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Announcement of the State Administration for Market Regulation on Issuing the Guidelines on the Law Enforcement Relating to the Identifiability of Internet Advertisements | | 市场监管总局关于发布《互联网广告可识别性执法指南》的公告 |
In accordance with the Advertising Law of the People's Republic of China, the Measures for the Administration of Internet Advertising, and other laws and regulations, the State Administration for Market Regulation has developed the Guidelines on the Law Enforcement Relating to the Identifiability of Internet Advertisements, which are hereby issued. | | 依据《中华人民共和国广告法》《互联网广告管理办法》等法律法规,市场监管总局制定了《互联网广告可识别性执法指南》,现予公告。 |
State Administration for Market Regulation | | 市场监管总局 |
August 22, 2024 | | 2024年8月22日 |
Guidelines on the Law Enforcement Relating to the Identifiability of Internet Advertisements | | 互联网广告可识别性执法指南 |
These Guidelines are developed in accordance with the Advertising Law of the People's Republic of China (“Advertising Law”), the Measures for the Administration of Internet Advertising, and other laws and regulations, for the purposes of regulating the regulatory law enforcement relating to the identifiability of Internet advertisements, assisting consumers in distinguishing between Internet advertisements and non-advertisement information, and protecting the lawful rights and interests of consumers. | | 为规范互联网广告可识别性相关监管执法工作,帮助消费者辨明互联网广告与非广告信息,保护消费者的合法权益,依据《中华人民共和国广告法》(以下简称《广告法》)《互联网广告管理办法》等法律法规,制定本指南。 |
I. The purpose of these Guidelines is to provide guidance for the regulatory law enforcement relating to the identifiability of Internet advertisements for reference and application by all local market regulatory departments in their work. | | 一、本指南旨在为开展互联网广告可识别性监管执法工作提供指引,供各地市场监管部门在工作中参考适用。 |
II. For the purpose of these Guidelines, “Internet advertisements” means commercial advertisements which directly or indirectly market commodities or services in the forms of texts, images, audio, or video, among others, through websites, web pages, Internet application programs, or other Internet media within the territory of the People's Republic of China. | | 二、本指南所称的互联网广告,是指在中华人民共和国境内,利用网站、网页、互联网应用程序等互联网媒介,以文字、图片、音频、视频或者其他形式直接或者间接地推销商品或者服务的商业广告。 |
For the purpose of these Guidelines, “identifiability of Internet advertisements” means the distinguishability of Internet advertisements from other non-advertisement information, which enables consumers to identify them as advertisements. | | 本指南所称的互联网广告可识别性,是指互联网广告能够与其他非广告信息相区别,使消费者辨明其为广告。 |
III. Whether “advertisement” is conspicuously indicated is not the basis for determining an advertisement. A market regulatory department shall determine whether the relevant commercial information is an advertisement in accordance with Article 2 of the Advertising Law and Article 2 of the Measures for the Administration of Internet Advertising. | | 三、是否显著标明“广告”,不是广告的判定依据。市场监管部门应当依据《广告法》第二条和《互联网广告管理办法》第二条的规定,对相关商业信息是否属于广告进行认定。 |
IV. An Internet advertisement shall be identifiable and avoid misleading consumers. | | 四、互联网广告应当具有可识别性,不使消费者产生误解。 |
Where an Internet advertisement is unidentifiable, the advertisement publisher shall assume corresponding legal liability in accordance with the law. An advertiser that publishes an Internet advertisement on its own shall assume the responsibilities of an advertisement publisher. | | 互联网广告不具有可识别性的,广告发布者应当依法承担相应的法律责任。广告主自行发布互联网广告的,应当承担广告发布者责任。 |
V. If an Internet platform user publishes an advertisement through platform information services, the user is an advertisement publisher. | | 五、互联网平台用户利用平台信息服务发布广告的,该用户是广告发布者。 |
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