Official Reply of the Supreme People's Court on the Validity of the Agreement between Large Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises That Payment is Contingent Upon Receipt of Payment from a Third Party
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Announcement of the Supreme People's Court of the People's Republic of China | | 中华人民共和国最高人民法院公告 |
The Official Reply of the Supreme People's Court on the Validity of the Agreement between Large Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises That Payment is Contingent Upon Receipt of Payment from a Third Party, adopted at the 1921st meeting of the Adjudication Committee of the Supreme People's Court on June 3, 2024, is hereby issued and shall come into force on August 27, 2024. | | 《最高人民法院关于大型企业与中小企业约定以第三方支付款项为付款前提条款效力问题的批复》已于2024年6月3日由最高人民法院审判委员会第1921次会议通过,现予公布,自2024年8月27日起施行。 |
...... | | 最高人民法院 |
| | 2024年8月27日 |
| | 最高人民法院关于大型企业与中小企业约定以第三方支付款项为付款前提条款效力问题的批复 |
| | (2024年6月3日最高人民法院审判委员会第1921次会议通过,自2024年8月27日起施行 法释〔2024〕11号) |
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