Notice by the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration of Matters Concerning Strengthening the Supervision of Electronic Cigarettes
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Notice by the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration of Matters Concerning Strengthening the Supervision of Electronic Cigarettes | | 国家烟草专卖局关于加强电子烟监管有关事项的通知 |
(No. 118 [2022] of the General Office of the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration) | | (国烟办〔2022〕118号) |
All provincial-level tobacco monopoly administrations: | | 各省级烟草专卖局: |
For the purposes of thoroughly implementing the major decisions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council to strengthen the regulation of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes), strictly implementing the guiding principles of the Decision of the State Council on Amending the Regulation on the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Tobacco Monopoly, guiding and serving e-cigarette market entities in gradually adapting to the requirements of the Measures for the Administration of E-cigarettes (Announcement No. 1 [2022], STMA), the mandatory national standards-Electronic Cigarette (GB 41700-2022), and related supporting policies and measures, and providing eligible e-cigarette market entities with sufficient time to prepare for administrative licensing, conduct product compliance design, and complete product transformation and other work, the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration has set a reasonable transitional period for e-cigarette regulation. During the transitional period, the regulatory work has been done in a smooth, orderly, and coordinated manner, which has laid a good foundation for facilitating a gradual law-based regulation of the e-cigarette market and the legalization and standardization of the e-cigarette industry. | | 为深入贯彻党中央、国务院加强电子烟监管的重大决定,严格落实《国务院关于修改<中华人民共和国烟草专卖法实施条例>的决定》精神,指导服务电子烟市场主体逐步适应《电子烟管理办法》(国家烟草专卖局公告2022年第1号)、《电子烟》强制性国家标准(GB 41700-2022)及相关配套政策措施要求,给予符合条件电子烟市场主体充足时间做好行政许可相关事宜准备、进行产品合规性设计、完成产品改造等各项工作,国家烟草专卖局合理设置了电子烟监管过渡期。过渡期内,各项监管工作平稳有序、协调顺畅,为推动电子烟市场逐步实现依法监管,电子烟产业纳入法治化规范化轨道打下了良好基础。 |
For the purposes of continuously promoting the law-based and standardized governance of e-cigarettes, effectively protecting people's health and safety, regulating the operation of the e-cigarette industry, and effectively dealing with related remaining problems during the transitional period, you are hereby notified of the relevant matters as follows. | | 为持续推动电子烟法治化规范化治理,切实保障人民健康安全,规范电子烟产业运行,有效处理过渡期内相关遗留问题,现就有关事项通知如下。 |
I. E-cigarette market entities shall carry out production and business activities according to the law | | 一、电子烟市场主体应当依法开展生产经营活动 |
1. Starting on October 1, 2022, e-cigarette market entities engaged in the production and distribution of e-cigarettes shall obtain a tobacco monopoly license, and carry out the production and distribution activities in strict accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on Tobacco Monopoly, the Regulation on the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Tobacco Monopoly, the Measures for the Administration of E-cigarettes, the mandatory national standards-Electronic Cigarettes, and the supporting policies and regulations of the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration. E-cigarette manufacturers, e-atomization material manufacturers, manufacturers of nicotine for e-cigarettes, e-cigarette wholesale enterprises, and e-cigarette retail entities that have obtained tobacco monopoly licenses according to the law shall conduct transactions through the e-cigarette transaction management platform. The transportation of e-cigarette products, e-atomization materials, and nicotine for e-cigarettes shall be supervised by the tobacco monopoly administration, and logistics documents shall be produced and attached according to relevant provisions. | | (一)2022年10月1日起,从事电子烟生产经营的电子烟市场主体应当取得烟草专卖许可证,严格按照《中华人民共和国烟草专卖法》《中华人民共和国烟草专卖法实施条例》及《电子烟管理办法》、《电子烟》强制性国家标准、国家烟草专卖局各项配套政策规定等开展生产经营活动。依法取得烟草专卖许可证的电子烟生产企业、雾化物生产企业、电子烟用烟碱生产企业、电子烟批发企业、电子烟零售主体等应当通过电子烟交易管理平台进行交易。电子烟产品、雾化物、电子烟用烟碱等的运输,应当接受烟草专卖局监管,并根据相关规定制作、随附物流单证。 |
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