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Provisions on the Emergency Response and Disposition for Serious Emergencies in the Insurance Sector [Expired]
保险业重大突发事件应急处理规定 [失效]
Provisions on the Emergency Response and Disposition for Serious Emergencies in the Insurance Sector
(Order No. 3 of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission, December 18, 2003)

(中国保险监督管理委员会第3号令 2003年12月18日)

Chapter I General Provisions

第一章 总则

Article 1 These Provisions are developed for the purposes of effectively preventing and responding in a timely manner to serious emergencies in the insurance sector (hereinafter referred to as “serious emergencies”), maintaining social stability, ensuring the normal operation of the insurance sector, and performing economic compensation and social management functions.
   第一条 为了有效预防、及时应对保险业重大突发事件(以下简称“重大突发事件”),维护社会安定,确保保险业正常运行,及时履行经济补偿和社会管理职能,制定本规定。
Article 2 For the purposes of these Provisions, “serious emergencies” means the sudden natural disasters and serious accidents that are related to the insurance sector and may seriously affect or compromise the normal operation of the insurance sector, the solvency of insurance companies, and the social stability and the other serious events for which the insurance regulatory authorities deem it necessary to implement the emergency response and disposition mechanisms.
   第二条 本规定所称重大突发事件,是指与保险业相关的、突然发生的,可能严重影响或者危及保险业正常运行、保险公司偿付能力和社会安定的自然灾害、重大意外事故以及其他保险监督管理机构认为应当采取应急处理机制的重大事件。
Article 3 The China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC) shall be the competent authority for the emergency response and disposition for serious emergencies, responsible for guiding the local offices of the CIRC and insurance companies in establishing the reporting rules for serious emergencies and preparing the emergency response plans for serious emergencies (hereinafter referred to as the “reporting rules” and “emergency response plan” respectively) and responsible for conducting supervisory inspection of the local offices of the CIRC and insurance companies on the prevention, reporting, emergency response, and disposition of serious emergencies.
   第三条 中国保险监督管理委员会(以下简称“中国保监会”)为重大突发事件应急处理的主管机关,负责指导中国保监会派出机构(以下简称“保监会派出机构”)、保险公司建立重大突发事件应急报告制度和制定重大突发事件应急预案(以下简称“报告制度”和“应急预案”),负责监督、检查保监会派出机构、保险公司重大突发事件的预防、报告和应急处理工作。
Article 4 The CIRC, the local offices of the CIRC, insurance companies, and the branch offices of insurance companies (hereinafter referred to as “all entities”) shall adhere to the guideline of focusing on prevention and being alert at all time, implement the principles of unified leadership, hierarchical responsibilities, timely response, appropriate measures, and strengthened cooperation, and in consideration of their respective actual circumstances or the respective local actual circumstances, scientifically and rationally establish reporting rules and prepare emergency response plans according to the law.
   第四条 中国保监会、保监会派出机构、保险公司和保险公司所属分支机构(以下简称“各单位”)应当遵循预防为主、常备不懈的方针,贯彻统一领导、分级负责、反应及时、措施到位、加强合作的原则,结合本单位或者当地实际情况,依法、科学、合理地建立报告制度和制定应急预案。
Article 5 The local offices of the CIRC shall, in consideration of the actual circumstances of their respective jurisdictions, be responsible for guiding the branch offices of insurance companies within their respective jurisdictions in establishing reporting rules and preparing emergency response plans, and conduct supervisory inspection on their effective prevention, reporting, and emergency response and disposition.
   第五条 保监会派出机构应当结合辖区实际情况,负责指导辖区内保险公司分支机构建立报告制度、制定应急预案,监督、检查辖区内保险公司分支机构做好应对重大突发事件的预防、报告和应急处理工作。
Article 6 An insurance company shall, in consideration of its actual circumstances, be responsible for guiding its branch offices in establishing reporting rules and preparing emergency response plans, and manage and coordinate them in the emergency response and disposition for serious emergencies.
   第六条 保险公司应当结合公司实际情况,负责指导其所属分支机构建立报告制度和制定应急预案,管理和协调其所属分支机构处理重大突发事件应急处理工作。
Article 7 All entities shall strengthen the early warning and monitoring work on serious emergencies.
The CIRC shall support insurance companies and its local offices in establishing early warning, monitoring, response, and disposition systems for serious emergencies, and conduct exchange and cooperation on technologies for the disposition of serious emergencies.
   第七条 各单位应当加强对重大突发事件的预警和监测工作。
Chapter II Reporting and Information Disclosure

第二章 报告和信息发布

Article 8 The General Office of the CIRC shall be the standing office of the CIRC for processing information on serious emergencies, responsible for receiving and processing information on serious emergencies reported by the local offices of the CIRC and insurance companies.
The local offices of the CIRC, insurance companies, and the branch offices of insurance companies shall, in the reporting rules, specify the offices or comprehensive management departments of them as the special divisions responsible for the reporting of serious emergencies.
   第八条 中国保监会办公厅是中国保监会处理重大突发事件信息的常设机构,负责保监会派出机构、保险公司重大突发事件信息报告的接收和处理工作。
Article 9 After the occurrence of a serious emergency, the relevant local offices of the CIRC, insurance companies, and branch offices of insurance companies shall actively implement the reporting rules.
   第九条 重大突发事件发生后,相关保监会派出机构、保险公司及.其分支机构应当主动实施报告制度。
Article 10 The local offices of the CIRC and insurance companies shall, in a timely manner, report to the General Office of the CIRC a serious emergency under any of the following circumstances:
   第十条 符合下列规定情形之一的重大突发事件,保监会派出机构、保险公司应当及时向中国保监会办公厅报告:
(1) Food, typhoon, earthquake, or any other serious natural disaster, a serious fire disaster, or a serious work safety or traffic safety accident occurs, causing losses to the insured property in the amount of 50 million yuan or more or causing claims payment for human casualties in the amount of 30 million yuan or more.
(2) A group disease, serious food poisoning, or any other public health incident occurs, which has a significant social impact and may cause large-scale insurance claims.
(3) There is a payment crisis in the cash flow of an insurance company, or the solvency of an insurance company deteriorates suddenly, which may lead to the bankruptcy of the insurance company.
(4) A systematic failure occurs in the computer system of an insurance company, causing the loss of a great deal of client data and information.
(5) 100 or more insurance applicants or insurance salespersons file complaints together with higher authorities, sit in, or conduct other radical activities; or the number of them is less than 100, but its impact is very adverse.
(6) 100 or more insurance applicants cancel insurance together or lodge a lawsuit together against an insurance company.
(7) An insurance company seriously violates any law or regulation in the process of underwriting or utilization of funds, raising wide concerns from news media and the general public.
(8) The overseas parent company of a foreign-funded insurance company encounters a severe crisis, which seriously affects its operations within China.
(9) The senior executives of an insurance company suddenly resign collectively, disappear, are involved in any serious accident, or are subject to compulsory measures taken by judicial authorities for suspected involvement in any crime.
(10) Other serious emergencies that seriously compromise the insurance sector or that are related to the insurance sector and have a significant impact on and cause serious harm to the society.
The range and standards of regional serious emergencies shall be prescribed by the local offices of the CIRC according to the actual local circumstances.
Article 11 The reporting of common serious accidents other than serious emergencies shall be conducted according to the relevant provisions issued by the CIRC.
Where any provisions issued by the State Council involve the reporting of serious emergencies, the reporting entity shall also comply with such provisions.
   第十一条 重大突发事件以外的一般重大事故的报告,按照中国保监会相关规定办理。
Article 12 The reporting of a serious emergency shall cover:
   第十二条 重大突发事件的报告应当包括以下主要内容:
(1) the time, nature, and affected area of the serious emergency;
(2) the losses or possible losses incurred by or the effects or possible effects on an insurance company;
(3) The emergency response measures already taken or to be taken; and
(4) Other information that shall be reported.
Article 13 After the occurrence of a serious emergency, an insurance company shall report the serious emergency without delay to the General Office of the CIRC, and submit further reports at any time on the developments of the emergency and verification of relevant information.
   第十三条 重大突发事件发生后,保险公司应当在第一时间向中国保监会办公厅报告重大突发事件的情况,并随时补充报告事态发展和核实情况。

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