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Charity Law of the People's Republic of China [Revised]
中華人民共和國慈善法 [已被修訂]
Order of the President of the People's Republic of China 


(No. 43) (第四十三號)

The Charity Law of the People's Republic of China, as adopted at the 4th Session of the Twelfth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on March 16, 2016, is hereby issued, and shall come into force on September 1, 2016. 《中華人民共和國慈善法》已由中華人民共和國第十二屆全國人民代表大會第四次會議于2016年3月16日通過,現予公布,自2016年9月1日起施行。
President of the People's Republic of China: Xi Jinping 中華人民共和國主席 習近平
March 16, 2016 2016年3月16日
Charity Law of the People's Republic of China 中華人民共和國慈善法
(Adopted at the 4th Session of the Twelfth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on March 16, 2016) (2016年3月16日第十二屆全國人民代表大會第四次會議通過)
Table of Contents 目錄
Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 總則
Chapter II Charitable Organizations 第二章 慈善組織
Chapter III Charitable Fundraising 第三章 慈善募捐
Chapter IV Charitable Donation 第四章 慈善捐贈
Chapter V Charitable Trust 第五章 慈善信托
Chapter VI Charity Property 第六章 慈善財產
Chapter VII Charitable Services 第七章 慈善服務
Chapter VIII Information Disclosure 第八章 信息公開
Chapter IX Promotional Measures 第九章 促進措施
Chapter X Supervision and Administration 第十章 監督管理
Chapter XI Legal Liability 第十一章 法律責任
Chapter XII Supplementary Provisions 第十二章 附則
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 總則

Article 1 This Law is developed for purposes of developing the charitable cause, carrying forward the charity culture, regulating charitable activities, protecting the lawful rights and interests of charitable organizations, donors, volunteers, beneficiaries and other participants of charitable activities, promoting social progress, and sharing development results.   第一條 為了發展慈善事業,弘揚慈善文化,規範慈善活動,保護慈善組織、捐贈人、志願者、受益人等慈善活動參與者的合法權益,促進社會進步,共享發展成果,制定本法。
Article 2 This Law shall apply to charitable activities and charity-related activities conducted by natural persons, legal persons and other organizations, except as otherwise specifically provided for by any other law.   第二條 自然人、法人和其他組織開展慈善活動以及與慈善有關的活動,適用本法。其他法律有特別規定的,依照其規定。
Article 3 For the purpose of this Law, “charitable activities” means the following public welfare activities conducted voluntarily by natural persons, legal persons and other organizations in such manner as property donation or provision of services.   第三條 本法所稱慈善活動,是指自然人、法人和其他組織以捐贈財產或者提供服務等方式,自願開展的下列公益活動:
(1) Helping the poor and the needy. (一)扶貧、濟困;
(2) Giving relief to the aged, orphans, the sick, the disabled, and giving special care to disabled servicemen, and to family members of revolutionary martyrs and servicemen. (二)扶老、救孤、恤病、助殘、優撫;
(3) Giving salvage to the damage caused by natural disasters, disastrous accidents, public health incidents and other emergencies. (三)救助自然災害、事故災難和公共衛生事件等突發事件造成的損害;
(4) Promoting the development of education, science, culture, health, sports and other undertakings. (四)促進教育、科學、文化、衛生、體育等事業的發展;
(5) Preventing and controlling pollution and other public hazards, and protecting and improving the ecological environment. (五)防治汙染和其他公害,保護和改善生態環境;
(6) Other public welfare activities prescribed in this Law. (六)符合本法規定的其他公益活動。
Article 4 Charitable activities shall be conducted under the principles of legality, voluntariness, good faith and not-for-profit, shall not go against social ethnics, and shall not endanger national security, or damage pubic interest or any other person's lawful rights and interests.   第四條 開展慈善活動,應當遵循合法、自願、誠信、非營利的原則,不得違背社會公德,不得危害國家安全、損害社會公共利益和他人合法權益。
Article 5 The state encourages and provides support for natural persons, legal persons and other organizations to practice the core value of socialism, carry forward the fine traditions of the Chinese nation, and conduct charitable activities in accordance with the law.   第五條 國家鼓勵和支持自然人、法人和其他組織踐行社會主義核心價值觀,弘揚中華民族傳統美德,依法開展慈善活動。
Article 6 The civil affairs department of the State Council shall take charge of the charity work nationwide, the civil affairs departments of local people's governments at or above the county level shall take charge of the charity work within their respective administrative regions; and the relevant departments of people's governments at or above the county level shall, in accordance with this Law and other relevant laws and regulations, effectively conduct the relevant work within the scope of their respective functions.   第六條 國務院民政部門主管全國慈善工作,縣級以上地方各級人民政府民政部門主管本行政區域內的慈善工作;縣級以上人民政府有關部門依照本法和其他有關法律法規,在各自的職責範圍內做好相關工作。
Article 7 September 5 each year shall be the “Chinese Charity Day”.   第七條 每年9月5日為“中華慈善日”。
Chapter II Charitable Organizations 

第二章 慈善組織

Article 8 For the purpose of this Law, “charitable organizations” means nonprofit organizations that are formed in accordance with the law, comply with the provisions of this Law, and are aiming at conducting charitable activities for the public.   第八條 本法所稱慈善組織,是指依法成立、符合本法規定,以面向社會開展慈善活動為宗旨的非營利性組織。
Charitable organizations may adopt the forms of organization such as foundations, social organizations and social service agencies. 慈善組織可以采取基金會、社會團體、社會服務機構等組織形式。
Article 9 A charitable organization shall meet the following conditions:   第九條 慈善組織應當符合下列條件:
(1) It is aiming at conducting charitable activities. (一)以開展慈善活動為宗旨;
(2) It conducts activities not for the purpose of making profits. (二)不以營利為目的;
(3) It has its own name and domicile. (三)有自己的名稱和住所;
(4) It has its constitution. (四)有組織章程;
(5) It has necessary property. (五)有必要的財產;
(6) It has an eligible organizational structure and a person in charge. (六)有符合條件的組織機構和負責人;
(7) It meets other conditions prescribed by laws and administrative regulations. (七)法律、行政法規規定的其他條件。
Article 10 To form a charitable organization, the applicant shall file a registration application with the civil affairs department of the people's government at or above the county level, and the civil affairs department shall make a decision within 30 days as of the date of acceptance of the application. If the application meets the conditions prescribed in this Law, it shall approve the registration and announce to the public; and if the application fails to meet the conditions prescribed in this Law, it shall disapprove the registration and give the reason for disapproval in writing.   第十條 設立慈善組織,應當向縣級以上人民政府民政部門申請登記,民政部門應當自受理申請之日起三十日內作出決定。符合本法規定條件的,准予登記並向社會公告;不符合本法規定條件的,不予登記並書面說明理由。
A foundation, social organization, social service agency or any other nonprofit organization that has been formed before the issuance of this Law may apply to the civil affairs department registering it for recognizing it as a charitable organization, and the civil affairs department shall make a decision within 20 days as of acceptance of the application. If the applicant meets the conditions for charitable organizations, the civil affairs department shall recognize it and announce to the public; and if it fails to meet the conditions for charitable organizations, the civil affairs department shall not recognize it and shall give the reason in writing. 本法公布前已經設立的基金會、社會團體、社會服務機構等非營利性組織,可以向其登記的民政部門申請認定為慈善組織,民政部門應當自受理申請之日起二十日內作出決定。符合慈善組織條件的,予以認定並向社會公告;不符合慈善組織條件的,不予認定並書面說明理由。
Where the term for registration or recognition needs to be extended under any particular circumstance, the term may be appropriately extended for not more than 60 days with the approval of the civil affairs department of the State Council. 有特殊情況需要延長登記或者認定期限的,報經國務院民政部門批准,可以適當延長,但延長的期限不得超過六十日。
Article 11 The constitution of a charitable organization shall comply with the provisions of laws and regulations, and specify the following matters:   第十一條 慈善組織的章程,應當符合法律法規的規定,並載明下列事項:
(1) Name and domicile. (一)名稱和住所;
(2) Form of organization. (二)組織形式;
(3) Aim and scope of activities. (三)宗旨和活動範圍;
(4) Property sources and composition. (四)財產來源及構成;
(5) Composition and functions of the decision-making and executive bodies. (五)決策、執行機構的組成及職責;
(6) Internal supervision mechanism. (六)內部監督機制;
(7) Rules for property management and use. (七)財產管理使用制度;
(8) Project management rules. (八)項目管理制度;
(9) Circumstances requiring termination and the methods for liquidation after termination. (九)終止情形及終止後的清算辦法;
(10) Other important matters. (十)其他重要事項。
Article 12 A charitable organization shall, according to the provisions of laws, regulations and the constitution, establish and improve the internal governance structure, specify the scope of functions in such aspects as decision-making, implementation and supervision, and conduct charitable activities.   第十二條 慈善組織應當根據法律法規以及章程的規定,建立健全內部治理結構,明確決策、執行、監督等方面的職責權限,開展慈善活動。
The charitable organization shall implement national uniform accounting rules, conduct accounting in accordance with the law, establish and improve accounting supervision rules, and accept the supervision and administration of the relevant departments of the government. 慈善組織應當執行國家統一的會計制度,依法進行會計核算,建立健全會計監督制度,並接受政府有關部門的監督管理。
Article 13 A charitable organization shall, on an annual basis, submit annual work reports and financial accounting reports to the civil affairs department registering it. The reports shall cover the information on fundraising and acceptance of donations in a year, the management and use of charity property, the implementation of charity projects and the salaries and welfare of employees of the charitable organization.   第十三條 慈善組織應當每年向其登記的民政部門報送年度工作報告和財務會計報告。報告應當包括年度開展募捐和接受捐贈情況、慈善財產的管理使用情況、慈善項目實施情況以及慈善組織工作人員的工資福利情況。
Article 14 The promoter, major donors and managers of a charitable organization shall not use their affiliation relationship to damage the interests of the charitable organization and beneficiaries or public interest.   第十四條 慈善組織的發起人、主要捐贈人以及管理人員,不得利用其關聯關系損害慈善組織、受益人的利益和社會公共利益。
Where the promoter or any major donor or manager of the charitable organization has any transaction with the charitable organization, it or he shall not participate in the charitable organization's decision-making on the transaction, and the information on the transaction shall be made available to the public. 慈善組織的發起人、主要捐贈人以及管理人員與慈善組織發生交易行為的,不得參與慈善組織有關該交易行為的決策,有關交易情況應當向社會公開。
Article 15 A charitable organization shall not conduct or subsidize the activities endangering national security and public interest, shall not accept any donation under any additional conditions in violation of any law or regulation or against social ethnics, and shall not set on the beneficiary any additional conditions in violation of any law or regulation or against social ethics.   第十五條 慈善組織不得從事、資助危害國家安全和社會公共利益的活動,不得接受附加違反法律法規和違背社會公德條件的捐贈,不得對受益人附加違反法律法規和違背社會公德的條件。
Article 16 Whoever falling under any of the following circumstances shall not serve as the person in charge of a charitable organization:   第十六條 有下列情形之一的,不得擔任慈善組織的負責人:
(1) The person has no civil conduct capacity or has limited civil conduct capacity. (一)無民事行為能力或者限制民事行為能力的;
(2) The person has been given a criminal punishment due to intentional crime, and it has not been five years since the date of completion of the sentence. (二)因故意犯罪被判處刑罰,自刑罰執行完畢之日起未逾五年的;
(3) The person serves as the person in charge of an organization of which the registration certificate is revoked or which is banned, and it has not been five years since the registration certificate of the organization is revoked or the organization is banned. (三)在被吊銷登記證書或者被取締的組織擔任負責人,自該組織被吊銷登記證書或者被取締之日起未逾五年的;
(4) Any other circumstance prescribed in laws and administrative regulations. (四)法律、行政法規規定的其他情形。
Article 17 A charitable organization that falls under any of the following circumstances shall be terminated:   第十七條 慈善組織有下列情形之一的,應當終止:
(1) Any circumstance requiring termination as prescribed in the constitution occurs. (一)出現章程規定的終止情形的;
(2) Termination is required for its division or combination. (二)因分立、合並需要終止的;
(3) It fails to conduct charitable activities for two consecutive years. (三)連續二年未從事慈善活動的;
(4) It is deregistered or its registration certificate is revoked in accordance with the law. (四)依法被撤銷登記或者吊銷登記證書的;
(5) Any other circumstance requiring termination as prescribed by laws and administrative regulations. (五)法律、行政法規規定應當終止的其他情形。
Article 18 A charitable organization that terminates shall conduct liquidation.   第十八條 慈善組織終止,應當進行清算。
The decision-making body of a charitable organization shall form a liquidation team to conduct liquidation within 30 days as of the occurrence of the circumstance requiring termination as set forth in Article 17 of this Law, and announce it to the public. If no liquidation team is formed or the liquidation team fails to perform functions, the civil affairs department may apply to the people's court for designating the relevant personnel to form a liquidation team to conduct liquidation. 慈善組織的決策機構應當在本法第十七條規定的終止情形出現之日起三十日內成立清算組進行清算,並向社會公告。不成立清算組或者清算組不履行職責的,民政部門可以申請人民法院指定有關人員組成清算組進行清算。
The remaining property after the liquidation of the charitable organization shall be transferred to the charitable organization with the same or similar aim according to the provisions of the constitution of the charitable organization; and if it is not provided for in the constitution, the civil affairs department shall transfer the property to the charitable organization with the same or similar aim, and announce to the public. 慈善組織清算後的剩余財產,應當按照慈善組織章程的規定轉給宗旨相同或者相近的慈善組織;章程未規定的,由民政部門主持轉給宗旨相同或者相近的慈善組織,並向社會公告。
The charitable organization shall, after its liquidation, undergo deregistration formalities at the civil affairs department registering it, and the civil affairs department shall announce to the public. 慈善組織清算結束後,應當向其登記的民政部門辦理注銷登記,並由民政部門向社會公告。
Article 19 Charitable organizations shall form an industry organization in accordance with the law.   第十九條 慈善組織依法成立行業組織。
The charity industry organization shall reflect the demands of the industry, promote industry exchange, enhance the credibility of the charity industry, and promote the development of the charitable cause. 慈善行業組織應當反映行業訴求,推動行業交流,提高慈善行業公信力,促進慈善事業發展。
Article 20 The specific measures for the form of organization and registration management of charitable organizations shall be developed by the State Council.   第二十條 慈善組織的組織形式、登記管理的具體辦法由國務院制定。
Chapter III Charitable Fundraising 

第三章 慈善募捐

Article 21 For the purpose of this Law, “charitable fundraising” means the activities of charitable organizations to raise funds for charitable purposes.   第二十一條 本法所稱慈善募捐,是指慈善組織基于慈善宗旨募集財產的活動。
“Charitable fundraising” includes fundraising from the public and fundraising from specific objects. 慈善募捐,包括面向社會公眾的公開募捐和面向特定對象的定向募捐。
Article 22 A charitable organization that fundraises from the public shall obtain the qualification for fundraising from the public. A charitable organization that has been legally registered for two years or more may apply to the civil affairs department registering it for the qualification for fundraising from the public. The civil affairs department shall make a decision within 20 days as of the date of acceptance of the application. If the charitable organization complies with the conditions of having a sound internal governance structure and standard operations, the civil affairs department shall issue the qualification certificate for fundraising from the public to it; and if it fails to meet the conditions, the civil affairs department shall not issue the qualification certificate for fundraising from the public to it and shall give the reason in writing.   第二十二條 慈善組織開展公開募捐,應當取得公開募捐資格。依法登記滿二年的慈善組織,可以向其登記的民政部門申請公開募捐資格。民政部門應當自受理申請之日起二十日內作出決定。慈善組織符合內部治理結構健全、運作規範的條件的,發給公開募捐資格證書;不符合條件的,不發給公開募捐資格證書並書面說明理由。
The civil affairs department shall directly issue the qualification certificate for fundraising from the public to a foundation or social organization that is allowed by any law or administrative regulation to fundraise from the public as of the date of registration. 法律、行政法規規定自登記之日起可以公開募捐的基金會和社會團體,由民政部門直接發給公開募捐資格證書。
Article 23 Fundraising from the public may be conducted in the following ways:   第二十三條 開展公開募捐,可以采取下列方式:
(1) Setting collection boxes in public places. (一)在公共場所設置募捐箱;
(2) Holding charity performance, matches, bazaars, exhibitions, auctions and parties, among others, for the public. (二)舉辦面向社會公眾的義演、義賽、義賣、義展、義拍、慈善晚會等;
(3) Releasing fundraising information through broadcasting, television, newspapers and journals, Internet and other media. (三)通過廣播、電視、報刊、互聯網等媒體發布募捐信息;
(4) Other ways to fundraise from the public. (四)其他公開募捐方式。
Where a charitable organization fundraises from the public in the way prescribed in item (1) or (2) of the preceding paragraph, it shall conduct fundraising within the region under the jurisdiction of the civil affairs department registering it, and if it is indeed necessary to conduct fundraising outside the region under the jurisdiction of the civil affairs department registering it, it shall report to the civil affairs department of the people's government at or above the county level at the place where it conducts the fundraising activity for recordation. The donations made by donors shall not be subject to territorial restrictions. 慈善組織采取前款第一項、第二項規定的方式開展公開募捐的,應當在其登記的民政部門管轄區域內進行,確有必要在其登記的民政部門管轄區域外進行的,應當報其開展募捐活動所在地的縣級以上人民政府民政部門備案。捐贈人的捐贈行為不受地域限制。
Where the charitable organization fundraises from the public through the Internet, it shall release the fundraising information on the uniform charity information platform of or the charity information platform designated by the civil affairs department of the State Council, and may at the same time, release the fundraising information on its website. 慈善組織通過互聯網開展公開募捐的,應當在國務院民政部門統一或者指定的慈善信息平台發布募捐信息,並可以同時在其網站發布募捐信息。
Article 24 A fundraising plan shall be made for fundraising from the public. The fundraising plan shall cover the fundraising objective, starting and ending time and region, the name of the person in charge of the activity and office address, the ways of receiving donations, bank account, the beneficiary, the use of raised money and other property, the fundraising cost, and the handling of remaining property, among others.   第二十四條 開展公開募捐,應當制定募捐方案。募捐方案包括募捐目的、起止時間和地域、活動負責人姓名和辦公地址、接受捐贈方式、銀行賬戶、受益人、募得款物用途、募捐成本、剩余財產的處理等。
The fundraising plan shall be reported to the civil affairs department that registers the charitable organization for recordation before the fundraising activity is conducted. 募捐方案應當在開展募捐活動前報慈善組織登記的民政部門備案。
Article 25 For fundraising from the public, the name of the fundraising organization, the qualification certificate for fundraising from the public, fundraising plan, contact information and methods for the inquiry of fundraising information, among others, shall be disclosed at the place where the fundraising activity is held or on a conspicuous position of the carrier of the fundraising activity.   第二十五條 開展公開募捐,應當在募捐活動現場或者募捐活動載體的顯著位置,公布募捐組織名稱、公開募捐資格證書、募捐方案、聯系方式、募捐信息查詢方法等。
Article 26 An organization or an individual without the qualification for fundraising from the public may, for charitable purposes, cooperate with a charitable organization qualified to fundraise from the public, and the charitable organization shall organize the fundraising from the public and manage the raised money and other property.   第二十六條 不具有公開募捐資格的組織或者個人基于慈善目的,可以與具有公開募捐資格的慈善組織合作,由該慈善組織開展公開募捐並管理募得款物。
Article 27 A radio, television, newspaper or journal, an online service provider or a telecommunications operator shall verify the registration certificate and qualification certificate for fundraising from the public of a charitable organization that fundraises from the public through its platform.   第二十七條 廣播、電視、報刊以及網絡服務提供者、電信運營商,應當對利用其平台開展公開募捐的慈善組織的登記證書、公開募捐資格證書進行驗證。
Article 28 A charitable organization may fundraise from specific objects as of the date of its registration.   第二十八條 慈善組織自登記之日起可以開展定向募捐。
A charitable organization shall conduct donor-specific fundraising within the scope of specific objects such as the promoter, members of the board of governors, and its members, and explain the fundraising objective, the use of raised money and other property, and other matters to the fundraising objects. 慈善組織開展定向募捐,應當在發起人、理事會成員和會員等特定對象的範圍內進行,並向募捐對象說明募捐目的、募得款物用途等事項。
Article 29 Fundraising from specific objects shall not be conducted, directly or in disguise, in any way prescribed in Article 23 of this Law.   第二十九條 開展定向募捐,不得采取或者變相采取本法第二十三條規定的方式。
Article 30 Where any serious natural disaster, disastrous accident, public health incident or any other emergency occurs and immediate rescue is required, the relevant people's government shall establish a coordination mechanism, provide the demand information, and direct fundraising and rescue activities in a timely and orderly manner.   第三十條 發生重大自然災害、事故災難和公共衛生事件等突發事件,需要迅速開展救助時,有關人民政府應當建立協調機制,提供需求信息,及時有序引導開展募捐和救助活動。
Article 31 In conducting fundraising activities, the lawful rights and interests of fundraising objects shall be respected and maintained, and the fundraising objects' right to know shall be guaranteed. Charitable organizations shall not defraud fundraising objects of donations or induce them to make donations by fabricating facts and other means.   第三十一條 開展募捐活動,應當尊重和維護募捐對象的合法權益,保障募捐對象的知情權,不得通過虛構事實等方式欺騙、誘導募捐對象實施捐贈。
Article 32 In conducting fundraising activities, apportionment or apportionment in disguise is prohibited, and the public order, enterprises' production and business operation, and residents' life shall not be obstructed.   第三十二條 開展募捐活動,不得攤派或者變相攤派,不得妨礙公共秩序、企業生產經營和居民生活。
Article 33 No organization or individual may conduct fundraising activities to fraudulently obtain property under the guise of charity or by counterfeiting any charitable organization.   第三十三條 禁止任何組織或者個人假借慈善名義或者假冒慈善組織開展募捐活動,騙取財產。
Chapter IV Charitable Donation 

第四章 慈善捐贈

Article 34 For the purpose of this Law, “charitable donation” means the voluntary and gratuitous donation of property by natural persons, legal persons and other organizations for charitable purposes.   第三十四條 本法所稱慈善捐贈,是指自然人、法人和其他組織基于慈善目的,自願、無償贈與財產的活動。
Article 35 Donors may make donations through charitable organizations, or directly make donations to the beneficiaries.   第三十五條 捐贈人可以通過慈善組織捐贈,也可以直接向受益人捐贈。
Article 36 The property donated by a donor shall be legal property which the donor has the right to dispose of. Donated property includes currencies, physical goods, houses, negotiable securities, equities, intellectual property rights and other tangible and intangible property.   第三十六條 捐贈人捐贈的財產應當是其有權處分的合法財產。捐贈財產包括貨幣、實物、房屋、有價證券、股權、知識產權等有形和無形財產。
The physical goods donated by the donor shall have use value, and comply with the standards in terms of safety, hygiene and environmental protection, among others. 捐贈人捐贈的實物應當具有使用價值,符合安全、衛生、環保等標准。
Where the donor donates the products of his or her enterprise, the donor shall assume product quality responsibilities and obligations in accordance with the law. 捐贈人捐贈本企業產品的,應當依法承擔產品質量責任和義務。
Article 37 Where a natural person, legal person or any other organization that conducts an exhibition, match, sale, auction or any other business activity promises to use all or partial income for charitable purposes, he or it shall, before holding the activity, enter into a donation agreement with the charitable organization or any other person taking the donation, and after the completion of the activity, perform the donation obligation according to the donation agreement, and release the donation information to the public.   第三十七條 自然人、法人和其他組織開展演出、比賽、銷售、拍賣等經營性活動,承諾將全部或者部分所得用于慈善目的的,應當在舉辦活動前與慈善組織或者其他接受捐贈的人簽訂捐贈協議,活動結束後按照捐贈協議履行捐贈義務,並將捐贈情況向社會公開。
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