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Measures for the Administration of Charitable Organizations' Fundraising from the Public (2024) | | 慈善组织公开募捐管理办法 |
(Order No. 74 of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China, adopted at the executive meeting of the Ministry of Civil Affairs on July 26, 2024, is hereby issued and will come into force on September 5, 2024) | | (中华人民共和国民政部令第74号已经2024年7月26日民政部部务会议通过,现予公布,自2024年9月5日起施行。) |
Article 1 For the purpose of regulating charitable organizations' fundraising from the public, these Measures are developed, in accordance with the Charity Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the “Charity Law”). | | 第一条 为了规范慈善组织开展公开募捐,根据《中华人民共和国慈善法》(以下简称慈善法),制定本办法。 |
Article 2 The administration of charitable organizations' qualifications for fundraising from the public and activities of fundraising from the public shall be governed by these Measures. | | 第二条 慈善组织公开募捐资格和公开募捐活动管理,适用本办法。 |
Article 3 Charitable organizations that have obtained qualifications for fundraising from the public according to the law may raise funds from the public. Organizations or individuals without qualifications for fundraising from the public shall not raise funds from the public. | | 第三条 依法取得公开募捐资格的慈善组织可以面向公众开展募捐。不具有公开募捐资格的组织和个人不得自行开展公开募捐。 |
Article 4 The civil affairs department of the people's government at or above the county level shall supervise and administrate the qualifications for fundraising from the public and the activities of fundraising from the public of the charitable organizations registered with it or accredited by it and conduct supervision and administration of relevant activities involving fundraising from the public within the respective administrative region. | | 第四条 县级以上人民政府民政部门依法对其登记或者认定的慈善组织公开募捐资格和公开募捐活动进行监督管理,并对本行政区域内涉及公开募捐的有关活动进行监督管理。 |
Where a charitable organization has a competent business entity, the competent business entity shall strengthen the guidance and supervision of its activities of fundraising from the public. | | 慈善组织有业务主管单位的,业务主管单位应当加强对其公开募捐活动的指导、监督。 |
Article 5 A charitable organization having been registered for at least one year in accordance with the law or a social organization having been accredited as a charitable organization for at least one year may apply for qualifications for fundraising from the public to the civil affairs department handling its registration. To apply for the qualifications for fundraising from the public, an applicant shall meet with the following conditions: | | 第五条 依法登记满一年的慈善组织或者认定为慈善组织满一年的社会组织,可以向办理其登记的民政部门申请公开募捐资格。申请公开募捐资格,应当符合下列条件: |
(1) It has established a standardized internal governance structure in accordance with the laws and regulations, and its bylaws, its board of directors is able to effectively make decisions, its responsible person takes office under relevant provisions, and the members and responsible person of its board of directors have diligently performed their duties, and have good faith. | | (一)根据法律法规和本组织章程建立规范的内部治理结构,理事会能够有效决策,负责人任职符合有关规定,理事会成员和负责人勤勉尽职,诚实守信; |
(2) Members of the board of directors who come from the same organization and organizations with mutual association relationship do not exceed one third, and persons with mutual close relative relationship do not concurrently take office in the board of directors; members of the board of directors who are non-mainland residents shall not exceed one third, and the legal representative shall be a mainland resident; the secretary general shall be a full-time staff member, and the chairman (president) and the secretary general shall not be held concurrently by the same person; and there shall be full-time staff members suitable for carrying out activities related to this charitable organization. | | (二)理事会成员来自同一组织以及相互间存在关联关系组织的不超过三分之一,相互间具有近亲属关系的没有同时在理事会任职;理事会成员中非内地居民不超过三分之一,法定代表人由内地居民担任;秘书长为专职,理事长(会长)、秘书长不得由同一人兼任;有与本慈善组织开展活动相适应的专职工作人员; |
(3) Supervisors may perform their supervisory duties according to the law; and a charitable organization registered with or accredited by a civil affairs department of a people's government at or above the provincial level has a board of supervisors composed of three or more supervisors. | | (三)监事能够依法履行监督职责;在省级以上人民政府民政部门登记或者认定的慈善组织有三名以上监事组成的监事会; |
(4) There is sound financial management system, project management system, procurement management system, asset management system, personnel management system, archives management system, accounting supervision system, information disclosure system and other internal management and risk control systems, and may be implemented in a standardized manner. | | (四)有健全的财务管理制度、项目管理制度、采购管理制度、资产管理制度、人事管理制度、档案管理制度、会计监督制度、信息公开制度等内部管理和风险控制制度,且能够规范执行; |
(5) It is able to make full and efficient use of charitable property, and carry out charitable activities in accordance with the law and regulations, and the annual expenditure and management expenses of charitable activities in the previous year comply with the provisions. | | (五)能够充分、高效运用慈善财产,依法依章程开展慈善活动,上一年度慈善活动的年度支出和管理费用符合规定; |
(6) It handles tax registration and performs the taxpaying obligation according to the law; strictly implements the unified state accounting system and conduct accounting according to the law; and submits the annual work report on time and strictly fulfill the obligation of information disclosure. | | (六)依法办理税务登记,履行纳税义务;严格执行国家统一的会计制度,依法进行会计核算;按时报送年度工作报告,严格履行信息公开义务; |
(7) It participates in the assessment of social organizations under the provisions, and the assessment result is 3A or above and within the validity period, except for those registered for less than two years at the time of applying for registration. | | (七)按照规定参加社会组织评估,评估结果为3A及以上且在有效期以内,申请时登记成立不满二年的除外; |
(8) It is not incorporated into the list of social organizations with abnormal activities or list of seriously illegal and dishonest acts during the application process. | | (八)申请时未纳入社会组织活动异常名录或者严重违法失信名单; |
(9) In the year before applying for the qualifications for fundraising from the public, it has not been subject to administrative penalties due to violation of relevant laws and regulations on social organizations and had no other acts in violation of the laws, regulations, and policies of the state. | | (九)申请公开募捐资格前一年,未因违反社会组织相关法律法规受到行政处罚,没有其他违反法律、法规、国家政策的行为。 |
Article 6 To apply for qualifications for fundraising from the public, a charitable organization shall submit the following materials to the civil affairs department which registered it: | | 第六条 慈善组织申请公开募捐资格,应当向办理其登记的民政部门提交下列材料: |
(1) An application, including a specific explanation and written commitment on its conformity with the conditions of Article 5. | | (一)申请书,包括本组织符合第五条各项条件的具体说明和书面承诺; |
(2) A financial auditing report of the years prior to the application issued by a certified public accountant, including the special information reporting for the annual expenditure and administration expenses of charitable activities. | | (二)注册会计师出具的申请前一年的财务审计报告,包括慈善活动年度支出和管理费用的专项信息报告; |
(3) A written resolution of the board of directors on agreeing with applying for the qualifications for fundraising from the public. | | (三)理事会关于同意申请公开募捐资格的书面会议决议。 |
A charitable organization with a competent business entity shall also provide written materials on the consent of the competent business entity. | | 有业务主管单位的慈善组织,还应当提交报经业务主管单位同意的书面材料。 |
Article 7 A civil affairs department shall, upon receipt of all valid materials, conduct examination according to the law and make a decision within 20 days. To a qualified charitable organization, a qualification certificate for fundraising from the public shall be issued; and to a disqualified charitable organization, no qualification certificate for fundraising from the public shall be issued and the reasons shall be given in writing. | | 第七条 民政部门收到全部有效材料后,应当依法进行审核,并于二十日内作出决定。对符合条件的慈善组织,发给公开募捐资格证书;对不符合条件的,不发给公开募捐资格证书并书面说明理由。 |
Under complex circumstances, the civil affairs department may consult the opinions of relevant departments or solicit opinions through demonstration meetings, hearings, and other forms, and may also conduct on-site inspection of the organization as needed. The time required for requesting opinions and conducting field visits shall not be included in the review period. | | 情况复杂的,民政部门可以征求有关部门意见或者通过论证会、听证会等形式听取意见,也可以根据需要对该组织进行实地考察。征求意见和实地考察所需时间不计算在审核期限内。 |
Article 8 A charitable organization shall not forge, alter, lease or lend its qualification certificate for fundraising from the public. Where the qualification certificate for fundraising from the public is lost or seriously damaged, it shall be reported to the civil affairs department that handled its registration for replacement in a timely manner. Where the qualification certificate for fundraising from the public is stolen or fraudulently used, the charitable organization shall announce it to the public in a timely manner and report to the civil affairs department that handled its registration. A charitable organization with a competent business entity shall report to the competent business entity concurrently. | | 第八条 慈善组织不得伪造、变造、出租、出借公开募捐资格证书。公开募捐资格证书丢失、严重损毁的,应当及时报告办理其登记的民政部门进行补办。公开募捐资格证书被盗用或者冒用的,慈善组织应当及时向社会公告,并向办理其登记的民政部门报告。慈善组织有业务主管单位的,应当同时向业务主管单位报告。 |
Article 9 A public foundation that has been registered and formed before the Charity Law enters into force shall apply for the qualification certificate for fundraising from the public from the civil affairs department which registered it, upon strength of its registration certificate indicating its nature of charitable organization. | | 第九条 慈善法施行前登记设立的公募基金会,凭其标明慈善组织属性的登记证书向办理其登记的民政部门申领公开募捐资格证书。 |
...... | | 有关法律、行政法规规定可以公开募捐的其他非营利性组织,凭法人登记证书向同级人民政府民政部门申领公开募捐资格证书。 |
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