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Administrative Provisions on Insurance Assessment Institutions [Expired]
保险公估机构管理规定 [失效]
Order of China Insurance Regulatory Commission
(No. 3)
The Administrative Provisions on Insurance Assessment Institutions are hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of January 1, 2002.
Chairman Ma Yongwei
November 16, 2001
Administrative Provisions on Insurance Assessment Institutions


主席 马永伟
Chapter I General Provisions

第一章 总则

Article 1 With a view to protecting the lawful rights and interests of the insured and insurants, maintaining the market order of fair competition, preventing insurance risks, these Provisions formulated in accordance with the Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Insurance Law) and other laws and administrative regulations.
   第一条 为保护投保人、被保险人的合法权益,维护公平竞争的市场秩序,防范保险风险,根据《中华人民共和国保险法》(以下简称《保险法》)等有关法律、行政法规,制定本规定。
Article 2 The term "insurance assessment institution" as mentioned in these Provisions refers to an entity which is established in accordance with the Insurance Law and other relevant laws, administrative regulations as well as these Provisions and upon approval of China Insurance Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as the CIRC) and is specially engaged in the assessment, survey, authentication, loss estimation and adjustment of the insured subject matters upon the entrustment of the parties concerned.
   第二条 本规定所称保险公估机构是指依照《保险法》等有关法律、行政法规以及本规定,经中国保险监督管理委员会(以下简称“中国保监会”)批准设立的,接受保险当事人委托,专门从事保险标的的评估、勘验、鉴定、估损、理算等业务的单位。
Article 3 These Provisions shall apply to all insurance assessment institutions that are specially established upon approval of the CIRC and are engaged in the assessment, survey, authentication, loss estimation and adjustment of the insured subject matters within the territory of the People's Republic of China.
   第三条 凡经中国保监会批准专门设立,在中华人民共和国境内从事保险标的的评估、勘验、鉴定、估损、理算等业务的保险公估机构,均适用本规定。
Article 4 Those engaged in the assessment, survey, authentication, loss estimation and adjustment of the insured subject matters in the name of the insurance assessment institutions shall be the insurance assessment institutions established under these Provisions. Without approval of the CIRC, no entity or individual may, in the name of an insurance assessment institution, be engaged in the assessment, survey, authentication, loss estimation and adjustment of the insured subject matters within the territory of the People's Republic of China.
   第四条 以保险公估机构名义从事保险标的的评估、勘验、鉴定、估损、理算等业务,应当是依照本规定设立的保险公估机构。未经中国保监会批准,任何单位和个人不得在中华人民共和国境内以保险公估机构名义从事保险标的的评估、勘验、鉴定、估损、理算等业务。
Article 5 An insurance assessment institution engaged in the assessment, survey, authentication, loss estimation and adjustment of the insured subject matters shall abide by the laws, administrative regulations, and the relevant provisions of the CIRC, and shall stick to the principle of objectiveness, impartiality and fairness.
   第五条 保险公估机构从事保险标的的评估、勘验、鉴定、估损、理算等业务应当遵守法律、行政法规和中国保监会的有关规定,坚持客观、公正、公平的原则。
Article 6 Where an insurance assessment institution causes any damage to any party concerned, it shall bear the corresponding legal liabilities.
   第六条 保险公估机构因自身过错给保险当事人造成损害的,应当依法承担相应的法律责任。
Article 7 The CIRC shall supervise and administer the insurance assessment institutions in accordance with the law.
   第七条 中国保监会依法对保险公估机构实施监督管理。
Chapter II Establishment

第二章 设立

Article 8 An insurance assessment institution may be established in the form of a partnership enterprise, limited liability company or stock-limited company.
   第八条 保险公估机构可以以合伙企业、有限责任公司或股份有限公司形式设立。
Article 9 Where an insurance assessment institution is to be set up in the form of partnership enterprise, the following conditions shall be met simultaneously:
   第九条 设立合伙企业形式的保险公估机构应同时具备下列条件:
(1)Having 2 or more partners who have the corresponding civil capacity;
(2)Having a partnership agreement that meets the statutory requirements;
(3)Having an actually paid registered capital of not less than 500, 000 yuan;
(4)Having a name of the partnership enterprise and a domicile that meet the statutory requirements;
(5)Having senior managers who conform to the provisions of the CIRC on the administration of post-holding qualifications;
(6)The holders of Qualification Certificate for the Insurance Assessment Practitioner (hereinafter referred to as the Qualification Certificate) shall constitute no less than two thirds of the staff; and
(7)Other conditions as listed in the laws and administrative regulations.
Article 10 Where an insurance assessment institution is set up in the form of a limited liability company, the following conditions shall be simultaneously met:
   第十条 设立有限责任公司形式的保险公估机构应同时具备下列条件:
(1)Having not less than 2 but not more than 50 shareholders;
(2)Having the articles of association that meet the statutory requirements;
(3)Having an actually paid registered capital of not less than 500, 000 yuan;
(4)Having a name of the partnership enterprise, and an organization and domicile that meet the statutory requirements;
(5) The holders of Qualification Certificate for the Insurance Assessment Practitioner (hereinafter referred to as the Qualification Certificate) shall constitute no less than two thirds of the staff;
(6) Having senior managers who conform to the provisions of the CIRC on the administration of post-holding qualifications; and
(7)Other conditions as listed in the laws and administrative regulations.
Article 11 Where an insurance assessment institution is to be set up in the form of stock limited company, the following conditions shall be satisfied simultaneously:
   第十一条 设立股份有限公司形式的保险公估机构应同时具备下列条件:
(1)Having 5 or more promoters who meet the statutory requirements;
(2)Having the articles of association that meet the statutory requirements;
(3)Having an actually paid registered capital of not less than 10 million yuan;
(4)Having a partnership enterprise name, organization and domicile that meet the statutory requirements;
(5) The holders of Qualification Certificate for the Insurance Assessment Practitioner (hereinafter referred to as the Qualification Certificate) shall constitute no less than two thirds of the staff;
(6) Having senior managers who conform to the provisions of the CIRC on the administration of post-holding qualifications; and
(7)Other conditions as listed in the laws and administrative regulations.
Article 12 The name of an insurance brokering institution or branch shall contain the words "insurance assessment".
   第十二条 保险公估机构的法定名称中应当包含“保险公估”字样。
Article 13 An entity or individual who is banned from investing in enterprises by any law or administrative regulation, or provisions of the CIRC, shall not act as a shareholder, promoter or partner of an insurance assessment institution.
   第十三条 依据有关法律、行政法规和中国保监会的规定不能投资于保险公估机构的单位和个人,不得成为保险公估机构的股东、发起人或合伙人。
Article 14 The post-holding qualifications of the senior managers of an insurance assessment institution shall be subject to the review of the CIRC.
The senior managers of an insurance assessment institution as mentioned in these Provisions include the chairman of the board of directors, general manager, vice general manager or major person-in-charge of the partnership enterprise.
The contents and methods for the review of the post-holding qualifications of a candidate senior manager of an insurance assessment institution shall include the review of the application materials, inspection interviews, examination, etc. Minutes shall be taken at each inspection interview and shall be signed by both the inspector and candidate. The application materials, minutes of the inspection interview and examination results shall be an important basis for the review of the post-holding qualifications of the candidate and shall, along with the review opinions of the CIRC on the post-holding qualifications of the candidate, be kept in the post-holding qualification archives of the candidate.
   第十四条 保险公估机构高级管理人员的任职资格由中国保监会审查。
Article 15 A senior manager of an insurance assessment institution shall not only hold a Qualification Certificate, but also satisfy either of the following requirements:
   第十五条 保险公估机构的高级管理人员除应持有《资格证书》外,还应符合下列条件之一:
(1)Having an undergraduate diploma or above in economics, finance, science and engineering, or law, and having been engaged in insurance assessment or other relevant work for 3 or more years;
(2)Having an undergraduate diploma or above in a specialty other than economics, finance, science and engineering, or law, and having been engaged in insurance assessment or other relevant work for 5 or more years.
If he has been engaged in insurance assessment or other relevant work for 10 years or more, the restriction on education background may be properly relaxed.
Article 16 The establishment of an insurance assessment institution is divided into the preparatory establishment and business-start stages.
   第十六条 保险公估机构的设立分为筹建和开业两个阶段。
Article 17 When applying for the preparatory establishment of an insurance assessment institution, the applicant shall submit the following materials to the CIRC:
   第十七条 申请筹建保险公估机构,申请人应向中国保监会提交下列材料:
(1)An application for preparatory establishment;
(2)A feasibility report about the preparatory establishment, which shall contain the market analysis, proposal for the development of the institution, recent 3-year business development plan and a forecast of profits;
(3)The organizational framework, including the capital, stock right structure or proportions of capital contributions, organizational structure and practitioners;
(4)A plan on the preparatory establishment;
(5)The name list and photocopies of the ID cards of the persons involved in the preparatory establishment;
(6)A resume of the person-in-charge of the preparatory establishment and a statement of having no record of criminal offence or other bad records that is personally signed by the said person-in-charge; and
(7) Other materials as required by laws and administrative regulations.
Article 18 The person in charge of the preparatory establishment of an insurance assessment institution shall meet the following conditions:
   第十八条 保险公估机构筹建负责人应当符合下列条件:
(1) Having a junior college or higher education background;
(2) Having experiences of working in the insurance brokering or other relevant businesses; and
(3) Having no record of criminal offence or other bad records.
Article 19 The CIRC shall, within 30 days after it receives the preparatory establishment materials that conform to the relevant requirements, notify the applicant in writing of acceptance or rejection. If it rejects them in accordance with the law, it shall make an explanation. If it accepts them in accordance with the law, it shall review them under these Provisions, make a decision of approval or disapproval of the preparatory establishment within 6 months after it receives the aforesaid materials, and shall notify the applicant of its decision in writing. If it disapproves the preparatory establishment, it shall make an explanation.
   第十九条 中国保监会自收到符合要求的筹建材料之日起,在三十天内书面通知申请人是否受理。依法拒绝受理的,应说明理由;依法予以受理的,依据本规定进行审查,自收到材料之日起六个月内向筹建申请人作出是否批准筹建的决定,并书面通知申请人。不批准筹建的,应说明理由。
Article 20 If the CIRC approves the preparatory establishment of an insurance assessment institution, a preparatory establishment group shall be formed, which shall finish the preparatory establishment within 6 months as of the date of approval. In the event that the preparatory establishment hasn't been finished or fails to meet the requirements for business start when the time limit expires, the original approval document shall be invalidated automatically.
During the period of preparatory establishment, the insurance assessment institution shall not be engaged in any insurance assessment business.
   第二十条 经中国保监会批准筹建保险公估机构的,应当成立筹备组,并于批准之日起六个月内完成筹建工作;逾期未完成筹建工作或未达到开业标准的,原批准文件自动失效。
Article 21 After the applicant finishes the preparatory establishment, it shall file an application with the CIRC for starting business and shall submit the following materials:
   第二十一条 完成筹建工作的,申请人可向中国保监会提出开业申请,并提交下列材料:
(1) An application for starting business;
(2)The articles of association;
(3)The internal control system, including the rules concerning the organizational framework, procedures for decision-making, business operations, financial affairs and personnel, etc.;
(4)The materials of the senior managers submitted for review;
(5)A roster of the employees, the photocopies of the Qualification Certificate and ID cards of the employees;
(6)A register of the shareholders or partners, photocopies of the business licenses of the legal-person shareholders, financial statements of the legal-person shareholders for the recent 3 years that have been affixed with the financial cachet of the said shareholders, and photocopies of the ID cards of the natural-person shareholders;
(7)A capital verification report issued by an accounting firm, photocopies of the original vouchers for the capital payments into the designated account;
(8)Preparation of computer software and hardware;
(9)Certificates of the use right or ownership of the business site;
(10) A Notice of Advance Approval of Enterprise Name as issued by the competent administration for industry and commerce;
(11) Other materials as required by the CIRC.
Article 22 The CIRC shall, within 30 days after it receives the application materials for starting business that conform to the relevant requirements, carry out relevant checks, and shall, within 3 months, make a decision of approval or disapproval and notify the applicant of the decision in writing.
   第二十二条 中国保监会自接到符合要求的开业申请材料之日起三十天内进行验收,在三个月内作出是否批准的决定,并书面通知开业申请人。

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