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Interpretation (II) of the Supreme People's Court on the Application of the “Marriage and Family” Book of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China [Effective]
最高人民法院关于适用《中华人民共和国民法典》婚姻家庭编的解释(二) [现行有效]
Announcement of the Supreme People's Court of the People's Republic of China 


The Interpretation (II) of the Supreme People's Court on the Application of the “Marriage and Family” Book of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, as adopted at the 1933rd Session of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on November 25, 2024, is hereby issued and shall come into force on February 1, 2025. 《最高人民法院关于适用〈中华人民共和国民法典〉婚姻家庭编的解释(二)》已于2024年11月25日经最高人民法院审判委员会第1933次会议通过,现予公布,自2025年2月1日起施行。
Supreme People's Court 最高人民法院
January 15, 2025 2025年1月15日
Interpretation (II) of the Supreme People's Court on the Application of the “Marriage and Family” Book of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China 最高人民法院关于适用《中华人民共和国民法典》婚姻家庭编的解释(二)
(No. 1 [2025] of the Supreme People's Court) (法释〔2025〕1号)
This Interpretation is developed in accordance with the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, and other applicable laws and regulations and in light of trial practices, for the purposes of correctly trying cases of marriage and family disputes. 为正确审理婚姻家庭纠纷案件,根据《中华人民共和国民法典》《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》等相关法律规定,结合审判实践,制定本解释。
Article 1 Where a party requests the confirmation of the invalidity of a bigamous marriage in accordance with subparagraph 1 of Article 1051 of the Civil Code, and if at the time the lawsuit is filed, the parties to the lawful marriage have divorced or the spouse has deceased, and the defendant argues that the bigamous marriage became valid upon the occurrence of such circumstances, the people's court shall not support the defendant's claim.   第一条 当事人依据民法典第一千零五十一条第一项规定请求确认重婚的婚姻无效,提起诉讼时合法婚姻当事人已经离婚或者配偶已经死亡,被告以此为由抗辩后一婚姻自以上情形发生时转为有效的,人民法院不予支持。
Article 2 Where, after the registration of divorce by a husband and a wife, one party requests the confirmation of the invalidity of the divorce on the grounds that both parties falsely expressed their intent, the people's court shall not support such a request.   第二条 夫妻登记离婚后,一方以双方意思表示虚假为由请求确认离婚无效的,人民法院不予支持。
Article 3 Where a creditor of one spouse provides evidence proving that the property partition terms in the divorce agreement affect the realization of the creditor's claims, and requests the annulment of the relevant terms in accordance with the provisions of Articles 538 or 539 of the Civil Code, the people's court shall, after comprehensively considering factors such as the overall partition of the community property, the performance of the agreement, child support obligations, and fault in the divorce, support such a request in accordance with the law.   第三条 夫妻一方的债权人有证据证明离婚协议中财产分割条款影响其债权实现,请求参照适用民法典第五百三十八条或者第五百三十九条规定撤销相关条款的,人民法院应当综合考虑夫妻共同财产整体分割及履行情况、子女抚养费负担、离婚过错等因素,依法予以支持。
Article 4 In the case of a dispute over the partition of property in a cohabitation relationship where neither party has a spouse, if there is an agreement regarding the property acquired during the cohabitation, the case shall be handled in accordance with the agreement. In the absence of an agreement or where negotiation fails, the people's court shall handle the case according to the following circumstances:   第四条 双方均无配偶的同居关系析产纠纷案件中,对同居期间所得的财产,有约定的,按照约定处理;没有约定且协商不成的,人民法院按照以下情形分别处理:
(1) Wages, bonuses, remuneration for personal services, and income from intellectual property individually earned, property inherited or received as a gift by either party, as well as income from individual production, business operations, and investment, shall be owned by the respective parties; (一)各自所得的工资、奖金、劳务报酬、知识产权收益,各自继承或者受赠的财产以及单独生产、经营、投资的收益等,归各自所有;
(2) Property purchased with joint contributions or income from joint production, business operations, or investment, as well as other property that cannot be distinguished, shall be partitioned based on each party's contribution ratio, taking into account factors such as the circumstances of their cohabitation, the presence of children, and each party's contribution to the property. (二)共同出资购置的财产或者共同生产、经营、投资的收益以及其他无法区分的财产,以各自出资比例为基础,综合考虑共同生活情况、有无共同子女、对财产的贡献大小等因素进行分割。
Article 5 Where, before or during a marriage, the parties agree to transfer the ownership of a housing unit owned by one party and to register the housing unit in the name of the other party or both parties, but the transfer of ownership has not yet been registered at the time of the divorce proceedings, and both parties are in dispute over the ownership or partition of the housing unit and are unable to reach an agreement, the people's court may, according to the parties' claims and the purpose of the transfer, and after comprehensive consideration of factors such as the duration of the marriage, the circumstances of joint life, the presence of children of the marriage, fault in the divorce, contributions to the family, and the market value of the housing unit at the time of divorce, rule that the housing unit shall belong to one party and determine whether the party receiving the housing unit shall compensate the other party, and if so, the specific amount of such compensation.   第五条 婚前或者婚姻关系存续期间,当事人约定将一方所有的房屋转移登记至另一方或者双方名下,离婚诉讼时房屋所有权尚未转移登记,双方对房屋归属或者分割有争议且协商不成的,人民法院可以根据当事人诉讼请求,结合给予目的,综合考虑婚姻关系存续时间、共同生活及孕育共同子女情况、离婚过错、对家庭的贡献大小以及离婚时房屋市场价格等因素,判决房屋归其中一方所有,并确定是否由获得房屋一方对另一方予以补偿以及补偿的具体数额。
Where, before or during a marriage, one party transfers the ownership of a housing unit owned by the party and registers the housing unit in the name of the other party or both parties, but in the divorce proceedings, both parties are in dispute over the ownership or partition of the housing unit and fail to reach an agreement, if the duration of the marriage is short and the transferring party has no serious fault, the people's court may, according to the parties' claims, rule that the housing unit shall belong to the transferring party, and in light of the purpose of the transfer and after comprehensive consideration of factors such as the circumstances of joint life, the presence of children of the marriage, fault in the divorce, contributions to the family, and the market value of the housing unit at the time of divorce, determine whether the party receiving the housing unit shall compensate the other party, and if so, the specific amount of such compensation. 婚前或者婚姻关系存续期间,一方将其所有的房屋转移登记至另一方或者双方名下,离婚诉讼中,双方对房屋归属或者分割有争议且协商不成的,如果婚姻关系存续时间较短且给予方无重大过错,人民法院可以根据当事人诉讼请求,判决该房屋归给予方所有,并结合给予目的,综合考虑共同生活及孕育共同子女情况、离婚过错、对家庭的贡献大小以及离婚时房屋市场价格等因素,确定是否由获得房屋一方对另一方予以补偿以及补偿的具体数额。
Where the transferring party provides evidence proving that the other party has committed fraud, coercion, or serious infringement upon the legitimate rights and interests of the transferring party or his or her close relatives, or has failed to fulfill his or her obligations to support the transferring party, and requests the people's court to annul the civil juristic act as prescribed in the preceding two paragraphs, the people's court shall support such a request in accordance with the law. 给予方有证据证明另一方存在欺诈、胁迫、严重侵害给予方或者其近亲属合法权益、对给予方有扶养义务而不履行等情形,请求撤销前两款规定的民事法律行为的,人民法院依法予以支持。
Article 6 Where one spouse, without the consent of the other, uses community property to make gifts or tips to streamers on an online live-streaming platform, and the amount significantly exceeds the general household consumption level, thereby severely damaging the interests of the community property, such act may be deemed as “squandering” under Articles 1066 and 1092 of the Civil Code. Where the other spouse requests a partition of the community property during the marriage, or requests upon partition of the community property in the case of divorce a reduced share or no share of the community property for the spouse who made gifts or tips, the people's court shall support such a request.   第六条 夫妻一方未经另一方同意,在网络直播平台用夫妻共同财产打赏,数额明显超出其家庭一般消费水平,严重损害夫妻共同财产利益的,可以认定为民法典第一千零六十六条和第一千零九十二条规定的“挥霍”。另一方请求在婚姻关系存续期间分割夫妻共同财产,或者在离婚分割夫妻共同财产时请求对打赏一方少分或者不分的,人民法院应予支持。
Article 7 Where one spouse, for the purpose of committing bigamy, cohabiting with another person, or otherwise violating the duty of marital fidelity, gifts community property to another person or disposes of community property at an obviously unreasonable price, and the other spouse claims that such a civil juristic act violates public order and good morals and is therefore invalid, the people's court shall support the claim and handle it in accordance with Article 157 of the Civil Code.   第七条 夫妻一方为重婚、与他人同居以及其他违反夫妻忠实义务等目的,将夫妻共同财产赠与他人或者以明显不合理的价格处分夫妻共同财产,另一方主张该民事法律行为违背公序良俗无效的,人民法院应予支持并依照民法典第一百五十七条规定处理。
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