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Notice of China Banking Regulatory Commission on Issuing the “Guidelines on Due Diligence in the Credit Extension Work of Commercial Banks” [Effective]
中国银行业监督管理委员会关于印发《商业银行授信工作尽职指引》的通知 [现行有效]


Notice of China Banking Regulatory Commission on Issuing the “Guidelines on Due Diligence in the Credit Extension Work of Commercial Banks”
(No. 51 [2004] of China Banking Regulatory Commission, July 16, 2004)
All banking regulatory bureaus, all wholly state-owned commercial banks, and joint-stock commercial banks:
We have printed the “Guidelines on Due Diligence in the Credit Extension Work of Commercial Banks” and hereby distribute them to you. Please comply with and implement them.
All banking regulatory bureaus are requested to transmit the present Notice to all urban commercial banks, urban credit cooperatives, rural commercial banks, rural cooperative banks, and county-level united offices of rural credit cooperatives within their respective jurisdictions.
Appendix:Guidelines on Due Diligence in the Credit Extension Work of Commercial Banks

(2004年7月25日 银监发[2004]5l号)


Chapter I General Provisions

第一章 总则

Article 1 The present Guidelines are formulated in accordance with the “Law of the People's Republic of China on Commercial Banks”, the “Law of the People's Republic of China on Banking Regulation”, the “General Rules on Loans” and other laws and regulations for the purpose of promoting the prudential business operation of commercial banks, further improving the credit extension work mechanism, regulating the management of extended credits, and clarifying the requirements on due diligence in the credit extension work.
   第一条 为促进商业银行审慎经营,进一步完善授信工作机制,规范授信管理,明确授信工作尽职要求,依据《中华人民共和国商业银行法》、《中华人民共和国银行业监督管理法》和《贷款通则》等法律法规,制定本指引。
Article 2 The term credit extension as mentioned in the present Guidelines shall refer to the on-balance-sheet and off-balance-sheet credit extension to non-natural person customers. The on-balance-sheet credit extension includes loans, project financing, trade financing, discount, overdraft, tally, inter-bank lending and repurchase, etc.; while the off-balance-sheet credit extension includes loan commitment, suretyship, letter of credit, and acceptance of instruments, etc.
Credit extension may be divided by term into short-term credit extension and medium and long-term credit extension. The short-term credit extension shall refer to the credit extension of not more than one year, while the medium and long-term credit extension shall refer to the credit extension of more than one year.
   第二条 本指引中的授信指对非自然人客户的表内外授信。表内授信包括贷款、项目融资、贸易融资、贴现、透支、保理、拆借和回购等;表外授信包括贷款承诺、保证、信用证、票据承兑等。
Article 3 In the present Guidelines, such expressions as credit extension work, credit extension staff, due diligence in the credit extension work, and due diligence investigation of the credit extension work shall have their respective meanings as follows:
   第三条 本指引中的授信工作、授信工作人员、授信工作尽职和授信工作尽职调查是指:
(1) The expression credit extension work shall refer to the various credit extension business activities of commercial banks, including customer investigation, handling of the business, analysis and appraisal, credit extension decision making and implementation, post-credit-extension management, and management of problematic credits.
(2) The expression credit extension staff shall refer to the relevant employees of commercial banks who participate in the credit extension work.
(3) The expression due diligence in the credit extension work shall mean that the credit extension staff of a commercial bank have fulfilled the basic due diligence requirements in accordance with the present Guidelines.
(4) The expression due diligence investigation of the credit extension work shall refer to the independent verification, appraisal and report made by the due diligence investigators of the credit extension work of the head office or branch of a commercial bank about the credit extension staff.
Article 4 With respect to the customer credit extension business for which an associated party as prescribed in the “Law of the People's Republic of China on Commercial Banks” applies, the credit extension staff shall apply for withdrawal.
   第四条 授信工作人员对《中华人民共和国商业银行法》规定的关系人申请的客户授信业务,应申请回避。
Article 5 A commercial bank shall establish a strict system for vertical management of credit extension risks, and manage the credit extension in a uniform way.
   第五条 商业银行应建立严格的授信风险垂直管理体制,对授信进行统一管理。
Article 6 A commercial bank shall establish entire credit extension policies, decision making mechanism, management information system and uniform credit extension operation procedures, clarify the requirements on due diligence, as well as assess and amend the rules on credit extension business in time at regular intervals or when the relevant laws or regulations are changed.
   第六条 商业银行应建立完整的授信政策、决策机制、管理信息系统和统一的授信业务操作程序,明确尽职要求,定期或在有关法律法规发生变化时,及时对授信业务规章制度进行评审和修订。
Article 7 A commercial bank shall create a good credit extension work environment, clarify the requirements on credit extension risk control to the credit extension staff in various effective methods and ways, so that they may be familiar with the credit extension work duties and the due diligence requirements, continuously enhance their capacity in the credit extension work, and perform their duties independently.
   第七条 商业银行应创造良好的授信工作环境,采取各种有效方式和途径,使授信工作人员明确授信风险控制要求,熟悉授信工作职责和尽职要求,不断提高授信工作能力,并确保授信工作人员独立履行职责。
Article 8 A commercial bank shall strengthen its management of the credit extension archives, record the rights, obligations, covenants, various forms of transactions, and breach and correction action between the borrower and the lender, and shall keep them properly.
   第八条 商业银行应加强授信文档管理,对借贷双方的权利、义务、约定、各种形式的往来及违约纠正措施记录并存档。
Article 9 A commercial bank shall establish a responsibility system for due diligence in the credit extension work, clarify the duties of each credit extension department and position, ascertain the liabilities for the credit extension risks caused due to violation of any law or rule, and punish the relevant persons held liable in accordance with the legal provisions.
   第九条 商业银行应建立授信工作尽职问责制,明确规定各个授信部门、岗位的职责,对违法、违规造成的授信风险进行责任认定,并按规定对有关责任人进行处理。
Article 10 The “Appendix” of the present Guidelines enumerates the relevant risk reminders, and each commercial bank shall formulate relevant risk prevention requirements in light of the actual situation and with reference to those reminders.
   第十条 本指引的《附录》列举了有关风险提示,商业银行应结合实际参照制定相应的风险防范工作要求。
Chapter II Customer Investigation and Due Diligence Requirements for Handling the Business

第二章 客户调查和业务受理尽职要求

Article 11 A commercial bank shall, according to the business development planning and risk strategy it has determined, draft clear targeted customers, including the customers with whom it has established business relations and the potential customers.
   第十一条 商业银行应根据本行确定的业务发展规划及风险战略,拟定明确的目标客户,包括已建立业务关系的客户和潜在客户。
Article 12 A commercial bank shall, when determining targeted customers, clarify the features of the expected customers, and determine the basic requirements for the customers whose business may be accepted. All customers whose business is accepted by the commercial bank must generally satisfy or be higher than these requirements.
   第十二条 商业银行确定目标客户时应明确所期望的客户特征,并确定可受理客户的基本要求。商业银行受理的所有客户原则上必须满足或高于这些要求。
Article 13 A commercial bank shall, in its customer investigation, collect the basic information of customers and establish customer archives according to the credit extension types. For information list reminder, please see the “Reminder of Basic Information of Customers” in the “Appendix”.
   第十三条 商业银行客户调查应根据授信种类搜集客户基本资料,建立客户档案。资料清单提示参见《附录》中的“客户基本资料清单提示”。
Article 14 A commercial bank shall pay attention to and collect the relevant information on group customers and associated customers, and effectively identify the centralized credit extension risks and the associated customers' credit extension risks.
   第十四条 商业银行应关注和搜集集团客户及关联客户的有关信息,有效识别授信集中风险及关联客户授信风险。
Article 15 A commercial bank shall carefully verify the legality, authenticity and validity of the identity certificate provided by the customer, the qualification as a credit receiver, its financial conditions, etc., and shall record the process and result of verification in writing.
   第十五条 商业银行应对客户提供的身份证明、授信主体资格、财务状况等资料的合法性、真实性和有效性进行认真核实,并将核实过程和结果以书面形式记载。
Article 16 A commercial bank shall investigate customers and verify the customer information mainly by on-site investigation, with indirect investigation as the supplement. When necessary, it may verify the authenticity of the customer information via an external credit institution.
   第十六条 商业银行对客户调查和客户资料的验证应以实地调查为主,间接调查为辅。必要时,可通过外部征信机构对客户资料的真实性进行核实。
Article 17 A commercial bank shall, according to the specific circumstance and on its own initiative, ask for relevant information from the relevant government departments and public intermediary institutions, so as to verify the authenticity of the materials provided by customers, and keep such information in archives.
   第十七条 商业银行应酌情、主动向政府有关部门及社会中介机构索取相关资料,以验证客户提供材料的真实性,并作备案。
Article 18 Where the customer information is changed in any way, the commercial bank shall require the customer to provide a written report, and record the information anew in archives after further verification.
   第十八条 客户资料如有变动,商业银行应要求客户提供书面报告,进一步核实后在档案中重新记载。
Article 19 When supplementing or modifying customer information, the credit extension staff shall communicate with each other on their own initiative, and guarantee that each party be able to get the relevant information in time.
When a credit extension staff member either of the credit extension department or of a credit extension management department needs to make supplements to the customer information, he must notify the opposite party, provided that the matter shall generally be handled by the former.
   第十九条 对客户资料补充或变更时,授信工作人员之间应主动进行沟通,确保各方均能够及时得到相关信息。
Article 20 A commercial bank shall know about and grasp the management conditions of the customers, urge them to continuously increase management benefits, and guarantee the credit extension safety.
   第二十条 商业银行应了解和掌握客户的经营管理状况,督促客户不断提高经营管理效益,保证授信安全。
Article 21 When a customer meets with an emergent incident, the commercial bank shall immediately send persons to make an on-site investigation, who shall legally and timely render their opinions on whether to modify the original credit extension information or not. When necessary, the credit extension management department shall timely send persons jointly with the credit extension department to make the on-site investigation.
   第二十一条 当客户发生突发事件时,商业银行应立即派员实地调查,并依法及时做出是否更改原授信资料的意见。必要时,授信管理部门应及时会同授信业务部门派员实地调查。
Article 22 A commercial bank shall urge its credit extension management department to establish a mutual communication mechanism with other commercial banks regarding the entirety and authenticity of the customer investigation information. The credit extension staff shall keep confidential the credit extension information got from other commercial banks, and shall not use it for unfair competition.
   第二十二条 商业银行应督促授信管理部门与其他商业银行之间就客户调查资料的完整性、真实性建立相互沟通机制。对从其他商业银行获得的授信信息,授信工作人员应注意保密,不得用于不正当业务竞争。
Chapter III Analysis and Appraisal of the Due Diligence Requirements

第三章 分析与评价尽职要求

Article 23 A commercial bank shall, according to the features of different credit extension varieties, analyze and appraise the credit extension business for which the customer applies, and shall focus on the factors that might affect the safety of credit extension, and effectively identify various risks. For the risk reminder of the main credit extension varieties, please see the “Risk Analysis Reminder of Main Credit Extension Varieties” in the “Appendix”.
   第二十三条 商业银行应根据不同授信品种的特点,对客户申请的授信业务进行分析评价,重点关注可能影响授信安全的因素,有效识别各类风险。主要授信品种的风险提示参见《附录》中的“主要授信品种风险分析提示”。
Article 24 A commercial bank shall carefully evaluate the customer's financial statements, analyze and appraise the various factors affecting the customer's financial conditions, and forecast the customer's future financial and management conditions. When necessary, it shall make sensitivity analysis in respect of the interest rate and exchange rate, etc.
   第二十四条 商业银行应认真评估客户的财务报表,对影响客户财务状况的各项因素进行分析评价,预测客户未来的财务和经营情况。必要时应进行利率、汇率等的敏感度分析。
Article 25 A commercial bank shall analyze and appraise the customer's non-financial factors, identify the customer's risks in respect of corporate governance, qualities of the management team, contract performance records, production equipment, technical capacity, product, market, industry features, and macro- economic environment, etc.. For the risk reminder, please see the “Risk Analysis Reminder of Non-financial Factors” in the “Appendix”.
   第二十五条 商业银行应对客户的非财务因素进行分析评价,对客户公司治理、管理层素质、履约记录、生产装备和技术能力、产品和市场、行业特点以及宏观经济环境等方面的风险进行识别,风险提示参见《附录》中的“非财务因素分析风险提示”。
Article 26 A commercial bank shall rate and record the customers' credits. When necessary, it may entrust an independent and eligible external rating institution with high credit standing to finish the work.
   第二十六条 商业银行应对客户的信用等级进行评定并予以记载。必要时可委托独立的、资质和信誉较高的外部评级机构完成。
Article 27 A commercial bank shall, in accordance with the laws, regulations, relevant guidelines and policies of the state, as well as its own credit rules, assess the feasibility of the techniques, market and accounting, etc. of the credit extension projects, and make written records on the assessment.
   第二十七条 商业银行应根据国家法律、法规、有关方针政策以及本行信贷制度,对授信项目的技术、市场、财务等方面的可行性进行评审,并以书面形式予以记载。
Article 28 A commercial bank shall analyze and appraise the second source of repayment, confirm the surety's suretyship qualification and joint repayment capacity, as well as the legality, sufficiency and realizability of the mortgage and pledge.
   第二十八条 商业银行应对第二还款来源进行分析评价,确认保证人的保证主体资格和代偿能力,以及抵押、质押的合法性、充分性和可实现性。
Article 29 A commercial bank shall, according to the credit extension analysis and appraisal result at each stage, form a written analysis and appraisal report.
The analysis and appraisal report shall indicate in details the conditions on the customer's business operation and management, its financial conditions, the situation on the industry and the environment, etc., with the contents to be authentic, concise and clear. After the analysis and appraisal report is announced, it shall not be modified in general on the basis of the original version. If it really needs to be modified in general, the explanation thereof shall be attached separately.
   第二十九条 商业银行应根据各环节授信分析评价的结果,形成书面的分析评价报告。
Article 30 With respect to the major events that occur within the valid term of the customer's credit rate or a customer appraisal report and affect the customer's credit standing, the commercial bank shall make the credit extension analysis and appraisal anew. The major events include the following:
   第三十条 在客户信用等级和客户评价报告的有效期内,对发生影响客户资信的重大事项,商业银行应重新进行授信分析评价。重大事项包括:
(1) The external policies are changed;
(2) The customer's organizational structure, stock rights or the principal leader is changed;
(3) The customer's guaranty exceeds the established alert level for guaranty;
(4) The customer's capacity of financial income and expenditure is greatly changed;
(5) The customer is involved in a major lawsuit;
(6) The customer has historical records on cross default to another bank; and

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