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Accounting Measures for Donation Transfer in Projects Financed by Foreign Government Capital Donation [Expired]
外国政府赠款项目转赠会计核算办法(试行) [失效]
Accounting Measures for Donation Transfer in Projects Financed by Foreign Government Capital Donation
(Docket No.179 [2002] of the Ministry of Finance December 14, 2002)

(2002年12月14日 财金[2002]179号)

Chapter 1 General Provisions

第一章 总则

Article 1 These Measures are enacted to regulate the accounting work in projects financed by foreign government capital donation.
   第一条 为规范外国政府赠款项目会计核算工作,制定本办法。
Article 2 These Measures shall apply to the capital donation projects (hereinafter referred to as donation projects) managed by the donation transfer institutions as referred to in the Measures for Financial Management of Donation Transfer in Projects Financed by Foreign Government Capital Donation (Trial). These Measures may be referred to with regard to the donation projects managed by other institutions.
   第二条 本办法适用于《外国政府赠款项目转赠财务管理办法(试行)》中所指转赠机构管理的赠款项目。其他机构管理的赠款项目可参照本办法执行。
Article 3 A donation transfer institution shall set up independent accounts and carry out independent accounting for the donation projects under its management, taking such projects as the accounting entities.
   第三条 转赠机构对其管理的赠款项目以赠款项目为会计主体,独立建账、独立核算。
Article 4 A fiscal year shall start on January 1 and end on December 31 of the Gregorian calendar.
   第四条 会计年度自公历1月1日起至12月31日止。
Article 5 Debit-credit book keeping shall be employed in the account keeping.
   第五条 会计记账采用借贷记账法。
Article 6 Renminbi (RMB) shall be the currency used in book keeping in the accounting.
   第六条 会计核算以人民币为记账本位币。
Article 7 A donation transfer institution shall employ accrual basis accounting for the donation projects under its management.
   第七条 转赠机构管理的赠款项目会计核算以权责发生制为基础。
Article 8 A donation transfer institution shall finish the annual financial accounting report within 3 months after the end of a fiscal year, and submit that report to the Ministry of Finance.
   第八条 转赠机构管理的赠款项目年度财务会计报告应于年度终了后3个月内完成,并向财政部报送。
Article 9 The accounting treatments shall be consistent in all the phases and may not be changed at will. If any change is really necessary, the change, reason and the impact to the accounting statements shall be explained in the explanatory statements on financial condition.
   第九条 会计处理方法前后各期应当一致,不得随意变更。如确有必要变更的,应将变更的情况、原因和对会计报表的影响在财务情况说明书中说明。
Article 10 A donation transfer institution shall set up and use the accounts in accordance with the provisions of these Measures.
   第十条 转赠机构应按本办法的规定,设置和使用会计科目。
Chapter 2 Name and Number of the Accounts

第二章 会计科目名称及编号

Article 11 A donation transfer institution shall set up the following accounts for the donation projects under its management:


Account Title


Account Title

1. Assets

2. Debts


Cash on Hand




Cash in Bank


Advance Collections



3. Net Assets


Specific Capital



5. Expenditure

4. Income


Donation Capital Transferred out


Donation Capital Transferred in


Match Capital Transferred out


Match Capital Transferred in


Other Expenses


Interest Income

   第十一条 转赠机构管理的赠款项目应设置以下会计科目:
│  编号  │  科目名称  │  编号  │  科目名称   │
│      │ 一、资产类  │      │ 二、负债类   │
│  101  │ 现金     │  201  │ 应付款项    │
│  102  │ 银行存款   │  202  │ 预收款项    │
│  103  │ 应收款项   │      │ 三、净资产类  │
│      │        │  301  │ 专用资金    │
│      │        │  302  │ 结余      │
│      │ 五、支出类  │      │ 四、收入类   │
│  501  │ 拨出赠款   │  401  │ 拨入赠款    │
│  502  │ 拨出配套资金 │  402  │ 拨入配套资金  │
│  503  │ 其他支出   │  403  │ 利息收入    │

Chapter 3 Instructions on the Use of Accounts

第三章 会计科目使用说明

Article 12 Instructions on use of the accounts set up by a donation transfer institution are as follows:
101 Cash on Hand
   第十二条 转赠机构设置的会计科目使用说明如下:
101 现金
1. This account shall be used for recording the cash on hand of the donation project.
2. The cash received shall be debited to this account and be credited to the relevant accounts; the cash used or deposited in bank shall be debited to the relevant accounts and be credited to this account.
3. A “Cash Journal” shall be set up, on which the cashier shall record the daily cash transactions item by item in chronological order based on the receipt and payment vouchers. At the closing of each day, the sum of cash income, the sum and balance of cash expenditure of the current day shall be calculated, and the balance shall be checked against the actual cash on hand, thus to guarantee the consistence of the capital and accounts.
102 Cash in Bank
102 银行存款
1. This account shall be used for recording the cash deposited in the bank of the donation projects.
2. The cash deposited shall be debited to this account and be credited to the relevant accounts. The cash withdrawn or expended shall be debited to the relevant accounts and be credited to this account.

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