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Order of the Ministry of Justice (No. 111) The Administrative Measures for Law Firms, which were deliberated and adopted at the executive meeting of the Ministry of Justice on May 28, 2008, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of the date of promulgation. Minister Wu Aiying July 18, 2008 Administrative Measures for Law Firms
| | 司法部令 (第111号) 《律师事务所管理办法》已经2008年5月28日司法部部务会议审议通过,现予发布,自发布之日起施行。 部长 吴爱英 二〇〇八年七月十八日 律师事务所管理办法
Chapter I. General Provisions
| | 第一章 总则
Article 1 For the purposes of regulating the establishment of law firms and strengthening the supervision and administration of law firms, these Measures are formulated in accordance with the Lawyers Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Lawyers Law) and other relevant laws and regulations.
| | 第一条 为了规范律师事务所的设立,加强对律师事务所的监督和管理,根据《中华人民共和国律师法》(以下简称《律师法》)和其他有关法律、法规的规定,制定本办法。
Article 2 Law firms are practicing institutions of lawyers. A law firm shall be set up lawfully and acquire a practicing license.
| | 第二条 律师事务所是律师的执业机构。律师事务所应当依法设立并取得执业许可证。
Article 3 A law firm shall practice in pursuance of law, intensify its internal management and supervision over the practice of lawyers and bear corresponding legal liabilities. No organization or individual shall illegally interfere with the practice of or impair the lawful rights and interests of any law firm.
| | 第三条 律师事务所应当依法开展业务活动,加强内部管理和对律师执业行为的监督,依法承担相应的法律责任。 任何组织和个人不得非法干预律师事务所的业务活动,不得侵害律师事务所的合法权益。
Article 4 The judicial administrative organ shall supervise and guide the law firms under the Lawyers Law and these Measures. The lawyers associations shall, under the Lawyers Law, charters of the associations and industrial norms, requiring law firms to show industrial self-discipline.
| | 第四条 司法行政机关依照《律师法》和本办法的规定对律师事务所进行监督、指导。 律师协会依照《律师法》、协会章程和行业规范,对律师事务所实行行业自律。
Chapter II. Conditions for Establishment of Law Firms
| | 第二章 律师事务所的设立条件
Article 5 A law firm may be established by lawyers as a partnership, by an individual lawyer, or with the capital contributions made by the state. A partnership lawyer may be established in the form of ordinary partnership or special ordinary partnership.
| | 第五条 律师事务所可以由律师合伙设立、律师个人设立或者由国家出资设立。 合伙律师事务所可以采用普通合伙或者特殊的普通合伙形式设立。
Article 6 A law firm to be established shall meet the following basic requirements:
| | 第六条 设立律师事务所应当具备下列基本条件:
1. It has its own name, place of residence and articles of association;
| | (一)有自己的名称、住所和章程;
2. It has lawyers who meet the provisions of the Lawyers Law and these Measures;
| | (二)有符合《律师法》和本办法规定的律师;
3. The promoters shall be lawyers with certain practicing experience and can work as full-time lawyers and none of them shall have any record of punishment due to malpractice during the three years prior to establishment;
| | (三)设立人应当是具有一定的执业经历并能够专职执业的律师,且在申请设立前三年内未受过停止执业处罚;
4. It has assets which reach the amount as prescribed in these Measures.
| | (四)有符合本办法规定数额的资产。
Article 7 An ordinary partnership law firm to be established shall meet the following requirements besides those as described in Article 6 of these Measures:
| | 第七条 设立普通合伙律师事务所,除应当符合本办法第六条规定的条件外,还应当具备下列条件:
1. There is a written agreement;
| | (一)有书面合伙协议;
2. There are 3 or more partners as promoters;
| | (二)有三名以上合伙人作为设立人;
3. The promoters shall be lawyers with 3 or more years of practicing experience and can work as full-time lawyers; and
| | (三)设立人应当是具有三年以上执业经历并能够专职执业的律师;
4. There are assets of 300, 000 yuan or more.
| | (四)有人民币三十万元以上的资产。
Article 8 A special ordinary partnership law firm to be established shall meet the following requirements besides those as described in Article 6 of these Measures:
| | 第八条 设立特殊的普通合伙律师事务所,除应当符合本办法第六条规定的条件外,还应当具备下列条件:
1. There is a written partnership agreement;
| | (一)有书面合伙协议;
2. There are 20 or more partners as the promoters;
| | (二)有二十名以上合伙人作为设立人;
3. The promoters shall be lawyers with 3 or more years of practicing experience and can work as full-time lawyers; and
| | (三)设立人应当是具有三年以上执业经历并能够专职执业的律师;
4. There are assets of 10 million yuan or more.
| | (四)有人民币一千万元以上的资产。
Article 9 A law firm to be established by an individual shall meet the following requirements besides those as described in Article 6 of these Measures:
| | 第九条 设立个人律师事务所,除应当符合本办法第六条规定的条件外,还应当具备下列条件:
1. The promoter shall be a lawyer with 5 or more years of practicing experience and is able to work as a full-time lawyer; and
| | (一)设立人应当是具有五年以上执业经历并能够专职执业的律师;
2. There are assets of 100, 000 yuan or more.
| | (二)有人民币十万元以上的资产。
Article 10 A law firm to be established with money contributed by the state shall, besides meeting the general requirements as prescribed in the Lawyers Law, have at least 2 lawyers who meet the provisions of the Lawyers Law and is able to work as full-time lawyers. Where it is necessary for the state to make capital contributions to establish a law firm, the local judicial administrative organ at the county level shall be responsible for the preparatory establishment. Prior to the application for approval of establishment, the relevant departments of the local people's government at the county level shall grant to the law firm a staffing quota and provide it with sufficient funds.
| | 第十条 国家出资设立的律师事务所,除符合《律师法》规定的一般条件外,应当至少有二名符合《律师法》规定并能够专职执业的律师。 需要国家出资设立律师事务所的,由当地县级司法行政机关筹建,申请设立许可前须经所在地县级人民政府有关部门核拨编制、提供经费保障。
Article 11 The judicial administrative organ of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall, according to the status of local economic and social development and the development of the lawyering industry, make proper adjustments to the amounts of assets for the establishment of ordinary partnership law firms, special ordinary partnership law firms and individual law firms as prescribed in these Measures and implement them upon approval of the Ministry of Justice.
| | 第十一条 省、自治区、直辖市司法行政机关可以根据本地经济社会发展状况和律师业发展需要,适当调整本办法规定的普通合伙律师事务所、特殊的普通合伙律师事务所和个人律师事务所的设立资产数额,报司法部批准后实施。
Article 12 The name to be for a law firm to be established shall conform to the provisions of the Ministry of Justice on the administration of names of law firms and a name search shall be made under relevant provisions prior to the application for approval of establishment.
| | 第十二条 设立律师事务所,其申请的名称应当符合司法部有关律师事务所名称管理的规定,并应当在申请设立许可前按规定办理名称检索。
Article 13 The candidate for the person-in-charge of a law firm shall, together with the application for approval of establishment, be submitted to the examination and approval organ for examination and approval. The person-in-charge of a partnership law firm shall be elected from among the partners and elected by all partners of the law firm. The person-in-charge of a law firm established with state capital shall be elected upon the recommendation of the lawyers of this law firm and shall be subject to assent of the local judicial administrative organ at the county level. The promoter of an individual law firm shall be the person-in-charge of this law firm.
| | 第十三条 律师事务所负责人人选,应当在申请设立许可时一并报审核机关核准。 合伙律师事务所的负责人,应当从本所合伙人中经全体合伙人选举产生;国家出资设立的律师事务所的负责人,由本所律师推选,经所在地县级司法行政机关同意。 个人律师事务所设立人是该所的负责人。
Article 14 The articles of association of a law firm shall cover
| | 第十四条 律师事务所章程应当包括下列内容:
1. the name and residence address of the firm;
| | (一)律师事务所的名称和住所;
2. the aim of the law firm;
| | (二)律师事务所的宗旨;
3. the organic form of the law firm;
| | (三)律师事务所的组织形式;
4. the amount of assets for establishment;
| | (四)设立资产的数额和来源;
5. the duties, procedures for the appointment and change of the person-in-charge of the law firm;
| | (五)律师事务所负责人的职责以及产生、变更程序;
6. the setup and functions of the decision-making and management bodies of the law firm;
| | (六)律师事务所决策、管理机构的设置、职责;
7. rights and obligations of lawyers of the law firm;
| | (七)本所律师的权利与义务;
8. the major management bylaws of the law firm on practice, fees, financial affairs, distribution, etc.;
| | (八)律师事务所有关执业、收费、财务、分配等主要管理制度;
9. the causes, procedures, liquidation measures for the dissolution of the law firm;
| | (九)律师事务所解散的事由、程序以及清算办法;
10. the interpretation and revision procedures for the articles of association of the law firm; and
| | (十)律师事务所章程的解释、修改程序;
11. Other matters necessary to be specified. For the establishment of a partnership law firm, the articles of association shall give clear indications of the name of the partners as well as the amount and way of capital contribution of the partners besides those as mentioned above. The articles of association of the law firm shall not contravene any relevant law, regulation or rule. The articles of association of the law firm shall be effective as of the day on which the judicial administrative organ of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government approves the establishment of the law firm.
| | (十一)其他需要载明的事项。 设立合伙律师事务所的,其章程还应当载明合伙人的姓名、出资额及出资方式。 律师事务所章程的内容不得与有关法律、法规、规章相抵触。 律师事务所章程自省、自治区、直辖市司法行政机关作出准予设立律师事务所决定之日起生效。
Article 15 A partnership agreement shall give clear indications of
| | 第十五条 合伙协议应当载明下列内容:
1. the partners, including the name, place of residence, identity card number and practicing experience of each lawyer;
| | (一)合伙人,包括姓名、居住地、身份证号、律师执业经历等;
2. the amount and manner of the capital contribution of each partner;
| | (二)合伙人的出资额及出资方式;
3. the rights and obligations of the partners;
| | (三)合伙人的权利、义务;
4. the duties, procedures for the appointment and change of the person-in-charge of the law firm;
| | (四)合伙律师事务所负责人的职责以及产生、变更程序;
5. the duties and rules of procedure of the meetings of partners;
| | (五)合伙人会议的职责、议事规则等;
6. the distribution of profits and assumption of debts;
| | (六)合伙人收益分配及债务承担方式;
7. the conditions and procedures for becoming a partner, termination and removal of a partner;
| | (七)合伙人入伙、退伙及除名的条件和程序;
8. the methods and procedures for settlement of disputes between partners, and liabilities of partners for breaching the partnership agreement;
| | (八)合伙人之间争议的解决方法和程序,违反合伙协议承担的责任;
9. the procedures for interpretation and revision of the partnership agreement;
| | (九)合伙协议的解释、修改程序;
10. other matters necessary to be specified. The partnership agreement of the law firm shall not contravene any relevant law, regulation or rule. The partnership agreement shall, upon the consent and signatures of all partners realized through negotiations, be effective as of the day on which the judicial administrative organ of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government approves the establishment of the law firm.
| | (十)其他需要载明的事项。 合伙协议的内容不得与有关法律、法规、规章相抵触。 合伙协议由全体合伙人协商一致并签名,自省、自治区、直辖市司法行政机关作出准予设立律师事务所决定之日起生效。
Chapter III Licensing Procedures for Establishment of Law Firms
| | 第三章 律师事务所设立许可程序
Article 16 An application for the establishment of a law firm shall be subject to the preliminary examination of the judicial administrative organ at the level of a districted city or of the district (county) of the municipality directly under the Central Government and then be submitted to the judicial administrative organ of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government for examination and approval, which shall decide to approve or disapprove the establishment.
| | 第十六条 律师事务所的设立许可,由设区的市级或者直辖市的区(县)司法行政机关受理设立申请并进行初审,报省、自治区、直辖市司法行政机关进行审核,作出是否准予设立的决定。
Article 17 To apply for the establishment of a law firm, the applicant shall submit the following materials to the judicial administrative organ at the level of a districted city or of the district (county) of the municipality directly under the Central Government:
| | 第十七条 申请设立律师事务所,应当向所在地设区的市级或者直辖市的区(县)司法行政机关提交下列材料:
1. An application;
| | (一)设立申请书;
2. The name and articles of association of the law firm;
| | (二)律师事务所的名称、章程;
3. The name list, resumes, identity certificates and practicing lawyer certificates of the promoters, and candidate of the person-in-charge of the law firm;
| | (三)设立人的名单、简历、身份证明、律师执业证书,律师事务所负责人人选;
4. A certificate of the place of residence; and
| | (四)住所证明;
5. A certificate of assets. Apart from the aforesaid materials, the applicant shall submit a partnership agreement if it applies for establishing a partnership law firm. For a law firm to be established with state capital, the applicant shall submit the approval documents issued by the relevant departments of the local people's government on the staffing quota and guaranteeing the provision of the operating funds to the law firm to be established. To apply for approval of establishment, the applicant shall faithfully fill out a Registration Form of Application for Establishment of Law Firm.
| | (五)资产证明。 设立合伙律师事务所,还应当提交合伙协议。 设立国家出资设立的律师事务所,应当提交所在地县级人民政府有关部门出具的核拨编制、提供经费保障的批件。 申请设立许可时,申请人应当如实填报《律师事务所设立申请登记表》。
Article 18 The judicial administrative organ at the level of a districted city or of the district (county) of the municipality directly under the Central Government shall handle the application for the establishment of a law firm in light of the following circumstances, respectively:
| | 第十八条 设区的市级或者直辖市的区(县)司法行政机关对申请人提出的设立律师事务所申请,应当根据下列情况分别作出处理:
1. It shall accept it if the application materials are complete and meet the statutory form; ...... | | (一)申请材料齐全、符合法定形式的,应当受理; ...... |
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