that has lawfully obtained the qualification to undertake the bid invitation agency services. The guidance price set down by the government shall be implemented for the charges for the bid invitation agency services, which shall be paid by the tenderee; if there are other agreements among the tenderee, the bidding agency and the tenderer, such agreements shall prevail.
   第五条 工程建设项目货物招标投标活动,依法由招标人负责。
Article 6 The departments of development and reform, construction, railways, communications, information industry, water resources and civil aviation, etc. at all levels shall, according to the division of functions of administrative supervision over engineering construction projects set forth by the State Council and the people's governments at all levels, conduct supervision over the competitive bidding activities for goods for engineering construction projects, and investigate and punish against illegal acts taking place therein.
   第六条 各级发展改革、建设、铁道、交通、信息产业、水利、民航等部门依照国务院和地方各级人民政府关于工程建设项目行政监督的职责分工,对工程建设项目中所包括的货物招标投标活动实施监督,依法查处货物招标投标活动中的违法行为。
Chapter II Invitations to Bid

第二章 招标

Article 7 The tenderee of an engineering construction project shall be the legal person or any other organization that proposes the project for bid invitation and that carries out the bid invitation. The bid winner of a general contracting as set forth in Paragraph 3 of Article 5 of these Measures shall also be a tenderee when carrying out the joint bid invitation.
   第七条 工程建设项目招标人是依法提出招标项目、进行招标的法人或者其他组织。本办法第五条第三款总承包中标人共同招标时,也为招标人。
Article 8 An engineering construction project legally subject to bidding shall meet the following conditions for carrying out bidding for goods:
   第八条 依法必须招标的工程建设项目,应当具备下列条件才能进行货物招标:
(1) The tenderee has been established according to law;
(2) Where examination, approval or archival formalities are required pursuant to the relevant state provisions, the said formalities have been completed;
(3) There are corresponding funds or the source of funds has been confirmed; and
(4) Being able to put forward requirements on the use of goods and on the technologies.
Article 9 For an engineering construction project legally subject to bidding, if the project shall be submitted to the examination and approval department for examination and approval according to the state provisions concerning the examination and approval of investment projects, the tenderee shall include the relevant bid invitation contents such as the bid invitation scope, the bid invitation method (open bid invitation or selective bid invitation) and the bid invitation organizational form (self bid invitation or entrusted bid invitation) in the feasibility study report to the examination and approval department for examination and approval, and the project examination and approval department shall send a copy of its opinions on the bid invitation to the relevant administrative supervision department.
For an enterprise investment project that applies to the government for financial funds, the bid invitation contents as prescribed in the preceding Paragraph shall be decided on in the official reply by the examination and approval department for fund application reports.
   第九条 依法必须进行招标的工程建设项目,按国家有关投资项目审批管理规定,凡应报送项目审批部门审批的,招标人应当在报送的可行性研究报告中将货物招标范围、招标方式(公开招标或邀请招标)、招标组织形式(自行招标或委托招标)等有关招标内容报项目审批部门核准。项目审批部门应当将核准招标内容的意见抄送有关行政监督部门。
Article 10 Bid invitations for goods include open bid invitations and selective bid invitations.
   第十条 货物招标分为公开招标和邀请招标。
Article 11 The method of open bid invitation shall be adopted for the purchase of goods for state key construction projects and local key construction projects as determined by the people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government; and the method of selective bid invitation may be adopted upon approval if it is under any of the following circumstances:
   第十一条 国务院发展改革部门确定的国家重点建设项目和各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府确定的地方重点建设项目,其货物采购应当公开招标;有下列情形之一的,经批准可以进行邀请招标:
(1) The goods need complex technologies or have other special requirements, and there are only a few potential tenderers available;
(2) The project involves state security, state secret or disaster rescue, and is fit for the bid invitation but not for open bid invitation;
(3) The money saved by the open bid invitation to be carried out is not worth the costs incurred therefrom;
(4) Other circumstances that are unfit for open bid invitation as provided by laws and administrative regulations.
Selective bid invitations for goods for key state construction projects shall be subject to the approval of the development and reform department under the State Council; and selective bid invitations for local key construction projects shall be subject to the approval of the people's governments of the relevant provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.
Article 12 In the case of open bid invitations, the tenderee shall issue announcements on the bid invitation. With respect to the goods legally subject to the bidding, the announcements on the bid invitation shall be published in newspapers or periodicals or information networks designated by the State.
In the case of selective bid invitations, the tenderee shall issue bid invitation letters to 3 or more specific legal persons or other organizations with the goods supply capacity and with good credit standing.
   第十二条 采用公开招标方式的,招标人应当发布招标公告。依法必须进行货物招标的招标公告,应当在国家指定的报刊或者信息网络上发布。
Article 13 An announcement on bid invitation or a bid invitation letter shall indicate at least the following information:
   第十三条 招标公告或者投标邀请书应当载明下列内容:
(1) Name and address of the tenderee;
(2) Names, quantity, technical specifications and the fund source of goods subject to the bid invitation;
(3) Place and date of delivery;
(4) Place and time for obtaining bid invitation documents or preliminary qualification examination documents;
(5) Charges to be collected for bid invitation documents or preliminary qualification examination documents;
(6) Place and expiry date for submitting written applications for preliminary qualification examination or the tender documents; or
(7) Qualifications required to be a tenderer.
Article 14 The tenderee shall make public the bid invitation documents or preliminary qualification examination documents at the time and place as set forth in the announcement on bid invitation or the bid invitation letter. It shall be no less than 5 working days computed from the day when the bid invitation documents or preliminary qualification examination documents are sent out to the day when the sending thereof is stopped. The tenderee shall affix its seal or stamp to the bid invitation documents or preliminary qualification examination documents.
The tenderee may issue the bid invitation documents through information networks or other media. The bid invitation documents issued through information networks or other media have the same legal binding force as that of written bid invitation documents and, in the case of inconsistence, the written bid invitation documents shall prevail, unless otherwise provided for by laws, administrative regulations or the bid invitation documents.
The charges collected for bid invitation documents or preliminary qualification examination documents shall be reasonable and may not be for the purpose of making profit.
No bid invitation document or preliminary qualification examination document may be returned after they are sent out, unless it is due to any force majeure. The tenderee may not illegally terminate the bid invitation after it has issued the announcement on bid invitation, or has sent out the bid invitation letters, the bid invitation documents or preliminary qualification examination documents. In case the bid invitation is terminated due to any force majeure, a tenderer shall be entitled to claim for returning the bid invitation documents and take back the charges for purchasing the bid invitation documents.
   第十四条 招标人应当按招标公告或者投标邀请书规定的时间、地点发出招标文件或者资格预审文件。自招标文件或者资格预审文件发出之日起至停止发出之日止,最短不得少于五个工作日。招标人发出的招标文件或者资格预审文件应当加盖印章。
Article 15 The tenderee may, according to the characteristics and needs of the goods subject to the bidding, make qualification examinations of the potential tenderers or tendereres; where there are provisions in laws or administration regulations on the qualifications of potential tenderers or tendereres, such provisions shall be observed.
   第十五条 招标人可以根据招标货物的特点和需要,对潜在投标人或者投标人进行资格审查;法律、行政法规对潜在投标人或者投标人的资格条件有规定的,依照其规定。
Article 16 The qualification examination shall be divided into preliminary qualification examination and post qualification examination.
The preliminary qualification examination refers to the qualification examination of the potential tenderers made before the tenderee sells the bid invitation documents or sends out bid invitation letters. As a general rule, the said method shall be applicable to open bid invitations with a lot of potential tenderers or those for bulk goods or for goods with complex technologies, or to selective bid invitations for which it is necessary to choose potential tenderers openly.
The post qualification examination refers to the qualification examination of tenderers made after the tenders are opened. As a general principle, the post qualification examination shall be carried out when the preliminary appraisal in the tender evaluation begins.
   第十六条 资格审查分为资格预审和资格后审。
Article 17 Where the preliminary qualification examination is adopted, the tenderee shall issue an announcement on preliminary qualification examination, which shall be governed by the provisions in Articles 12 and 13 of these Measures concerning bid invitation announcements.
   第十七条 采取资格预审的,招标人应当发布资格预审公告。资格预审公告适用本办法第十二条、第十三条有关招标公告的规定。
Article 18 As a general principle, the preliminary qualification examination documents shall include:
   第十八条 资格预审文件一般包括下列内容:
(1) An invitation letter of preliminary qualification examination;
(2) Instructions for applicants;
(3) Requirements in relation to the qualifications;
(4) Requirements in relation to other outstanding achievements;
(5) Standards and methods for qualification examination; and
(6) The method for notifying the results of preliminary qualification examination.
Article 19 Where the preliminary qualification examination is adopted, the tenderee shall explicitly indicate in the preliminary qualification examination documents the standards and methods for qualification examination; where the post qualification examination is adopted, the tenderee shall explicitly indicate in the bid invitation documents the standards and methods for qualification examination.
When carrying out the qualification examination, the tenderee may not change or supplement the indicated standards and methods for qualification examination, or make qualification examination of the potential tenderers or the tenderers according to any standard or by using any method that has not been indicated.
   第十九条 采取资格预审的,招标人应当在资格预审文件中详细规定资格审查的标准和方法;采取资格后审的,招标人应当在招标文件中详细规定资格审查的标准和方法。
Article 20 After the preliminary qualification examination, the tenderee shall issue notices to those potential tenderers passing the preliminary qualification examination and inform them of the time, place and method of acquiring the bid invitation documents, and shall inform unqualified potential tenderers of the results of the preliminary qualification examination at the same time. Where potential tenderers who pass the preliminary qualification examination are less than 3, the tenderee shall carry out a new preliminary qualification examination.
   第二十条 经资格预审后,招标人应当向资格预审合格的潜在投标人发出资格预审合格通知书,告知获取招标文件的时间、地点和方法,并同时向资格预审不合格的潜在投标人告知资格预审结果。资格预审合格的潜在

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