No. 2 of Three Model Cases of Crackdown on Counterfeit and Inferior Farm Supplies in 2023 Published by the Supreme People's Court: People v. Liu [REDACTED], et al (case involving the sale of inferior fertilizers)—Sale of inferior fertilizers causing farmers to suffer heavy losses
No. 2 of Three Model Cases of Crackdown on Counterfeit and Inferior Farm Supplies in 2023 Published by the Supreme People's Court: People v. Liu [REDACTED], et al (case involving the sale of inferior fertilizers)—Sale of inferior fertilizers causing farmers to suffer heavy losses | | 最高人民法院发布三件2023年“农资打假”典型案例之二:刘某等人销售伪劣化肥案——销售伪劣化肥使农户遭受重大损失 |
Facts | | 简要案情 |
From March to April 2019, Defendant Ding [REDACTED] asked Defendant Yue [REDACTED] to help buy inexpensive diammonium phosphate fertilizer. After that, Yue [REDACTED] contacted Defendant Liu [REDACTED] to arrange for delivery, and Liu [REDACTED] purchased 130 tons of diammonium phosphate fertilizer under the brand SINO-AGRI from Linyi City, Shandong Province for 1,600 yuan per ton through others, and resold it to Yue [REDACTED] for 1,950 yuan per ton. Yue [REDACTED] resold it to Ding [REDACTED] for 2,500 yuan per ton. After receiving the fertilizer, Ding [REDACTED] sold it to 37 farmers, including Wang [REDACTED] and Zhao [REDACTED], victims of 859 Farm, for 3,050 yuan per ton, with a total sales of more than 390,000 yuan. In this process, Liu [REDACTED], Yue [REDACTED], and Ding [REDACTED] failed to inspect the manufacturer, business qualification, and product quality of the 130-ton of diammonium phosphate fertilizer under the brand SINO-AGRI, leading Wang [REDACTED] and other farmers to suffer from losses of more than 450,000 yuan. After identification, the fertilizer involved is counterfeit and inferior. | | 2019年3月至4月,被告人丁某让被告人岳某帮其联系购买便宜的磷酸二铵化肥。之后,岳某联系被告人刘某发货,刘某通过他人以每吨1600元的价格从山东省临沂市购进130吨“中国农资”牌磷酸二铵化肥,并以每吨1950元的价格转售给岳某。岳某又以每吨2500元的价格转售给丁某,丁某收到化肥后以每吨3050元的价格销售给八五九农场被害人王某、赵某等37名农户,共计销售39万余元。在此过程中,刘某、岳某、丁某均未对该130吨“中国农资”牌磷酸二铵化肥的生产厂家、经营资质、产品质量等证照进行查验,造成王某等农户生产损失45万余元。经鉴定,该涉案化肥为假冒伪劣化肥。 |
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