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Notice of the Supreme People's Court on Issuing Some Opinions of the Supreme People's Court about Providing Judicial Protection for the Construction of Socialist Harmonious Society [Effective]
最高人民法院印发《最高人民法院关于为构建社会主义和谐社会提供司法保障的若干意见》的通知 [现行有效]
Notice of the Supreme People's Court on Issuing Some Opinions of the Supreme People's Court about Providing Judicial Protection for the Construction of Socialist Harmonious Society
(No. 2 [2007] of the Supreme People's Court)
The local people's courts at all levels, the military courts at all levels, the railway intermediate courts and grass-roots courts, the maritime courts all over the country, and the courts at all levels in Sinkiang Production and Construction Corps.,
During the process of comprehensively building a well-off society and constructing a socialist harmonious society, the people's courts assume a significant historical mission. In order to better implement the strategic deployment of the CPC Central Committee, fully bring the functions of people's courts into play and provide powerful judicial protection for the construction of socialist harmonious society, the Supreme People's Court has formulated Some Opinions of the Supreme People's Court about Providing Judicial Protection for the Construction of Socialist Harmonious Society, which are hereby printed and distributed to you, please seriously implement them in the trial work by considering the actuality.
January 15, 2007
Some Opinions of the Supreme People's Court about Providing Judicial Protection for the Construction of Socialist Harmonious Society
The Sixth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee has made the Decision on Some Important Issues about Constructing a Socialist Harmonious Society, which is a significant strategic deployment of the CPC Central Committee, with Comrade Hu Jintao as the general secretary, for comprehensively building a well-off society and accelerating the promotion of socialist modernization cause. In order to better implement the Decision, fully bring the functions of people's courts into play and provide powerful judicial protection for the construction of a socialist harmonious society, the following opinions are hereby put forward:


I. The Provision of Judicial Protection for the Construction of Socialist Harmonious Society Is a Significant Historical Mission of the People's Courts.
1. The socialist harmonious society is a society of democracy, rule by law, fairness, equity, good faith, friendship, vigor, stability, orderliness and harmonious existence between human and the nature. These basic features of a harmonious society have closely related with the work of the people's courts. The fundamental duties of the people's courts are to solve social conflicts, maintain social stability, guarantee economic development, promote social harmony, and realize fairness and equity. The people's courts are not only a building force of harmonious society but also a protection force of harmonious society, and shoulder a significant historical mission during the course of constructing a socialist harmonious society.
2. The strategic deployment for constructing a socialist harmonious society has put forward higher and newer requirements, added more and harder tasks and given larger and heavier duties to the people's courts. Along with deep social changes, a lot of acute and complicated social conflicts are turning into crimes, civil disputes and administrative disputes and are entering into the judicial field, and a number of deep conflicts and problems touched during the reform process need to be solved by judicial procedures. The process for the people's courts to provide judicial protection for harmonious society is a continuous process of exercising functions, resolving conflicts and promoting the harmony. In order to fulfill the important tasks to be assumed, the people's courts shall change ideas and viewpoints, enhance work criteria, focus on and be dedicated to social harmony, and take the provision of judicial protection to harmonious society as a long-term historical mission and an important issue.
II. Guidelines, Targets, Missions and Basic Principles
3. For providing judicial protection for the construction of socialist harmonious society, it is imperative to adhere to Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thoughts of “Three Represents”, fulfill the scientific viewpoint of development in an all-around way, follow the guidelines of “equity justice and serving the people wholeheartedly” and the themes of “fairness and efficiency”, take the resolution of social conflicts as the point of cut-in, the guarantee of social stability as the point of strength, the maintenance of the people's interests as the point of departure, and the protection of judicial justice as the base point, strengthen judicial protection, and endeavor to provide a stable and orderly social environment and an equity, efficient and authoritative environment of rule by law for the socialist harmonious society through sufficiently and effectively exerting functions, adding as many harmonious factors as possible and reducing as many disharmonious factors as possible.
4. Main targets and tasks for providing judicial protection for the construction of socialist harmonious society are: up to 2020, the socialist trial system and working mechanism will be more perfect, the judicial activities will be more impartial, efficient and authoritative; the judicial functions of maintaining fairness and equity and promoting harmonious social and economic development will be more healthy; the judicial means for resolving social conflicts will be more diverse, and the judicial methods will be more convenient; the judicial protection of human rights will be more sufficient, the litigation rights of the people will be practically respected and safeguarded; the openness and transparency of justice will be evidently enhanced, and the construction of judicial democracy will be fundamentally completed; the quality of judges will be remarkably enhanced, and the professionalism of judges will be fundamentally realized; and the protection ability and level will be remarkably strengthened, and the judicial requirements of the harmonious society will be further met.
5. For providing judicial protection for the construction of a socialist harmonious society, the following principles shall be observed: firstly, adhering to equity justice, and always regarding the equity justice as the soul and life of all the work of the people's courts as well as a basic task of the provision of judicial protection, adhering to trial independence and neutrality, adhering to equal protection, and doing the best to maintain and realize social fairness and justice through fair, efficient and authoritative enforcement of laws; secondly, adhering to serving the people wholeheartedly, and always taking the protection of basic interests of the vast people as the starting point and standing point of all the work of the people's courts as well as the basic contents for the provision of judicial protection, and properly handling the issues involving the most cared, the most direct and the most realistic interests of the people; thirdly, adhering to serving the overall situation, and always taking the protection of stable overall situation of reform and development as the central task of all the work of the people's courts as well as the basic way for providing the protection, bringing the functions into full play, and creating a good environment of rule by law; and fourthly, adhering to the CPC's leadership, and always taking the CPC's leadership as the political requirement of all the work of the people's courts as well as the basic guarantee for providing the protection, voluntarily accepting the supervision of the people's congress and its standing committee, and retaining the courts' political quality of being dedicated to the CPC, the country, the people and the law for ever.
III. Resolving Social Conflicts and Promoting Social Harmony
6. Correctly handling the cases involving marriage and family and the cases involving the disputes between neighbors, and promoting the harmony of marriage, family and neighborhood. When handling the cases involving the disputes over marriage or family, the people's courts shall advocate such traditional merits as marriage freedom, equality between men and women, respecting the elderly and taking good care of the young, and mutual support, and impose punishments in the case of such illegal acts as family violence, abandoning or mistreating of the elderly or the children and the failure to fulfill the obligation of support or bring-up. When handling the dispute over neighborhood, the people's courts shall advocate morals and customs such as mutual respect, mutual support, cherishing the environment and civilized behaviors, and lawfully punish the illegal acts of destroying the environment or damaging public property, etc.
7. Properly trying the cases involving farmers and maintaining the social harmony of the countryside. The people's courts shall strengthen the work on filing, trial and implementation of the cases involving farmers, further facilitate the litigation of farmers; hear various cases involving the disputes over rural land contracting, and maintain the rights and interests of farmers to various land contracting businesses; hear the administrative cases involving arbitrary collection of fees, arbitrary apportionment, land expropriation, relocation and compensation, and other administrative cases involving farmers, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of farmers; and impose punishments in the case of the crime of producing or selling counterfeited or inferior pesticides, animal medicine or seeds or damaging the interests of farmers, or destroying the election or endangering the rural democratic administration, and maintain normal economic, social and living order of the countryside.
8. Properly trying the cases involving labor disputes and maintaining a harmonious labor relationship. The people's courts shall actively accept the cases involving the default or retaining of wages by enterprises and other cases involving the infringement upon the legitimate rights and interests of laborers, regulate the use of laborers by enterprises, promote the growth and perfection of labor force market; strengthen the protection of legitimate rights and interests of migration workers, and ensure that they could obtain their labor remunerations in a timely manner.

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