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 Over 6,500 caught for organized crimes amid special summer crackdown
Category:Judicial News  
Subject:Legal system   ; People and society   ; Criminal law   ; Safety Protections  
Publish Date:09-27-2024

BEIJING, Sept. 27 -- Chinese police captured 6,543 criminal suspects for organized crimes in a special crackdown during the summer, China's Ministry of Public Security (MPS) said Friday.
Tong Bishan, an official with the ministry, said at a press conference in Beijing that the ministry intensified its efforts to lawfully fight organized crimes that undermine people's sense of security based on the distinctive features of the crimes that are more prevalent in summer.
During the special summer crackdown, Chinese police investigated 564 cases concerning organized crimes, and 3,404 criminal cases had been solved, according to Tong.
The MPS launched a nationwide summer security crackdown campaign for the third consecutive year since June 24 to further strengthen law enforcement, and better prevent, control, and manage criminal acts.

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