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Measures for the Bid Invitation and Bid Tendering for Construction and Engineering Projects [Revised]
工程建设项目施工招标投标办法 [已被修订]
Order of the State Development Planning Commission, the Ministry of Construction, the Ministry of Railway, the Ministry of Communications, the Ministry of Information Industry, the Ministry of Water Resources and Civil Aviation Administration of China
In order to regulate the bid invitation activities for construction of engineering projects and in accordance with the Bidding Law of the People's Republic of China and the division of functions of the relevant departments under the State Council, the State Development Planning Commission, the Ministry of Construction, the Ministry of Railway, the Ministry of Communications, the Ministry of Information Industry, the Ministry of Water Resources and Civil Aviation Administration of China adopted the Measures for the Bid Invitation and Bid Tendering for Construction of Engineer Projects through discussion, which are hereby promulgated and shall come into force on May 1, 2003.
Zeng Peiyan, Director of the State Development Planning Commission
Wang Guangtao, Minister of the Ministry of Construction
Fu Zhihuan, Minister of the Ministry of Railway
Zhang Chunxian, Minister of the Ministry of Communications
Wu Jichuang, Minister of the Ministry of Information Industry
Wang Sucheng, Minister of the Ministry of Water Resources
Yang Yuanyuan, Director of the Civil Aviation Administration of China
March 8, 2003
Measures for the Bid Invitation and Bid Tendering for Construction and Engineering Projects



Chapter 1 General Provisions
 第一章 总则
Article 1 In order to regulate the bid invitation activities for construction of engineering projects (hereinafter referred to as project construction), the present Measures are enacted in accordance with the Bidding Law of the People's Republic of China and the division of functions of the relevant departments under the State Council.
   第一条 为规范工程建设项目施工(以下简称工程施工)招标投标活动,根据《中华人民共和国招标投标法》和国务院有关部门的职责分工,制定本办法。
Article 2 Any activities of bid invitation for project construction within the People's Republic of China shall be governed by the present Measures.
   第二条 在中华人民共和国境内进行工程施工招标投标活动,适用本办法。
Article 3 The engineering projects that comply with the scope and standards fixed by the Provisions on the Tendering Scope and Scale Standards of Engineering Projects (Order No.3 of the State Development Planning Commission) must select the construction entities through bid invitation.
No entity or individual may split a project subject to bid invitation pursuant to law into parts, or avoid the bid invitation by any other means.
   第三条 工程建设项目符合《工程建设项目招标范围和规模标准规定》(国家计委令第3号)规定的范围和标准的,必须通过招标选择施工单位。
Article 4 The principles of openness, fairness, justice and good faith must be observed in the activities of bid invitation for project construction.
   第四条 工程施工招标投标活动应当遵循公开、公平、公正和诚实信用的原则。
Article 5 The activities of bid invitation for project construction shall be under the charge of the tenderee pursuant to law. No entity or individual may, by any means, illegally intervene with the activities of bid invitation for project construction.
The activities of bid invitation for project construction shall not be restricted on the ground of areas or departments.
   第五条 工程施工招标投标活动,依法由招标人负责。任何单位和个人不得以任何方式非法干涉工程施工招标投标活动。
Article 6 The departments of development planning, economy and trade, construction, railway, communications, information industry, water resources, foreign trade and economic cooperation, and civil aviation, etc. at various levels shall, according to the division of their functions set forth by the Circular of the General Office of the State Council on Distributing the Opinions on the Division of Functions of the Relevant Departments under the State Council in Administrative Supervision over Bidding Activities (Docket No.34 [2000] of the General Office of the State Council) and by the localities, supervise the project construction bid invitation activities, and investigate and punish the illegal acts therein pursuant to law.
   第六条 各级发展计划、经贸、建设、铁道、交通、信息产业、水利、外经贸、民航等部门依照《国务院办公厅印发国务院有关部门实施招标投标活动行政监督的职责分工意见的通知》(国办发[2000]34号)和各地规定的职责分工,对工程施工招标投标活动实施监督,依法查处工程施工招标投标活动中的违法行为。
Chapter 2 Invitation to Tender
 第二章 招标
Article 7 The tenderee of project construction shall be the legal person or other organization that proposes the project of construction bid invitation and that invite tenders pursuant to law.
   第七条 工程施工招标人是依法提出施工招标项目、进行招标的法人或者其他组织。
Article 8 An engineering project subject to bid invitation shall meet the following conditions to carry out the construction bid invitation:
   第八条 依法必须招标的工程建设项目,应当具备下列条件才能进行施工招标:
1) The tenderee has been established according to law;
2) Where examination and approval formalities are required for preliminary design and budgetary estimation, the approval has been obtained;
3) Where ratification formalities are required for the scope, method and organizational form of the bid invitation, approval has been obtained;
4) Having the corresponding fund or the source of fund has been confirmed;
5) Having the design drawings and technical materials needed for the bid invitation.
Article 9 Project construction bid invitation is divided into open bid invitation and requested bid invitation.
   第九条 工程施工招标分为公开招标和邀请招标。
Article 10 For an engineering construction subject to construction bid invitation pursuant to law, if the bid invitation shall be submitted to the department that examined and approved the project for examination and approval according to the provisions, the tenderee must submit the relevant bid invitation contents of the bid invitation in the feasibility study report to the department that examined and approved the project for ratification, such as scope, method and organizational form of bid invitation.
   第十条 依法必须进行施工招标的工程建设项目,按工程建设项目审批管理规定,凡应报送项目审批部门审批的,招标人必须在报送的可行性研究报告中将招标范围、招标方式、招标组织形式等有关招标内容报项目审批部门核准。
Article 11 Open bid invitation shall be carried out with respect to the key construction projects of the state determined by the department of development planning under the State Council, and the key construction projects of the localities determined by the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, as well as the construction projects that are completely financed by state-owned capital or in which state-owned capital occupies the controlling or dominant position; and requested bid invitation may be carried out upon approval in any of the following situations:
   第十一条 国务院发展计划部门确定的国家重点建设项目和各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府确定的地方重点建设项目,以及全部使用国有资金投资或者国有资金投资占控股或者主导地位的工程建设项目,应当公开招标;有下列情形之一的,经批准可以进行邀请招标:
1) The project needs complex technologies or has other special requirements, and there are only a few potential tenderers available for selection;
2) The project is restricted by natural and geographic environment;
3) The project involves state security, state secret or disaster rescue, and is fit for bid invitation but not for open bid invitation;
4) The value of the project is not worth the costs of the open bid invitation to be carried out;
5) Other situations that are unfit for open bid invitation as provided by laws and regulations.
Requested bid invitation for the key construction projects of the state shall be subject to the approval of the department of development planning under the State Council; and requested bid invitation for the key construction projects of the localities shall be subject to the approval of the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.
With respect to the construction projects that are completely financed by state-owned capital or in which state-owned capital occupies the controlling or dominant position and that are subject to examination and approval, the requested bid invitation shall be subject to the approval of the department that examined and approved the project, however, where that department is only in charge of examination and approval of the establishment of the project, the examination and approval shall be made by the relevant administrative supervision department.
Article 12 Where an engineering project subject to examination and approval is in any of the following situations, it may carry out no bid invitation for construction upon approval of the examination and approval department specified in Article 11 of the present Measures.
   第十二条 需要审批的工程建设项目,有下列情形之一的,由本办法第十一条规定的审批部门批准,可以不进行施工招标:
1) The project is unfit for bid invitation as it involves state security, state secret or disaster rescue;
2) The project needs the labor of farmers as it uses poverty-relief fund and replaces aid by work;
3) The main construction technologies employed involve certain patents or know-how;
4) The project is constructed and used by the construction enterprise itself, and the qualification grade of that construction enterprise meets the project requirements;
5) Where any small attached project or main body extension project is added to the project under construction, the original bid winner still have the contracting capacity;
6) Other situations provided for by laws and administrative regulations.
Where an engineering project not subject to examination and approval but subject to bid invitation is in any of the situations provided for in the preceding paragraph, it may be allowed not to carry out any bid invitation.
Article 13 In case of open bid invitation, the tenderee shall issue announcements on bid invitation, inviting unspecified legal persons or other organizations to tender bids. With respect to an engineering project subject to construction bid invitation pursuant to law, the announcement on bid invitation shall be published in the newspapers and periodicals and information networks designated by the state.
In case of requested bid invitation, the tenderee shall issue the letters of bid invitation to 3 or more specified legal persons or other organizations with the capacity to undertake the project of construction bid invitation and with good credit standing.
   第十三条 采用公开招标方式的,招标人应当发布招标公告,邀请不特定的法人或者其他组织投标。依法必须进行施工招标项目的招标公告,应当在国家指定的报刊和信息网络上发布。
Article 14 An announcement on bid invitation or letter of bid invitation shall indicate at least the following information:
   第十四条 招标公告或者投标邀请书应当至少载明下列内容:
1) Name and address of the tenderee;
2) Contents, scale and fund source of the project of bid invitation;
3) Construction place and period of the project of bid invitation;
4) Place and time for obtaining the tender documents or the preliminary qualification documents;
5) Charges collected for the tender documents or preliminary qualification documents;
6) Requirements on the qualification grade of the tenderer.
Article 15 The tenderee shall sell the tender documents or pre-qualification documents at the time and place as set forth in the announcement on bid invitation or the tender invitation. It shall be no shorter than 5 workdays from the day of sale of the tender documents or pre-qualification documents to the day of stop of the sale.
The tenderee may issue the tender documents through information networks or other medium, the tender documents issued through information networks or other medium have the same legal binding force as that of written tender documents, however, in case of inconsistence, the written tender documents shall prevail. The tenderee shall keep intact the original of the written tender documents.
The charges collected for tender documents or pre-qualification documents shall be reasonable and may not be profit-making. With respect to the design documents attached, the tenderee may collect deposits from the tenderer; where the tenderer returns the design documents after the tender is opened, the tenderee shall return the deposits to the tenderer.
Tender documents and pre-qualification documents shall not be returned after they are sold. The tenderee may not terminate the bid invitation after it has issued the announcement on bid invitation, the letters of bid invitation or has sold the tender documents or pre-qualification documents.
   第十五条 招标人应当按招标公告或者投标邀请书规定的时间、地点出售招标文件或资格预审文件。自招标文件或者资格预审文件出售之日起至停止出售之日止,最短不得少于五个工作日。
Article 16 The tenderee may, according to the characteristics and needs of the project of bid invitation itself, require potential tenderers or tendereres to provide documents for fulfillment of the qualification requirements, and make qualification examination of the potential tenderers or tendereres; where there are provisions of laws and administration regulations on the qualification of the potential tenderers or tendereres, such provisions shall be observed.
   第十六条 招标人可以根据招标项目本身的特点和需要,要求潜在投标人或者投标人提供满足其资格要求的文件,对潜在投标人或者投标人进行资格审查;法律、行政法规对潜在投标人或者投标人的资格条件有规定的,依照其规定。
Article 17 The qualification examination is divided into pre-qualification examination and post-qualification examination.
Pre-qualification examination refers to the qualification examination made on the potential tenderers before the bid invitation.
Post-qualification examination refers to the qualification examination made on the tenderers after the tender is opened.
As a general principle, no post-qualification examination will be made where a pre-qualification examination has already been made, except as otherwise provided for by the tender documents.
   第十七条 资格审查分为资格预审和资格后审。
Article 18 Where pre-qualification examination is employed, the tenderee may issue the pre-qualification announcement. The pre-qualification announcement shall be governed by the provisions of Articles 13 and 14 of the present Measures concerning the announcement on bid invitation.
Where pre-qualification examination is employed, the tenderee shall indicate in the pre-qualification documents the conditions, standards and methods of the pre-qualification examination; where post-qualification examination is employed, the tenderee shall indicate in the tender documents the conditions, standards and methods of qualification requirements on the tenderers.
The tenderee may not change the indicated qualifications and conditions, or make examination on the potential tenderers or the tenderers according to the qualifications and conditions that haven't been indicated.
   第十八条 采取资格预审的,招标人可以发布资格预审公告。资格预审公告适用本办法第十三条、第十四条有关招标公告的规定。
Article 19 After the pre-qualification examination, the tenderee shall issue a notice to those passing the examination and inform them of the time, place and method of acquiring the tender documents, and shall at the same time inform the unqualified potential tenderers of the results of the pre-qualification examination. The potential tenderers who fail the pre-qualification examination may not participate in the bid invitation.
The tenders of the tenderers who fail the post-qualification examination shall be dealt with as nullified tenders.
   第十九条 经资格预审后,招标人应当向资格预审合格的潜在投标人发出资格预审合格通知书,告知获取招标文件的时间、地点和方法,并同时向资格预审不合格的潜在投标人告知资格预审结果。资格预审不合格的潜在投标人不得参加投标。
Article 20 The qualification examination shall mainly examine whether the potential tenderers or tenderers meet the following conditions:
   第二十条 资格审查应主要审查潜在投标人或者投标人是否符合下列条件:
1) Having the independent right to conclude the contract;
2) Having the capacity to perform the contract, including professional and technical qualifications and capacity, fund, equipment and other material facilities, management capacity, experience, reputation and corresponding practicing personnel;
3) Having not been stopped from business, or deprived of the qualification for bid invitation, the property not being taken over or frozen, and having not been bankrupt;
4) Having no record of winning bids by fraudulent means or serious breach of contract or serious quality problems within the recent 3 years;
5) Other qualifications and conditions set forth by laws and administrative regulations.
In qualification examination, the tenderee may not restrict or exclude potential tenderers or tenderers by unreasonable conditions, may not apply discriminatory treatments to the potential tenderers or tenderers. No entity or individual may restrict the number of tenderers by administrative means or other unreasonable methods.
Article 21 If the tenderee meets the conditions for self bid invitation provided for by law, it may handle the bid invitation by itself. No entity or individual may enforce the tenderee to commission any bid invitation agency to handle the bid invitation.
   第二十一条 招标人符合法律规定的自行招标条件的,可以自行办理招标事宜。任何单位和个人不得强制其委托招标代理机构办理招标事宜。
Article 22 A bid invitation agency may undertake the following bid invitation matters within the scope of its qualification grade:
   第二十二条 招标代理机构应当在招标人委托的范围内承担招标事宜。招标代理机构可以在其资格等级范围内承担下列招标事宜:
1) Drafting the bid invitation scheme, drawing up and selling the tender documents and pre-qualification documents;
2) Examining the qualification of the tenderers;
3) Setting the base amount of the tender;
4) Organizing the tenderers to make on-sport surveys;
5) Organizing the tender opening, and tender evaluation, and assisting the tenderee in determination of the bid winner;
6) Drafting the contract;
7) Other matters commissioned by the tenderee.
A bid invitation agency may not act as the agent without authorization or beyond the authorization, and may not accept the commission when it is fully aware that the commissioned matters are against the law.
A bid invitation agency may not accept commissions or provide bid invitation consultation for the same bid invitation project, and may not transfer the bid invitation commission without consent of the tenderee.
Article 23 A project bid invitation agency shall conclude a written commission contract with the tenderee, and take the agency fee according to the standards agreed upon by the two parties; if the state has any provisions on the charging standards, such provisions shall be observed.
   第二十三条 工程招标代理机构与招标人应当签订书面委托合同,并按双方约定的标准收取代理费;国家对收费标准有规定的,依照其规定。
Article 24 The tenderee shall formulate the tender documents pursuant to the characteristics and needs of the construction project. Generally, the tender documents shall include:
   第二十四条 招标人根据施工招标项目的特点和需要编制招标文件。招标文件一般包括下列内容:
1) Tender invitation;
2) Instruction to tenderer;
3) Main terms of the contract;
4) Format of the tender documents;
5) In case of tender by project quantity list, the project quantity list shall be provided;
6) Technical terms;
7) Design drawings;
8) Standards and methods of tender evaluation;
9) Subsidiary tender materials.
The tenderee shall provide for in the tender documents the substantial requirements and conditions, and shall indicate them in an eye-catching way.
Article 25 The tenderee may require the tenderers to submit alternative tender schemes other than the tenders meeting the requirements of the tender documents, however, explanation shall be made in the tender documents, and corresponding evaluation and comparison measures shall be stated.
   第二十五条 招标人可以要求投标人在提交符合招标文件规定要求的投标文件外,提交备选投标方案,但应当在招标文件中作出说明,并提出相应的评审和比较办法。
Article 26 The technical standards provided for in the tender documents shall meet the compulsory standards of the state.
The technical standards provided for in the tender documents may not require or indicate a certain patent, trademark, name, design, place of origin or supplier, neither may they contain any other contents that have preference towards or that exclude any potential tenderer. Where the tenderee must quote the technical standards of a supplier to correctly or clearly explain the technical standards of the bid invitation project, it shall add the words “or an equivalent to” after the references.
   第二十六条 招标文件规定的各项技术标准应符合国家强制性标准。
Article 27 Where a bid invitation construction project needs to be divided into sections and have the construction periods determined, the tenderee shall reasonably divide the tender sections and determine the construction periods, and indicate them in the tender documents. The project units with close technical connections and that are indivisible may not be divided into sections.
The tenderee may not restrict or exclude any potential tenderer or tenderere by unreasonable tender sections or construction periods.
   第二十七条 施工招标项目需要划分标段、确定工期的,招标人应当合理划分标段、确定工期,并在招标文件中载明。对工程技术上紧密相联、不可分割的单位工程不得分割标段。
Article 28 The tender documents shall expressly provide for all the tender evaluation factors other than the price, as well as how to quantify these factors or how to make the evaluation according to such factors.
The tender evaluation standards, methods and conditions for bid winning may not be changed during the tender evaluation.
   第二十八条 招标文件应当明确规定评标时除价格以外的所有评标因素,以及如何将这些因素量化或者据以进行评估。
Article 29 The tender documents shall fix an appropriate valid period for bid invitation, thus to ensure that the tenderee have enough time to finish the tender evaluation and sign the contract with the bid winner. The valid period for bid invitation shall be start on the deadline for the submission of tenders.
   第二十九条 招标文件应当规定一个适当的投标有效期,以保证招标人有足够的时间完成评标和与中标人签订合同。投标有效期从投标人提交投标文件截止之日起计算。

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