Measures for the Accreditation of Charitable Organizations | | 慈善组织认定办法 |
(Adopted at the executive meeting of the Ministry of Civil Affairs on July 26, 2024, issued and effective by the Order No. 73 of the Ministry of Civil Affairs on September 5, 2024) | | (2024年7月26日经民政部部务会议通过 2024年9月5日民政部令第73号公布 自2024年9月5日起施行) |
Article 1 For the purpose of regulating the accreditation of charitable organizations, these Measures are developed in accordance with the Charity Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the “Charity Law”). | | 第一条 为了规范慈善组织认定工作,根据《中华人民共和国慈善法》(以下简称慈善法)的规定,制定本办法。 |
Article 2 Foundations, social organizations, social service agencies, and other nonprofit organizations that have been formed and apply for being accredited as charitable organizations shall be governed by these Measures. | | 第二条 已经设立的基金会、社会团体、社会服务机构等非营利性组织,申请认定为慈善组织,适用本办法。 |
Article 3 The registering civil affairs departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall accredit the foundations, social organizations, and social service agencies as charitable organizations. | | 第三条 县级以上人民政府民政部门对其登记的基金会、社会团体、社会服务机构进行慈善组织认定。 |
Article 4 To apply for being accredited as a charitable organization, a foundation, social organization, or social service agency shall meet the following conditions: | | 第四条 基金会、社会团体、社会服务机构申请认定为慈善组织,应当符合下列条件: |
(1) It meets the conditions for a legal person status as a social organization when an application is filed. | | (一)申请时具备相应的社会组织法人登记条件; |
(2) It is aiming at conducting charitable activities for the public, and its business scope complies with the provisions of Article 3 of the Charity Law and its annual expenditure and administration expenses for the charitable activities in a previous year when an application is filed comply with the provisions of the civil affairs department under the State Council on charitable organizations. | | (二)以开展慈善活动为宗旨,业务范围符合慈善法第三条的规定;申请时的上一年度慈善活动的年度支出和管理费用符合国务院民政部门关于慈善组织的规定; |
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