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Memorandum of Understanding Between the Government of Australia and the Government of the People's Republic of China on a Work and Holiday Visa Arrangement

Memorandum of Understanding Between the Government of Australia and the Government of the People's Republic of China on a Work and Holiday Visa Arrangement



In the spirit of strengthening ties between their two countries and promoting improved mutual understanding amongst their young people, the Government of Australia and the Government of the People's Republic of China (“the Participants”) have reached the following understandings in relation to granting “Work and Holiday” visas: 為加強兩國聯系,加深兩國青年相互理解,中華人民共和國政府和澳大利亞政府(簡稱“雙方”)就簽發“假日工作”簽證達成如下諒解:
1. ISSUE OF “WORK AND HOLIDAY”VISAS   第一條 “假日工作”簽證的發放
(a) Subject to the provisions of this Memorandum of Understanding, Australia will grant annually, according to its laws and procedures, up to 5,000 multiple entry “Work and Holiday” visas or authorisations for temporary stay for a period of twelve (12) calendar months to nationals of the People's Republic of China who the decision-maker is satisfied: (一)在符合本諒解備忘錄規定的情況下,澳大利亞將根據其國內法律和程序,向滿足下列要求的中華人民共和國公民簽發臨時居留期為十二(12)個日曆月、可多次入境的“假日工作”簽證或許可,每年簽發數量最多5000個:
(i) intend primarily to holiday in Australia for a period of up to twelve (12) calendar months; 1.主要目的是在澳大利亞度假,居留時間不超過十二(12)個日曆月;
(ii) are at least eighteen (18) years of age but have not turned thirty one (31) at the time of application for a visa; 2.提出簽證申請時至少年滿十八(18)周歲,但未滿三十一(31)周歲;
(iii) will not be accompanied by dependent children; 3.無需要撫養的子女同行;
(iv) hold a valid passport and an onward travel ticket or sufficient funds to purchase such a ticket; 4.持有有效護照,並擁有續程旅行票證或購買續程旅行票證的充足資金;
(v) possess sufficient funds for personal support for the purposes of the proposed period of work and holiday in Australia; 5.擁有充足資金,可維持擬在澳大利亞假日工作期間的個人生活;
(vi) meet health and character requirements as specified by Australian law; 6.符合澳大利亞法律關于健康和品行的要求;
(vii) have not previously taken part in Australia's “Work and Holiday” or “Working Holiday” program; 7.此前未參加過澳大利亞的“假日工作”安排或“工作假日”項目;
(viii) hold tertiary qualifications, or have successfully completed at least two (2) years of undergraduate university study; and 8.擁有高等教育學曆,或已成功完成至少兩(2)年的大學本科學習;及
(ix) have a level of proficiency in English which is assessed as at least functional. 9.經評估認定,英語熟練程度至少達到使用水平。
(b) The Government of Australia may specify the method and place of lodgement for “Work and Holiday” visa applications lodged by nationals of the People's Republic of China. “Work and Holiday” visa applications must be lodged at the locations so specified. (二)澳大利亞政府可確定中華人民共和國公民提交“假日工作”簽證申請的方式和地點。“假日工作”簽證申請須在依此確定的地點提交。
(c) Applicants from the People's Republic of China must pay any fees associated with the visa application. (三)中華人民共和國的申請者須支付與簽證申請相關的任何費用。
(d) Nationals of the People's Republic of China who have applied for a visa under this Memorandum of Understanding may be denied the grant of a visa by the Government of Australia in accordance with the laws and regulations of Australia. (四)澳大利亞政府根據其國內法律法規,可拒絕中華人民共和國公民根據本諒解備忘錄提交的簽證申請。
(a) Subject to paragraph 1, Australia will grant permission to stay in Australia, for a period of twelve (12) calendar months, to nationals of the People's Republic of China who apply for “Work and Holiday” visas. During such period of stay, and subject to the laws of Australia, holders of a “Work and Holiday” visa will be allowed to leave and re-enter Australia using the same visa. (一)遵照第一條規定,澳大利亞允許中華人民共和國的“假日工作”簽證申請者在澳居留十二(12)個日曆月。在此期間,遵照澳大利亞法律,“假日工作”簽證持有者可離開澳大利亞並持此簽證再次進入澳大利亞。
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