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Interim Provisions on the Investigation of Electric Power Generation Accidents [Effective]
电力生产事故调查暂行规定 [现行有效]
Order of the State Power Regulatory Commission
(No. 4)
The Interim Provisions on the Investigation of Electric Power Generation Accidents, which were adopted at the office meeting of the chairman of the State Power Regulatory Commission, are hereby promulgated, and shall come into force as of March 1st, 2005.
Chairman Chai Songyue
December 28, 2004
Interim Provisions on the Investigation of Electric Power Generation Accidents


主席 柴松岳


Chapter I General Provisions

第一章 总则

Article 1 The present Provisions are formulated for the purpose of reporting, investigating, making statistics and handling electric power generation accidents in a timely manner and regulating the administration and investigation of electric power generation accidents.
   第一条 为了及时报告、调查、统计、处理电力生产事故,规范电力生产事故管理和调查行为,制定本规定。
Article 2 The task of investigation into electric power generation accidents shall be: implementing the guidelines of “safety first, focusing on prevention”, summarizing experiences and lessons, making research on the rules of electric power generation accidents, and taking precautious measures to prevent and reduce the occurrence of electric power generation accidents.
   第二条 电力生产事故调查的任务是贯彻安全第一、预防为主的方针,总结经验教训,研究电力生产事故规律,采取预防措施,防止和减少电力生产事故的发生。
Article 3 The investigation of electric power generation accidents shall be practical and realistic, respect science, and shall not be allowed to pass if the cause of the accident is not discovered, if the persons liable are not subjected to punishment, if the rectification measures have not been put into effect, or if the relevant personnel have not been educated.
   第三条 电力生产事故调查应当实事求是、尊重科学,做到事故原因未查清不放过,责任人员未处理不放过,整改措施未落实不放过,有关人员未受到教育不放过。
Article 4 Statistical reports on electric power generation accidents shall be made in a timely manner, accurately and completely. Statistical analyses on electric power generation accidents shall be combined with reliability analysis so as to make an overall appraisal of the safety level.
   第四条 电力生产事故统计报告应当及时、准确、完整。电力生产事故统计分析应当与可靠性分析相结合,全面评价安全水平。
Article 5 Any entity or individual shall have the right to report any act in violation of the present Provisions, any act of disguising any electric power generation accident or obstructing the investigation of electric power generation accidents to the State Power Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as the SERC) and its dispatched offices or the relevant departments of the government.
   第五条 任何单位和个人对违反本规定的行为、隐瞒电力生产事故或者阻碍电力生产事故调查的行为,有权向国家电力监管委员会(以下简称电监会)及其派出机构、政府有关部门举报。
Article 6 The present Provisions shall be applicable to the electric power enterprises within the territory of the People's Republic of China.
   第六条 本规定适用于中华人民共和国境内的电力企业。
Chapter II Definitions and Grades of Accidents

第二章 事故定义和级别

Article 7 In case any electric power enterprise has any personal injury or death as described in the following circumstances, it shall be regarded as having a personal injury accident of electric power generation:
   第七条 电力企业发生有下列情形之一的人身伤亡,为电力生产人身事故:
1. Any employee suffering from personal injury or death (including personal injury or death caused by power-generation-related emergency poisoning, hereinafter the same) during the process of undertaking the relevant work relating to electric power generation;
2. Any employee suffering from any traffic accident for which the enterprise itself is equally or more responsible and results in personal injury or death during the process of undertaking the relevant work relating to electric power generation; or
3. Any personnel of any other entity suffering from personal injury or death for which the enterprise itself is responsible when undertaking the relevant work relating to electric power generation within the electric power generation areas.
The relevant state provisions shall be followed for the grade listing and standards for personal accidents of electric power generation.
Article 8 In case any power grid causes any large area power failure as described in the following circumstances, it shall be deemed an extremely serious power grid accident:
   第八条 电网发生有下列情形之一的大面积停电,为特大电网事故:
1. The power supply decreasing load of any power grid of a province or autonomous region or of any regional power grid has reached one of the following numerical values:
(1) The load of the power grid is more than 20, 000 megawatts, while the power supply decreasing load is 20%;
(2) The load of the power grid is more than 10,000 megawatts but less than 20,000 megawatts, while the power supply decreasing load is 30% or 4,000 megawatts;
(3) The load of the power grid is more than 5,000 megawatts but less than 10,000 megawatts, while the power supply decreasing load is 40% or 3,000 megawatts; or
(4) The load of the power grid is more than 1,000 megawatts but less than 5,000 megawatts, while the power supply decreasing load is 50% or 2,000 megawatts.
2. The power supply decreasing load of the autonomous regions is more than 50%; and
3. The power supply decreasing load of the cities at the locality of the people's governments of a province or autonomous region or any other big city is more than 80%.
Article 9 In case any power grid causes any large area power failure as described in the following circumstances, it shall be deemed a major power grid accident:
   第九条 电网发生有下列情形之一的大面积停电,为重大电网事故:
1. The power supply decreasing load of any power grid of the provinces and autonomous regions or of regional power grids has reached one of the numerical values:
(1) The load of the power grid is more than 20, 000 megawatts, while the power supply decreasing load is 8%;
(2) The load of the power grid is more than 10, 000 megawatts but less than 20,000 megawatts, while the power supply decreasing load is 10% or 1,600 megawatts;
(3) The load of the power grid is more than 5,000 megawatts but less than 10,000 megawatts, while the power supply decreasing load is 15% or 1,000 megawatts; or
(4) The load of the power grid is more than 1,000 megawatts but less than 5,000 megawatts, while the power supply decreasing load is 20% or 750 megawatts; or
(5) The load of the power grid is less than 1,000 megawatts, while the power supply decreasing load is 40% or 200 megawatts.
2. The power supply decreasing load of an autonomous region is more than 20%;
3. The power supply decreasing load of any city at the locality of the people's government of a province and autonomous region or any other big city is more than 40%;
4. The power supply decreasing load of a medium-sized city is more than 60%; or
5. The power supply decreasing load of a small city is more than 80%.
Article 10 In case any electric power enterprise has any of the following accidents, it shall be regarded as a common power grid accident:
   第十条 电力企业发生有下列情形之一的事故,为一般电网事故:
1. The abnormal disconnection of any provincial or regional power grid of more than 110 kv, which results in the power supply decreasing load of the whole grid reaching any of the following numerical values:
(1) The load of the power grid is more than 20, 000 megawatts, while the power supply decreasing load is 4%;
(2) The load of the power grid is more than 10, 000 megawatts but less than 20,000 megawatts, while the power supply decreasing load is 5% or 800 megawatts;

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