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 Six Departments Issue Guidance on Protection of Female Workers' Rights and Interests
Category:Legislative Updates  
Subject:Legal system  
Keywords:female workers' rights and interests;  protection of rights and interests;  guidance
Publish Date:03-16-2023
Recently, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the National Health Commission, and other four departments jointly issued the model texts of the Rules for Eliminating Workplace Sexual Harassment and the Rules for Female Workers' Special Labor Protection in the Workplace.
Consisting of 20 articles in total, the Rules for Eliminating Workplace Sexual Harassment clarifies such major matters as the definition and main forms of sexual harassment, public commitments, publicity and training, tip-off and complaints by employees, investigation and disposal, and involvement and supervision of labor unions. Meanwhile, the model text also requires that employers should keep confidential all information of informers and complainants, as well as the work concerning investigation and disposal, and attach importance to privacy protection through position adjustment and other similar measures, lest the victim would be traumatized all over again.
On the other hand, the Rules for Female Workers' Special Labor Protection in the Workplace, composed of 26 articles, elaborate on the measures for protecting female workers in terms of labor and employment, wage and other non-wage benefits, reproductive rights, occupational safety and health. Besides, the model text also provides normative guidance on the implementation procedures for ensuring the normal production order in the workplace.
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