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Interpretation (I) of the Supreme People's Court on the Application of the “Marriage and Family” Book of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China [Effective]
最高人民法院关于适用《中华人民共和国民法典》婚姻家庭编的解释(一) [现行有效]
Announcement of the Supreme People's Court of the People's Republic of China 


The Interpretation (I) of the Supreme People's Court on the Application of the “Marriage and Family” Book of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, as adopted at the 1825th Session of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on December 25, 2020, is hereby issued, and shall come into force on January 1, 2021. 《最高人民法院关于适用〈中华人民共和国民法典〉婚姻家庭编的解释(一)》已于2020年12月25日由最高人民法院审判委员会第1825次会议通过,现予公布,自2021年1月1日起施行。
December 29, 2020 2020年12月29日
Interpretation (I) of the Supreme People's Court on the Application of the “Marriage and Family” Book of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China 最高人民法院关于适用《中华人民共和国民法典》婚姻家庭编的解释(一)
(Interpretation No. 22 [2020] of the Supreme People's Court) (法释〔2020〕22号)
For the purposes of correctly trying cases of marriage and family disputes, this Interpretation is developed in accordance with the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, and other applicable laws and regulations and in light of trial practices. 为正确审理婚姻家庭纠纷案件,根据《中华人民共和国民法典》《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》等相关法律规定,结合审判实践,制定本解释。
I. General Provisions 


Article 1 Persistent and frequent domestic violence may be determined as “maltreatment” as described in Articles 1042, 1079 and 1091 of the Civil Code.   第一条 持续性、经常性的家庭暴力,可以认定为民法典第一千零四十二条、第一千零七十九条、第一千零九十一条所称的“虐待”。
Article 2 In Articles 1042, 1079 and 1091 of the Civil Code, “cohabitation of a married person with any third party” means the circumstance under which a married person, not in the name of husband and wife, consistently and steadily lives together with someone of the opposite sex other than his or her spouse.   第二条 民法典第一千零四十二条、第一千零七十九条、第一千零九十一条规定的“与他人同居”的情形,是指有配偶者与婚外异性,不以夫妻名义,持续、稳定地共同居住。
Article 3 Where a party files a lawsuit only requesting the dissolution of cohabitation, the people's court shall not accept it; where the lawsuit is accepted, the people's court shall issue a ruling to dismiss it.   第三条 当事人提起诉讼仅请求解除同居关系的,人民法院不予受理;已经受理的,裁定驳回起诉。
Where a party files a lawsuit for the disputes over partition of the property acquired during the cohabitation or over support of children, the people's court shall accept it. 当事人因同居期间财产分割或者子女抚养纠纷提起诉讼的,人民法院应当受理。
Article 4 Where a party files a lawsuit based solely on Article 1043 of the Civil Code, the people's court shall not accept it; where the lawsuit is accepted, the people's court shall issue a ruling to dismiss it.   第四条 当事人仅以民法典第一千零四十三条为依据提起诉讼的,人民法院不予受理;已经受理的,裁定驳回起诉。
Article 5 Where one party requests the refunding of the betrothal gifts paid to the other party according to the tradition, the people's court shall support the request, if such request is found to fall under any of the following circumstances:   第五条 当事人请求返还按照习俗给付的彩礼的,如果查明属于以下情形,人民法院应当予以支持:
(1) The two parties have not gone through marriage registration. (一)双方未办理结婚登记手续;
(2) The two parties have gone through marriage registration but indeed did not live together. (二)双方办理结婚登记手续但确未共同生活;
(3) Payment of betrothal gifts before marriage has led to financial difficulty of the payer. (三)婚前给付并导致给付人生活困难。
The divorce of the two parties shall be a precondition for the application of subparagraphs (2) and (3) of the preceding paragraph. 适用前款第二项、第三项的规定,应当以双方离婚为条件。
II. Marriage 


Article 6 Where a man and a woman make up the formalities for marriage registration in accordance with the provisions of Article 1049 of the Civil Code, the validity of the marital relationship shall commence when both parties meet the essential elements of marriage as prescribed in the Civil Code.   第六条 男女双方依据民法典第一千零四十九条规定补办结婚登记的,婚姻关系的效力从双方均符合民法典所规定的结婚的实质要件时起算。
Article 7 Where a man and a woman who live together in the name of husband and wife without having gone through marriage registration as required by Article 1049 of the Civil Code institute an action for a divorce, the case shall be handled according to the following circumstances:   第七条 未依据民法典第一千零四十九条规定办理结婚登记而以夫妻名义共同生活的男女,提起诉讼要求离婚的,应当区别对待:
(1) Where the man and the woman had met the essential elements for marriage before the implementation of theRegulations on the Administration of Marriage Registration  issued by the Ministry of Civil Affairs on February 1, 1994, they shall be deemed to be in a de facto marriage. (一)1994年2月1日民政部《婚姻登记管理条例》公布实施以前,男女双方已经符合结婚实质要件的,按事实婚姻处理。
(2) Where the man and the woman met the essential elements for marriage after the implementation of the Regulations on the Administration of Marriage Registration issued by the Ministry of Civil Affairs on February 1, 1994, the people's court shall instruct them to go through marriage registration. If they fail to go through marriage registration, the case shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of Article 3 of this Interpretation. (二)1994年2月1日民政部《婚姻登记管理条例》公布实施以后,男女双方符合结婚实质要件的,人民法院应当告知其补办结婚登记。未补办结婚登记的,依据本解释第三条规定处理。
Article 8 Where a man and a woman live together in the name of husband and wife without having gone through marriage registration as required by Article 1049 of the Civil Code, the principles of Article 7 of this Interpretation shall apply if one party claims the right of succession as a spouse after the death of the other.   第八条 未依据民法典第一千零四十九条规定办理结婚登记而以夫妻名义共同生活的男女,一方死亡,另一方以配偶身份主张享有继承权的,依据本解释第七条的原则处理。
Article 9 Parties that have the right to request, in accordance with Article 1051 of the Civil Code, the people's court to determine that a registered marriage is invalid shall include the parties to the marriage and the interested parties. Specifically, the interested parties include:   第九条 有权依据民法典第一千零五十一条规定向人民法院就已办理结婚登记的婚姻请求确认婚姻无效的主体,包括婚姻当事人及利害关系人。其中,利害关系人包括:
(1) the close relatives of the parties to the marriage and grassroots organizations, if the request is made on the ground of bigamy; (一)以重婚为由的,为当事人的近亲属及基层组织;
(2) the close relatives of the party (parties) to the marriage who has (have) not attained the legally marriageable age, if the request is made on the ground that the legally marriageable age is not attained; and (二)以未到法定婚龄为由的,为未到法定婚龄者的近亲属;
(3) the close relatives of the parties to the marriage, if the request is made on the ground that there is a prohibited degree of kinship between the parties to the marriage. (三)以有禁止结婚的亲属关系为由的,为当事人的近亲属。
Article 10 Where one party, in accordance with Article 1051 of the Civil Code, requests the people's court to determine that a marriage is invalid, the people's court shall not grant its support, if the statutory circumstances for the invalid marriage have disappeared by the time a lawsuit is filed.   第十条 当事人依据民法典第一千零五十一条规定向人民法院请求确认婚姻无效,法定的无效婚姻情形在提起诉讼时已经消失的,人民法院不予支持。
Article 11 Where, after the people's court accepts a case of requesting confirmation of invalidity of a marriage, the plaintiff requests the withdrawal of the action, no approval shall be granted.   第十一条 人民法院受理请求确认婚姻无效案件后,原告申请撤诉的,不予准许。
Mediation is not applicable to the trial of the validity of marriage, and a judgment shall be made according to the law. 对婚姻效力的审理不适用调解,应当依法作出判决。
If property partition or child support is involved, mediation may be conducted. If an agreement is reached upon mediation, a mediation decision shall be made separately; if no mediation agreement is reached, a judgment shall be made concurrently. 涉及财产分割和子女抚养的,可以调解。调解达成协议的,另行制作调解书;未达成调解协议的,应当一并作出判决。
Article 12 Where the people's court, after accepting a divorce case, finds upon trial that the marriage is invalid, it shall inform the parties of the invalidity of the marriage, and render a judgment to confirm the invalidity of the marriage in accordance with the law.   第十二条 人民法院受理离婚案件后,经审理确属无效婚姻的,应当将婚姻无效的情形告知当事人,并依法作出确认婚姻无效的判决。
Article 13 Where the people's court has separately accepted cases of divorce and of requesting confirmation of invalidity of a marriage with respect to the same marriage, it shall try the divorce case after having rendered a judgment on the case of requesting confirmation of invalidity of the marriage.   第十三条 人民法院就同一婚姻关系分别受理了离婚和请求确认婚姻无效案件的,对于离婚案件的审理,应当待请求确认婚姻无效案件作出判决后进行。
Article 14 Where, after the death of one or both spouses, the surviving spouse or the interested party requests confirmation of invalidity of the marriage in accordance with Article 1051 of the Civil Code, the people's court shall accept such request.   第十四条 夫妻一方或者双方死亡后,生存一方或者利害关系人依据民法典第一千零五十一条的规定请求确认婚姻无效的,人民法院应当受理。
Article 15 Where the interested party, in accordance with Article 1051 of the Civil Code, requests the people's court to confirm that a marriage is invalid, the interested party shall be the plaintiff, and the parties to the marriage shall be the defendants.   第十五条 利害关系人依据民法典第一千零五十一条的规定,请求人民法院确认婚姻无效的,利害关系人为原告,婚姻关系当事人双方为被告。
If one of the spouses deceases, the surviving spouse shall be the defendant. 夫妻一方死亡的,生存一方为被告。
Article 16 Where the disposal of property is involved when the people's court hears a case of invalid marriage caused by bigamy, the party to the lawful marriage shall be allowed to participate in the litigation as a third party with independent claims.   第十六条 人民法院审理重婚导致的无效婚姻案件时,涉及财产处理的,应当准许合法婚姻当事人作为有独立请求权的第三人参加诉讼。
Article 17 Where a party requests confirmation of invalidity of a marriage under any circumstance other than the three kinds of invalid marriages stipulated in Article 1051 of the Civil Code, the people's court shall render a judgment to dismiss the party's request.   第十七条 当事人以民法典第一千零五十一条规定的三种无效婚姻以外的情形请求确认婚姻无效的,人民法院应当判决驳回当事人的诉讼请求。
Where a party initiates a civil action for annulment of marriage registration on the ground of any flaw in the marriage registration procedures, the party shall be notified that he or she may apply for administrative reconsideration or bring an administrative lawsuit in accordance with the law. 当事人以结婚登记程序存在瑕疵为由提起民事诉讼,主张撤销结婚登记的,告知其可以依法申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼。
Article 18 Where an actor forces the other party to get married against his or her true will by threatening to injure the life, physical health, reputation and property of the other party or his or her close relatives, such circumstance may be determined as “coercion” as set out in Article 1052 of the Civil Code.   第十八条 行为人以给另一方当事人或者其近亲属的生命、身体、健康、名誉、财产等方面造成损害为要挟,迫使另一方当事人违背真实意愿结婚的,可以认定为民法典第一千零五十二条所称的“胁迫”。
Only the coerced party to a marriage himself or herself may request annulment of marriage as a result of coercion. 因受胁迫而请求撤销婚姻的,只能是受胁迫一方的婚姻关系当事人本人。
Article 19 The provisions on the suspension, interruption or extension of the limitations of actions shall not apply to “one year” as prescribed in Article 1052 of the Civil Code.   第十九条 民法典第一千零五十二条规定的“一年”,不适用诉讼时效中止、中断或者延长的规定。
Where the coerced party or the party whose personal freedom has been illegally restricted requests annulment of marriage, the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 152 of the Civil Code shall not apply. 受胁迫或者被非法限制人身自由的当事人请求撤销婚姻的,不适用民法典第一百五十二条第二款的规定。
Article 20 The term “not legally binding from the outset” as prescribed in Article 1054 of the Civil Code means that an invalid or revocable marriage shall be determined as not subject to the protection by law from the outset until such marriage is confirmed to be invalid or annulled in accordance with the law.   第二十条 民法典第一千零五十四条所规定的“自始没有法律约束力”,是指无效婚姻或者可撤销婚姻在依法被确认无效或者被撤销时,才确定该婚姻自始不受法律保护。
Article 21 Where the people's court, at the request of a party, confirms the invalidity of or annuls a marriage according to the law, it shall take back the marriage certificates of both parties and mail the judgment in effect to the local marriage registration authority.   第二十一条 人民法院根据当事人的请求,依法确认婚姻无效或者撤销婚姻的,应当收缴双方的结婚证书并将生效的判决书寄送当地婚姻登记管理机关。
Article 22 Where a marriage is confirmed to be invalid or annulled, the property acquired by the parties during their cohabitation shall be deemed to be in their joint possession, unless there is any evidence to prove that it is owned by one of the parties.   第二十二条 被确认无效或者被撤销的婚姻,当事人同居期间所得的财产,除有证据证明为当事人一方所有的以外,按共同共有处理。
III. Husband and Wife 


Article 23 Where the husband claims damages on the ground that his wife violates his reproductive right by terminating pregnancy without his consent, the people's court shall not support such a claim; where the spouses are in dispute over child birth, causing alienation of mutual affection, and one spouse requests divorce, the people's court shall handle it in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3 (5) of Article 1079 of the Civil Code if mediation fails.   第二十三条 夫以妻擅自中止妊娠侵犯其生育权为由请求损害赔偿的,人民法院不予支持;夫妻双方因是否生育发生纠纷,致使感情确已破裂,一方请求离婚的,人民法院经调解无效,应依照民法典第一千零七十九条第三款第五项的规定处理。
Article 24 The term “earnings from intellectual property” as set out in paragraph 1 (3) of Article 1062 of the Civil Code means the property income that has already been obtained or is certain to be obtained during the marriage.   第二十四条 民法典第一千零六十二条第一款第三项规定的“知识产权的收益”,是指婚姻关系存续期间,实际取得或者已经明确可以取得的财产性收益。
Article 25 During the marriage, the following property shall fall within the scope of “other property that should be in their joint possession” as prescribed in Article 1062 of the Civil Code:   第二十五条 婚姻关系存续期间,下列财产属于民法典第一千零六十二条规定的“其他应当归共同所有的财产”:
(1) The return on the investment of one party's separate property. (一)一方以个人财产投资取得的收益;
(2) Housing subsidies or housing provident funds that both parties have actually obtained or should obtain. (二)男女双方实际取得或者应当取得的住房补贴、住房公积金;
(3) The basic pension or bankruptcy resettlement compensation that both parties have actually obtained or should obtain. (三)男女双方实际取得或者应当取得的基本养老金、破产安置补偿费。
Article 26 Proceeds from the separate property of a spouse after marriage, excluding fruits and unearned increment, shall be determined as community property.   第二十六条 夫妻一方个人财产在婚后产生的收益,除孳息和自然增值外,应认定为夫妻共同财产。
Article 27 Where a housing unit is rented before marriage and purchased after marriage with the community property by one party and registered under one party's name, it shall be determined as community property.   第二十七条 由一方婚前承租、婚后用共同财产购买的房屋,登记在一方名下的,应当认定为夫妻共同财产。
Article 28 Where one spouse sells a housing unit owned jointly by both spouses without the other spouse's consent, and a bona fide third party purchases the housing unit, pays a reasonable consideration, and undergoes the formalities for real estate registration, the people's court shall not grant its support if the other spouse claims recovery of the housing unit.   第二十八条 一方未经另一方同意出售夫妻共同所有的房屋,第三人善意购买、支付合理对价并已办理不动产登记,另一方主张追回该房屋的,人民法院不予支持。
Where one spouse disposes of a housing unit owned jointly by both spouses without the other spouse's consent, causing any loss to the other spouse, the people's court shall grant its support if the other spouse claims compensation for the loss at the time of divorce. 夫妻一方擅自处分共同所有的房屋造成另一方损失,离婚时另一方请求赔偿损失的,人民法院应予支持。
Article 29 Where, before both parties get married, their parents contribute to the purchase of a housing unit by them, such contribution shall be deemed as a gift to their own child, except where the parents expressly state that the gift is given to both parties.   第二十九条 当事人结婚前,父母为双方购置房屋出资的,该出资应当认定为对自己子女个人的赠与,但父母明确表示赠与双方的除外。
Where, after both parties get married, their parents contribute to the purchase of a housing unit by them, such contribution shall be handled as agreed; in the absence of such an agreement or of an express agreement, it shall be handled under the principles provided for in paragraph 1 (4) of Article 1062 of the Civil Code. 当事人结婚后,父母为双方购置房屋出资的,依照约定处理;没有约定或者约定不明确的,按照民法典第一千零六十二条第一款第四项规定的原则处理。
Article 30 The casualty insurance benefits, disability allowances, and medical and cost-of-living allowances for military personnel shall fall within the scope of their separate property.   第三十条 军人的伤亡保险金、伤残补助金、医药生活补助费属于个人财产。
Article 31 The separate property of one of the spouses as prescribed in Article 1063 of the Civil Code shall not be converted into the community property because of the continuation of the marital relationship, except as otherwise agreed upon by the parties.   第三十一条 民法典第一千零六十三条规定为夫妻一方的个人财产,不因婚姻关系的延续而转化为夫妻共同财产。但当事人另有约定的除外。
Article 32 Where, before or during the marriage, the parties have agreed to gift a housing unit owned by one party to the other party or to co-own the property, but the giver revokes the gift before the modification registration of the housing unit, if the other party requests the court to order the continual performance of the agreement, the people's court may handle the case in accordance with Article 658 of the Civil Code.   第三十二条 婚前或者婚姻关系存续期间,当事人约定将一方所有的房产赠与另一方或者共有,赠与方在赠与房产变更登记之前撤销赠与,另一方请求判令继续履行的,人民法院可以按照民法典第六百五十八条的规定处理。
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