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Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Promoting the Development of "Internet plus Health Care" [Effective]
國務院辦公廳關于促進“互聯網+醫療健康”發展的意見 [現行有效]
Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Promoting the Development of "Internet plus Health Care" 


(No. 26 [2018] of the General Office of the State Council) (國辦發〔2018〕26號)

The people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government; all ministries and commissions of the State Council; and all institutions directly under the State Council: 各省、自治區、直轄市人民政府,國務院各部委、各直屬機構:
For the purposes of thoroughly implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in a New Era and the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress, boosting the implementation of the Healthy China Strategy, raising the level of modern health care management, optimizing resource allocation, innovating service models, improving service efficiency, reducing service costs, and satisfying the ever-growing needs of the people for health care, according to the Outline of the Plan for "Healthy China 2030" and the Guiding Opinions of the State Council on Actively Advancing the "Internet plus" Action ( No. 40 [2015], State Council), with the approval of the State Council, the following opinions on furthering the development of "Internet plus health care are hereby offered. 為深入貫徹落實習近平新時代中國特色社會主義思想和黨的十九大精神,推進實施健康中國戰略,提升醫療衛生現代化管理水平,優化資源配置,創新服務模式,提高服務效率,降低服務成本,滿足人民群眾日益增長的醫療衛生健康需求,根據《“健康中國2030”規劃綱要》和《國務院關于積極推進“互聯網+”行動的指導意見》(國發〔2015〕40號),經國務院同意,現就促進“互聯網+醫療健康”發展提出以下意見。
I. Refining the "Internet plus health care" service system   一、健全“互聯網+醫療健康”服務體系
1. Developing "Internet plus" health care services. (一)發展“互聯網+”醫療服務。
(1) Medical institutions shall be encouraged to apply the Internet and other information technologies to expand the space and content of health care services and build an online and offline integrated health care model covering the whole process of health care. 1.鼓勵醫療機構應用互聯網等信息技術拓展醫療服務空間和內容,構建覆蓋診前、診中、診後的線上線下一體化醫療服務模式。
The development of Internet hospitals depending on health care institutions shall be allowed. Heath care institutions may use Internet hospital as their secondary name and, based on physical hospitals, use Internet technology to provide safe and appropriate health care services, allowing online subsequent visits for some common diseases and chronic diseases. After acquiring documents on the medical records of patients, physicians shall be allowed to write prescriptions online for some common diseases and chronic diseases. 允許依托醫療機構發展互聯網醫院。醫療機構可以使用互聯網醫院作為第二名稱,在實體醫院基礎上,運用互聯網技術提供安全適宜的醫療服務,允許在線開展部分常見病、慢性病複診。醫師掌握患者病曆資料後,允許在線開具部分常見病、慢性病處方。
Health care institutions and qualified third-party institutions shall be supported in setting up Internet information platforms to provide telemedicine, health consultation, and health management services so as to promote the effective communication among hospitals, medical personnel, and patients. (The National Health Commission and the National Development and Reform Commission shall be responsible. The authority first mentioned shall take the lead and the same shall apply hereinafter) 支持醫療衛生機構、符合條件的第三方機構搭建互聯網信息平台,開展遠程醫療、健康咨詢、健康管理服務,促進醫院、醫務人員、患者之間的有效溝通。(國家衛生健康委員會、國家發展改革委負責。排在第一位的部門為牽頭部門,下同)
(2) Health care consortia shall actively use Internet technology to expedite the realization of the connection of medical resources from bottom to top, the interconnection and sharing of information, and efficient business synergy, facilitate services such as appointments for diagnosis and treatment, two-way referrals, and telemedicine, advance "primary check-up and higher-level diagnosis," and promote the development of an orderly hierarchical diagnosis and treatment pattern. 2.醫療聯合體要積極運用互聯網技術,加快實現醫療資源上下貫通、信息互通共享、業務高效協同,便捷開展預約診療、雙向轉診、遠程醫療等服務,推進“基層檢查、上級診斷”,推動構建有序的分級診療格局。
The higher-level health care institutions under health care consortia shall be encouraged to use artificial intelligence and other technical means to provide remote consultation, remote electrocardiograph diagnosis, remote imaging diagnosis, and other services oriented to the primary level and promote the real-time access to, mutual recognition, and sharing of examination and diagnostic analysis results among the health care institutions under health care consortia. Telemedicine services shall be promoted in covering all the medical consortia and county-level hospitals across the country and gradually extending to community health care service institutions, township health care centers and village clinics so as to enhance the capabilities and efficiency of primary health care services. (The National Health Commission, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, and the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine shall be responsible) 鼓勵醫療聯合體內上級醫療機構借助人工智能等技術手段,面向基層提供遠程會診、遠程心電診斷、遠程影像診斷等服務,促進醫療聯合體內醫療機構間檢查檢驗結果實時查閱、互認共享。推進遠程醫療服務覆蓋全國所有醫療聯合體和縣級醫院,並逐步向社區衛生服務機構、鄉鎮衛生院和村衛生室延伸,提升基層醫療服務能力和效率。(國家衛生健康委員會、國家發展改革委、財政部、國家中醫藥局負責)
2. Innovating "Internet plus" public health services. (二)創新“互聯網+”公共衛生服務。
(1) The online access to and well-regulated use of the electronic health records of residents shall be boosted. Hypertension and diabetes, among others, shall be brought into focus in strengthening the online service and management with respect to the chronic diseases in the elderly. With children under the National Immunization Program as priority service targets, existing preventive vaccination information platforms shall be consolidated to optimize preventive vaccination services. The use of wearable devices to obtain vital signs data shall be encouraged, and pregnant women shall be provided with health monitoring and management services. The information management, follow-up assessment, and classification intervention of patients with severe mental disorders shall be intensified. (The National Health Commission shall be responsible) 1.推動居民電子健康檔案在線查詢和規範使用。以高血壓、糖尿病等為重點,加強老年慢性病在線服務管理。以納入國家免疫規劃的兒童為重點服務對象,整合現有預防接種信息平台,優化預防接種服務。鼓勵利用可穿戴設備獲取生命體征數據,為孕產婦提供健康監測與管理。加強對嚴重精神障礙患者的信息管理、隨訪評估和分類幹預。(國家衛生健康委員會負責)
(2) Health care institutions shall be encouraged to cooperate with Internet enterprises, strengthen the consolidation of regional health care information resources, and explore the application of big data technology analysis methods such as crowd flow and climate change to predict the epidemic trends in diseases, strengthen the intelligent monitoring of infectious diseases and other diseases, and enhance the capabilities to prevent and control major diseases and tackle outbreaks of public health events. (The National Health Commission shall be responsible) 2.鼓勵醫療衛生機構與互聯網企業合作,加強區域醫療衛生信息資源整合,探索運用人群流動、氣候變化等大數據技術分析手段,預測疾病流行趨勢,加強對傳染病等疾病的智能監測,提高重大疾病防控和突發公共衛生事件應對能力。(國家衛生健康委員會負責)
3. Optimizing "Internet plus" contracting in family doctor services. (三)優化“互聯網+”家庭醫生簽約服務。
(1) The building and application of intelligent information platforms for contracting in family doctor services shall be accelerated, the technical support of higher-level hospitals for primary level shall be strengthened, an online evaluation, assessment and incentive mechanism shall be explored, the capacity of services of the family doctor team shall be enhanced, the quality and efficiency of contracting in services shall be heightened, and the trust of the people in family doctors shall be augmented. (The National Health Commission, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, and the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine shall be responsible) 1.加快家庭醫生簽約服務智能化信息平台建設與應用,加強上級醫院對基層的技術支持,探索線上考核評價和激勵機制,提高家庭醫生團隊服務能力,提升簽約服務質量和效率,增強群眾對家庭醫生的信任度。(國家衛生健康委員會、國家發展改革委、財政部、國家中醫藥局負責)
(2) Online contracting in services shall be encouraged, contracting residents shall be provided with online health consultations, appointments and referrals, follow-up of chronic diseases, health management, extension of prescriptions, and other services, the transformation of family doctor service models shall be advanced, and the people experience with contracting in service shall be improved. (The National Health Commission shall be responsible) 2.鼓勵開展網上簽約服務,為簽約居民在線提供健康咨詢、預約轉診、慢性病隨訪、健康管理、延伸處方等服務,推進家庭醫生服務模式轉變,改善群眾簽約服務感受。(國家衛生健康委員會負責)
4. Improving the "Internet plus" drug supply guarantee services. (四)完善“互聯網+”藥品供應保障服務。
(1) After prescriptions for common diseases and chronic diseases written online are reviewed by pharmacists, heath care institutions and drug distribution enterprises may commission delivery from qualified third-party institutions. The interconnection and real-time sharing of the prescription information of health care institutions and retail drug consumption information shall be explored, and the well-regulated development of online drug sales and medical logistic distribution, among others, shall be furthered. (The National Health Commission, the State Administration of Market Regulation, and the State Drug Administration shall be responsible) 1.對線上開具的常見病、慢性病處方,經藥師審核後,醫療機構、藥品經營企業可委托符合條件的第三方機構配送。探索醫療衛生機構處方信息與藥品零售消費信息互聯互通、實時共享,促進藥品網絡銷售和醫療物流配送等規範發展。(國家衛生健康委員會、國家市場監督管理總局、國家藥品監督管理局負責)
(2) The National Health Information Platform shall be depended on to strengthen the collection of Internet-based multi-source information on short drugs and collaborative application of supply business so as to enhance selection and other capabilities in relation to basic drugs catalogs and encouraged generic drugs catalogs. (The National Health Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the State Administration of Market Regulation, and the State Drug Administration shall be responsible) 2.依托全民健康信息平台,加強基于互聯網的短缺藥品多源信息采集和供應業務協同應用,提升基本藥物目錄、鼓勵仿制的藥品目錄的遴選等能力。(國家衛生健康委員會、工業和信息化部、國家市場監督管理總局、國家藥品監督管理局負責)
5. Forwarding "Internet plus" health insurance settlement services. (五)推進“互聯網+”醫療保障結算服務。
(1) The connection and consolidation of health insurance information systems shall be accelerated, the harmonization and sharing of health insurance data and related authorities' data shall be achieved, online payment functions shall be gradually expanded, and "one-stop" settlement shall be advanced, so as to provide more convenient services for the enrollees. (The State Medical Insurance Administration, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, and the National Health Commission shall be responsible) 1.加快醫療保障信息系統對接整合,實現醫療保障數據與相關部門數據聯通共享,逐步拓展在線支付功能,推進“一站式”結算,為參保人員提供更加便利的服務。(國家醫療保障局、人力資源社會保障部、國家衛生健康委員會等負責)
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