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Administrative Measures for the Practice of Law by Lawyers [Revised]
律師執業管理辦法 [已被修訂]
Order of the Ministry of Justice
(No. 112)
The Administrative Measures for the Practice of Law by Lawyers, which were adopted at the executive meeting of the Ministry of Justice on May 28, 2008, are hereby promulgated, and shall be implemented on the day of promulgation.
Justice Minister Wu Aiying
July 18, 2008
Administrative Measures for the Practice of Law by Lawyers


部長 吳愛英
Chapter I General Provisions

第一章 總則

Article 1 To regulate the licensing for practice of law by lawyers, safeguard the lawful practice of law by lawyers, and strengthen the supervision and administration of the practice of law by lawyers, these Measures are formulated in accordance with the provisions of the Lawyers Lawof the People's Republic of China(hereinafter referred to as the “Lawyers Law”) and other relevant laws and regulations.
   第一條 為了規範律師執業許可,保障律師依法執業,加強對律師執業行為的監督和管理,根據《中華人民共和國律師法》(以下簡稱《律師法》)和其他有關法律、法規的規定,制定本辦法。
Article 2 A lawyer refers to a practitioner who has acquired a lawyer's practicing certificate according to law and accepts an authorization or appointment to provide legal services for a client.
   第二條 律師是指依法取得律師執業證書,接受委托或者指定,為當事人提供法律服務的執業人員。
Article 3 A lawyer shall maintain the legal rights and interests of a client, maintain the correct enforcement of law, and maintain the social fairness and justice, through the practice of law.
   第三條 律師通過執業活動,應當維護當事人合法權益,維護法律正確實施,維護社會公平和正義。
Article 4 The lawful practice of law by a lawyer shall be protected by law, and no organization or individual shall infringe upon the legal rights and interests of a lawyer.
The justice administrative organs and the lawyers' associations shall protect the practicing rights of lawyers according to law.
   第四條 律師依法執業受法律保護,任何組織和個人不得侵害律師的合法權益。
Article 5 The justice administrative organs shall supervise and provide guidance for the practice of law by lawyers in accordance with the Lawyers Law and these Measures.
The lawyers' associations shall conduct professional self-regulation of the practice of law by lawyers in accordance with the Lawyers Law, bylaws of lawyers' associations and professional rules.
   第五條 司法行政機關依照《律師法》和本辦法的規定對律師執業進行監督、指導。
Chapter II Conditions for Practice of law by Lawyers

第二章 律師執業條件

Article 6 To apply for practicing law, an applicant shall satisfy the following conditions:
   第六條 申請律師執業,應當具備下列條件:
(1) Upholding the Constitution of the People's Republic of China;
(2) Passing the uniform national judicial examination and acquiring the legal profession qualification certificate;
(3) Completing one-year internship at a law firm; and
(4) Having good character and conduct.
In the application for practicing law, a certificate of lawyer qualification acquired before the adoption of the uniform national judicial examination shall be equally authentic with a legal profession qualification certificate.
A person who enjoys the relevant preferences in respect of the conditions for signing up or passing the national uniform judicial examination and acquires the legal profession qualification certificate shall be subject to the relevant provisions on any territorial restriction on his application for practicing law.
A person applying for practicing law shall participate in the internship activities organized by a lawyers' association according to the legal provisions, and pass the assessment conducted by the lawyers' association.
Article 7 To apply for practicing law on a part-time basis, besides the conditions prescribed in Article 6 of these Measures, an applicant shall satisfy the following conditions:
   第七條 申請兼職律師執業,除符合本辦法第六條規定的條件外,還應當具備下列條件:
(1) Being engaged in the legal education or research work in an institution of higher learning or research institute; and
(2) Acquiring the consent of his current employer.
Article 8 To apply for practicing law on a special permission basis, an applicant shall satisfy the conditions prescribed by the Lawyers Law and the relevant regulations of the State Council.
   第八條 申請特許律師執業,應當符合《律師法》和國務院有關條例規定的條件。
Article 9 A person who is under any of the following circumstances shall not practice law as a lawyer:
   第九條 有下列情形之一的人員,不得從事律師職業:
(1) Having no or limited capacity in civil conduct;
(2) Having a record of criminal punishment, except for a negligent crime; or
(3) Having been expelled from a public office or subject to the revocation of his lawyer's practicing certificate.
Chapter III Licensing Procedures for Practice of Law by Lawyers

第三章 律師執業許可程序

Article 10 In the licensing for practice of law by lawyers, the justice administrative organ of a districted city or a district (county) of a municipality directly under the Central Government shall be responsible to accept an application for practicing law, conduct the preliminary examination, and report it to the justice administrative organ of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government for examination and approval, which shall make a decision on approval or disapproval of practice of law.
   第十條 律師執業許可,由設區的市級或者直轄市的區(縣)司法行政機關受理執業申請並進行初審,報省、自治區、直轄市司法行政機關審核,作出是否准予執業的決定。
Article 11 To apply for practicing law, an applicant shall submit the following materials to the justice administrative organ of a districted city or a district (county) of a municipality directly under the Central Government:
   第十一條 申請律師執業,應當向設區的市級或者直轄市的區(縣)司法行政機關提交下列材料:
(1) Application form for the practice of law;
(2) Legal profession qualification certificate or lawyer qualification certificate;
(3) Document issued by a lawyers' association on the applicant's pass of the internship assessment;
(4) Identification certificate of the applicant; and
(5) Certificate issued by a law firm on agreeing to accept the applicant.
When applying for the practice licensing, the applicant shall truthfully fill in the Registration Form for an Application for Practicing Law.
Article 12 To apply for practicing law on a part-time basis, besides the relevant materials submitted according to Article 11 of these Measures, an applicant shall submit the following materials:
   第十二條 申請兼職律師執業,除按照本辦法第十一條的規定提交有關材料外,還應當提交下列材料:
(1) Statement of experiences and evidential materials on experiences of being engaged in the legal education or research work in an institution of higher learning or research institute; and
(2) Certificate of consent of the applicant's current employer to the applicant's practice law on a part-time basis.
Article 13 The justice administrative organ of a districted city or a district (county) of a municipality directly under the Central Government shall handle an applicant's application for practicing law as follows:
   第十三條 設區的市級或者直轄市的區(縣)司法行政機關對申請人提出的律師執業申請,應當根據下列情況分別作出處理:
(1) Where the application materials are complete and consistent with the statutory form, the justice administrative organ shall accept the application;
(2) Where the application materials are incomplete or inconsistent with the statutory form, the justice administrative organ shall inform the applicant of all the contents to be added or redressed at one time on the spot or within five days from the day of receipt of the application materials; if the applicant has added or redressed the contents as required, the application shall be accepted; if the justice administrative organ fails to inform the applicant within the above time limit, the application shall be regarded as having been accepted from the date of receipt of the application materials; or
(3) Where any application matter obviously does not meet the statutory conditions, or the applicant refuses to add or redress or is incapable of adding or redressing the relevant material, the justice administrative organ shall reject the application, and give reasons for the rejection to the applicant in written form.
Article 14 The justice administrative organ accepting an application shall complete the examination of the application materials within 20 days from the day of decision on acceptance.
During the examination, the justice administrative organ accepting the application may solicit opinions of the justice administrative organ at the county level at the place of application for practicing law; and if it is necessary to investigate or verify the relevant information, the justice administrative organ accepting the application may require the applicant to submit the relevant evidential material, or authorize the justice administrative organ at the county level to verify the relevant information.
Upon examination, the justice administrative organ accepting the application shall present its examination opinions on whether the applicant meets the statutory conditions and whether the submitted materials are authentic and complete, and submit its examination opinions and all application materials to the justice administrative organ of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government.
   第十四條 受理申請的司法行政機關應當自決定受理之日起二十日內完成對申請材料的審查。
Article 15 The justice administrative organ of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall review an application for practicing law within ten days from the day of receipt of the examination opinions and all application materials submitted by the justice administrative organ accepting the application, and make a decision on approval or disapproval of practice of law.
If the practice of law is approved, it shall issue a lawyer's practicing certificate to the applicant within ten days from the day of decision on approval.
If the practice of law is disapproved, it shall give written reasons for the disapproval to the applicant.
   第十五條 省、自治區、直轄市司法行政機關應當自收到受理申請機關報送的審查意見和全部申請材料之日起十日內予以審核,作出是否准予執業的決定。
Article 16 For an application for practicing law on a special permission basis, the materials to be submitted and the procedures for acceptance, assessment and approval shall be subject to the provisions of the relevant regulations of the State Council.
   第十六條 申請特許律師執業,需要提交的材料以及受理、考核、批准的程序,依照國務院有關條例的規定辦理。
Article 17 No applicant under any of the circumstances prescribed in Article 9 of these Measures shall be approved to practice law.
   第十七條 申請人有本辦法第九條規定情形之一的,不得准予其律師執業。
Article 18 A lawyer's practicing certificate shall be the valid certificate that a lawyer has been legally approved to practice law.
The measures for the contents, specification of making and sequencing of certificate number of a lawyer's practicing certificate shall be formulated by the Ministry of Justice. The lawyer's practicing certificate shall be uniformly made by the Ministry of Justice.
   第十八條 律師執業證書是律師依法獲准執業的有效證件。
Article 19 Under any of the following circumstances, the justice administrative organ of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government which made the decision on approval of an applicant's practice of law shall revoke the original decision on approval of practice of law, and take back and cancel the lawyer's practicing certificate of the applicant:
   第十九條 有下列情形之一的,由作出准予該申請人執業決定的省、自治區、直轄市司法行政機關撤銷原准予執業的決定,收回並注銷其律師執業證書:

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