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Notice of State Economic & Trade Commission, General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection & Quarantine, State Administration for Industry & Commerce and Ministry of Finance on Issuing Provisions on the Liability for the Repair, Replacement and Return of Some Commodities [Effective]
国家经贸委、国家技术监督局、国家工商局、财政部关于印发《部分商品修理更换退货责任规定》的通知 [现行有效]
Notice of State Economic & Trade Commission, General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection & Quarantine, State Administration for Industry & Commerce and Ministry of Finance on Issuing Provisions on the Liability for the Repair, Replacement and Return of Some Commodities
(No. 458 [1995] of the State Economic & Trade Commission)

The economic and trade commission (economic commission, planning and economics commission), the bureau of technology supervision (standard measurement bureau, bureau of standards), the finance department and the administrative bureau for industry and commerce of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, and cities under separate state planning; and the relevant departments of the State Council:

The Provisions on the Liability for the Repair, Replacement and Return of Some Commodities are hereby issued to all local relevant departments for extensive publication and implementation through effective measures.

State Economic and Trade Commission

State Bureau of Technical Supervision

State Administration for Industry and Commerce

Ministry of Finance

August 25, 1995
Provisions on the Liability for the Repair, Replacement and Return of Some Commodities






Article 1 These Provisions are formulated according to the Product Quality Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Consumers and other relevant legal provisions for the purpose of protecting the legitimate rights and interests of consumers and clarifying the liabilities and duties of sellers, repairers and producers for the repair, replacement and return of some commodities (hereinafter referred to as the “three guarantees”).
   第一条 为保护消费者的合法权益,明确销售者、修理者、生产者承担的部分商品的修理、更换、退货(以下称为三包)的责任和义务,根据《中华人民共和国产品质量法》、《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》及有关规定制定本规定。
Article 2 The term “some commodities” as mentioned in these Provisions refers to the products listed in the Catalogue of Some Commodities for “Three Guarantees” (hereinafter referred to as the Catalogue).
The Catalogue is compiled and adjusted jointly by the product quality supervisory and administrative department, the commercial administrative department and the industrial administrative department under the State Council, and is promulgated by the product quality supervisory and administrative department under the State Council.
   第二条 本规定所称部分商品,系指《实施三包的部分商品目录》(以下简称目录)中所列产品。
Article 3 The products incorporated into the Catalogue shall be subject to the principle of “three guarantees”, namely, whoever sells the products should take the charge. The contract concluded between the seller and the producer, between the seller and the supplier, or between the seller and the repairer shall not exempt any of them the liability and duty of “three guarantees” as prescribed in these Provisions.
   第三条 列入目录的产品实行谁经销谁负责三包的原则。销售者与生产者、销售者与供货者、销售者与修理者之间订立的合同,不得免除本规定的三包责任和义务。
Article 4 The “indices” as prescribed in the Catalogue is the most fundamental requirements for implementing the provisions on “three guarantees”. The State encourages sellers and producers to formulate the detailed rules for implementing the “three guarantees” that are more rigid than those as prescribed in these Provisions.
The Provisions shall not exempt anyone from the liability of “three guarantees” for the products that are not incorporated into the Catalogue or the liability of “three guarantees” higher than that for the products incorporated into the Catalogue as promised by the seller or producer to the consumers.
   第四条 目录中规定的指标是履行三包规定的最基本要求。国家鼓励销售者和生产者制定严于本规定的三包实施细则。
Article 5 A seller shall perform the following obligations:
   第五条 销售者应当履行下列义务:
(1) not selling any products incorporated into the Catalogue if it could not guarantee the implementation of the provisions on “three guarantees”;
(2) keeping the quality of products as sold;
(3) implementing the system for check and acceptance of commodities as procured, and not selling those commodities that do not comply with the requirements of mandatory marks;
(4) opening, when selling products, the box for inspection, conducting correct debugging, introducing how to use and maintain the products, the methods for “three guarantees”, as well as the entities for repair, and providing valid invoices and vouchers for “three guarantees”; and
(5) properly handling the inquires and complaints of consumers, and providing relevant services.
Article 6 A repairer shall perform the following duties:
   第六条 修理者应当履行下列义务:
(1) assuming the repair service;
(2) maintaining the credits of the seller and the producer, refusing the use of components, accessories or fittings not consistent with the technical requirements of products, seriously recording the malfunctions and the quality status of products upon repair, and ensuring that the products upon repair could be normally used for 30 days or more;

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