Opinions of the Supreme People's Court on Providing Support and Guarantee for Shenzhen to Build Itself into a Pilot Demonstration Zone for Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
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Opinions of the Supreme People's Court on Providing Support and Guarantee for Shenzhen to Build Itself into a Pilot Demonstration Zone for Socialism with Chinese Characteristics | | 最高人民法院关于支持和保障深圳建设中国特色社会主义先行示范区的意见 |
(No. 39 [2020] of the Supreme People's Court) | | (法发〔2020〕39号) |
For the purposes of further studying and implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, comprehensively fulfilling the spirit of the important speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping at the ceremony of the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, implementing the Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Supporting Shenzhen in Building Itself into a Pilot Demonstration Zone for Socialism with Chinese Characteristics (hereinafter referred to as the “Opinions”) and the Implementation Plan (2020-2025) Issued by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council for Comprehensive Pilot Reforms in Shenzhen to Build the City into a Pilot Demonstration Zone for Socialism with Chinese Characteristics (hereinafter referred to as the “Implementation Plan”), fully leveraging the role of adjudication, and supporting Shenzhen in building itself into a pilot demonstration zone for socialism with Chinese characteristics according to the law, the Opinions are hereby offered as follows in light of the actual work of the people's courts. | | 为深入学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,全面贯彻落实习近平总书记在深圳经济特区建立40周年庆祝大会上的重要讲话精神,贯彻落实《中共中央 国务院关于支持深圳建设中国特色社会主义先行示范区的意见》(以下简称《意见》)和中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅印发的《深圳建设中国特色社会主义先行示范区综合改革试点实施方案(2020——2025年)》(以下简称《实施方案》),充分发挥审判职能作用,依法支持深圳建设中国特色社会主义先行示范区,结合人民法院工作实际,制定如下意见。 |
I. General requirements | | 一、总体要求 |
1. Guiding ideology. Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, efforts shall be made to comprehensively implement the underlying principles of the 19th CPC National Congress and the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Plenary Sessions of the 19th CPC Central Committee, heighten the “awareness of maintaining political integrity, thinking in big-picture terms, keeping the CPC as the core of leadership, and acting consistently with the policies of the CPC Central Committee”, have confidence in “our path, guiding theories, political system and culture”, and resolutely “defend the status of General Secretary Xi Jinping as the core of the CPC Central Committee and the whole Party and defend the authority and leadership of the CPC Central Committee”. The absolute leadership of the Party in the people's courts shall be upheld, the path toward socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics shall be continued, the strategic purpose of the CPC Central Committee shall be accurately ascertained, and the emancipation of the mind and the pursuit of integrity and innovation shall be supported. Courts in Shenzhen shall be supported in carrying out the pilot, experimental and demonstration programs as authorized under the basic principles of the Constitution, laws and administrative regulations, striving to make breakthroughs in a number of reform projects that are innovative and play a leading and exemplary role, accelerating the modernization of the judicial system and judicial capability, and providing high-quality judicial services and guarantees for the construction of a pilot demonstration zone and pilot reforms. | | 1.指导思想。以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面贯彻党的十九大和十九届二中、三中、四中、五中全会精神,增强“四个意识”、坚定“四个自信”、做到“两个维护”,坚持党对人民法院工作的绝对领导,坚持中国特色社会主义法治道路,准确把握党中央战略意图,解放思想、守正创新,支持深圳法院在遵循宪法和法律、行政法规基本原则前提下,根据授权开展试点试验示范,努力攻坚一批创新性引领性示范性改革项目,加快推进审判体系和审判能力现代化,为先行示范区建设和改革试点提供高质量司法服务与保障。 |
2. Working principles. The notion of people-centered development shall be carried forward, the new concept of development shall be unswervingly implemented, and a market-oriented, law-based and internationalized approach shall be adhered to. Reform and the rule of law, the two wheels driving the development, shall be advanced. Judicial services and guarantees shall be provided by closely revolving around the strategic positioning and strategic goals of the pilot demonstration zone. Efforts shall be made to continue the pilot and demonstration programs, and provide support for courts in Shenzhen to complete the pilot reform tasks undertaken by the people's courts. To fulfill the reform measures and other reform tasks that need piloting as provided for in the Fifth Five-year Reform Outline for the People's Courts (2019-2023), courts in Shenzhen shall be supported in leading the pilot initiative, setting an example for innovation, establishing standards and making improvements in a timely manner, and ultimately serving as a role model for all courts in China. | | 2.工作原则。坚持以人民为中心发展思想,坚定不移贯彻新发展理念,坚持市场化、法治化、国际化,推进改革与法治双轮驱动,紧紧围绕先行示范区战略定位和战略目标提供司法服务与保障。坚持先行先试、引领示范,支持深圳法院扎实完成人民法院承担的改革试点任务,对于《人民法院第五个五年改革纲要(2019——2023)》提出的改革举措以及其他需要试点的改革任务,全面支持深圳法院率先开展试点、打造创新样本、及时规范提升,为全国法院提供示范。 |
3. Main objectives. By 2022, all reform tasks and pilot programs will be completed by phases, marked achievements that can be replicated and promoted will be made in the reform, courts in Shenzhen will strengthen their functions as core engines in the judicial work of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and the capability of serving and ensuring the construction of a pilot demonstration zone will be further improved. By 2025, basic pilot reform tasks will be completed, remarkable achievements will be made in various construction projects and reform measures, and courts in Shenzhen will serve as the leader and an exemplar for all courts in China, and will build themselves into a role model with exceptional judicial credibility, legal competitiveness, innovativeness in reform and global influence. | | 3.主要目标。到2022年,各项改革任务和试点工作取得阶段性成效,形成可复制可推广的重大改革成果,深圳法院在粤港澳大湾区司法工作的核心引擎功能不断增强,服务保障先行示范区建设的能力水平进一步提高;到2025年,基本完成改革试点任务,各项建设和改革取得标志性成果,深圳法院各方面工作在全国法院当排头、作示范,建成司法公信力、法治竞争力、改革创新力、国际影响力卓著的先行示范法院。 |
II. Serving and ensuring the market-based allocation of production factors | | 二、服务保障要素市场化配置 |
4. Supporting the reform of the land management system. Disputes involving land left over from history, urban renewal, and the assignment and transfer of construction land shall be properly dealt with according to the law, so that land resources in Shenzhen can be circulated in a reasonable manner. To revitalize and utilize land, cases involving the disposal of land assets in the reform and restructuring of state-owned enterprises and public institutions, and the determination of property rights, the listing and trading of the existing allocated land assets shall be properly tried. Disputes involving the circulation of for-profit construction land in collective ownership in rural areas shall be tried according to the law. A unified construction land market where the same right and price, efficient transfer and shared proceeds can be ensured for the lands of urban and rural areas shall be created at a faster pace. | | 4.支持土地管理制度改革。依法妥善处理涉历史遗留用地、城市更新、建设用地出让及转让等纠纷,促进深圳土地资源合理流转。以盘活利用土地为目标,妥善审理涉及国有企事业单位改革改制土地资产处置、存量划拨土地资产产权界定、上市交易等案件。依法审理农村集体经营性建设用地入市纠纷,支持加快建设同权同价、流转顺畅、收益共享的城乡统一建设用地市场。 |
5. Ensuring the development of harmonious labor relations. To meet the needs of new technologies, new business forms, new industries and new models, judicial policies and judicial rules in the system for the management of special working hours, such as required elements of labor relations, basis for the determination of working overtime, and the criteria of remuneration calculation, shall be rapidly improved. Judicial protection for the use of labor across borders shall be strengthened, and the validity of labor contracts signed between residents of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan who have not received a work permit and employers in the Chinese Mainland shall be accurately determined. More efforts shall be made to study legal issues involving the social mobility of labor force and talented personnel, the flow of personnel between enterprises and public institutions, and the flow of personnel across enterprises under different forms of ownership. | | 5.保障和谐劳动关系建设。适应新技术、新业态、新产业、新模式发展需要,加快完善特殊工时管理制度下劳动关系构成要件、加班认定依据、薪酬计算标准等司法政策和审判规则。加强跨境用工司法保护,准确认定没有办理就业证件的港澳台居民与内地用人单位签定的劳动合同效力。推动完善劳动争议解决体系。加强促进劳动力和人才社会性流动、企事业单位人才流动、人才跨所有制流动等法律问题研究。 |
6. Promoting innovation in the trial of financial cases. The work mechanism for cracking down on illegal and criminal activities in the financial sector such as illegal fund-raising, insider trading, foreign exchange evasion and arbitrage, and money laundering shall be improved. Various cases involving the reform of ChiNext shall be tried according to the law, and judicial guarantees shall be provided for the reform of ChiNext and the pilot of registration-based IPO system. The representative action mechanism for securities disputes and the model judgment mechanism shall be improved, and the mechanism for giving priority to civil compensation shall be put into practice. The rules for the trial of new disputes in terms of private equity investment, entrusted wealth management, assets securitization, and cross-border trading of financial assets shall be enhanced. More efforts shall be made to study legal issues in the fields of digital currency, mobile payment, and mutual recognition of financial markets and financial (funds) products between Hong Kong and Macao, and to provide judicial services and guarantees for the innovative development of the financial industry in Shenzhen. | | 6.推进金融审判工作创新。完善打击非法集资、内幕交易、逃汇套汇、洗钱等金融违法犯罪司法工作机制。依法审理与创业板改革有关的各类案件,为创业板改革并试点注册制提供司法保障。健全证券纠纷代表人诉讼机制和示范判决机制,落实民事赔偿优先机制。完善私募股权投资、委托理财、资产证券化、跨境金融资产交易等新型纠纷审理规则,加强数字货币、移动支付、与港澳金融市场和金融(基金)产品互认等法律问题研究,服务保障深圳金融业创新发展。 |
7. Strengthening judicial protection for scientific and technological achievements. Judicial protection for the rights to own, use, dispose of and derive income from scientific and technological achievements shall be strengthened. Disputes caused by the identification of ownership, transfer of rights, determination of value and allocation of benefits regarding scientific and technological achievements shall be properly handled. The city of Shenzhen shall be supported in the pilot program of conferring on scientific research personnel the rights to own or use scientific and technological achievements, assessing achievements, and allocating benefits. The acts of infringing on the rights and interests of other persons in the commercial use of scientific and technological achievements by using one's power, purposefully providing false information by technology transfer institutions and technology managers, and infringing on the lawful rights and interests of other persons in testing results or assessment opinions shall be resolutely punished and restrained. Judicial protection for cultivating and supporting key scientific and technological achievements shall be strengthened in the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone in Hetao area, and support shall be provided for establishing a world-class pilot production and commercialization platform. | | 7.加强科技成果司法保护。加强科技成果所有权、使用权、处置权、收益权司法保护,妥善处理因科技成果权属认定、权利转让、价值确定和利益分配产生的纠纷,支持深圳在赋予科研人员职务科技成果所有权或长期使用权、成果评价、收益分配等方面先行先试。坚决打击利用职权侵占他人科技成果转化权益、技术转移机构和技术经理人故意提供虚假信息、实验结果或评估意见侵犯他人合法权益的行为。加强河套深港科技创新合作区内重点培育支持科技产业成果的司法保护,支持打造国际一流中试及转化服务平台。 |
8. Improving the rules for the protection of property rights in data. The lawful rights and interests of right holders in controlling, processing and benefiting from data shall be protected according to the law, and so shall the property interests of data products developed on the basis of data legally gathered or generated by data factor market entities. Various cases involving data transactions, unfair competition in data markets, and the protection of data privacy shall be properly tried. Judicial guarantees shall be provided for cultivating a data factor market that is data-driven and supports cross-border integration, co-creation and sharing of data, and fair competition. Efforts shall be strengthened to study legal issues involving the attributes, forms and ownership of property rights of personal data and public data as well as the mechanism for the sharing of public data. The rules for judicial protection of data property rights shall be improved in a rapid manner. | | 8.完善数据产权保护规则。依法保护权利人对数据控制、处理、受益等合法权益,依法保护数据要素市场主体以合法收集和自身生成数据为基础开发的数据产品的财产性权益。妥善审理因数据交易、数据市场不正当竞争、数据隐私保护产生的各类案件,为培育数据驱动、跨界融合、共创共享、公平竞争的数据要素市场提供司法保障。加强个人数据、公共数据等数据产权属性、形态、权属、公共数据共享机制等法律问题研究,加快完善数据产权司法保护规则。 |
III. Supporting the creation of a market-oriented, law-based and international business environment | | 三、支持打造市场化法治化国际化营商环境 |
9. Optimizing the judicial guarantee mechanism for business environment. Based on assessment indicators for business environment, an assessment indicator system for judicial services and guarantees for business environment that complies with China's national conditions shall be explored and established, so as to improve the quality and standards of judicial services. Cooperation shall be conducted with the relevant departments on developing policies and measures for further optimizing business environment. Relying on judicial big data, a mechanism for analyzing and studying a law-based business environment shall be established. The publicity on judicial guarantees for business environment shall be strengthened, and model cases shall be published on a regular basis. The city of Shenzhen shall be supported in relaxing the market access and technical access thresholds for sectors such as energy, telecommunications, utilities, transportation and education. The validity of contracts shall be protected according to the law, and a fair and open market environment shall be created. | | 9.优化营商环境司法保障机制。对照营商环境评估指标,探索建立符合我国国情的司法服务保障营商环境评价指标体系,提升司法服务质量标准。配合有关部门,制定出台进一步优化营商环境的政策措施。依托司法大数据,建立法治化营商环境分析研判机制。加大营商环境司法保障工作宣传力度,定期发布典型案例。支持深圳放宽能源、电信、公用事业、交通运输、教育等领域市场准入、技术准入门槛,依法维护合同效力,营造公平开放市场环境。 |
10. Protecting the lawful rights and interests of entrepreneurs according to the law. The provisions of the Civil Code shall be effectively implemented. The equal protection of property rights shall be strengthened, the party autonomy of will and the freedom of contract shall be respected, fair competition and good faith shall be protected, and the breach of contract, tortious acts and unfair competition shall be sanctioned. The rights and interests of private enterprises shall be equally protected, illegal and criminal acts of infringement on the lawful rights and interests of private entrepreneurs shall be severely clamped down upon, and the administrative acts of such infringement shall be corrected according to the law. The application of property preservation, compulsory enforcement and criminal compulsory measures shall be strictly regulated, so as to minimize the negative effect of judicial activities on business production and operation. | | 10.依法保护企业家合法权益。切实贯彻实施民法典,加强产权平等保护,尊重意思自治、合同自由,保护公平竞争、诚信信用,制裁违约、侵权及不正当竞争行为。平等保护民营企业权益,严厉打击侵犯民营企业家合法权益违法犯罪行为,依法纠正侵犯民营企业家合法权益行政行为。严格规范适用财产保全、强制执行和刑事强制措施,最大限度避免司法活动对生产经营的不利影响。 |
11. Strengthening the protection of intellectual property rights. The judicial protection of new types of intellectual property rights shall be effectively piloted, and new modes of legal protection for the property rights and interests of new types of digital intellectual property such as artificial intelligence, Internet information and life information shall be explored. The rules for the protection of patents for core technologies shall be improved in key sectors. Laws and systems for fair competition shall be upgraded, and efforts shall be strengthened to clamp down on the acts of unfair competition such as infringement on trade secrets. The rules for evidence disclosure, exclusion of spoliation of evidence and preponderance of the evidence shall be enhanced, and the system for the transfer of burden of proof shall be piloted. The system for ascertaining and determining technical facts shall be improved, and block-chain technologies shall be broadly used in the trial of intellectual property-related cases. | | 11.加大知识产权保护力度。扎实开展新型知识产权法律保护试点,探索人工智能、互联网信息、生命信息等新类型数字化知识产权财产权益法律保护新模式。完善重点领域核心技术专利保护规则。完善公平竞争法律制度,加大对侵犯商业秘密等不正当竞争行为的打击力度。持续实施最严格的知识产权保护制度,健全知识产权侵权惩罚性赔偿制度。完善证据披露、证据妨碍排除和优势证据规则,试行举证责任转移制度。完善技术事实查明认定体系,推进区块链技术在知识产权审判中的广泛应用。 |
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