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Interpretation by the Supreme People's Court of the Application of Book Seven Tort Liability of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China (I) [Effective]
最高人民法院关于适用《中华人民共和国民法典》侵权责任编的解释(一) [现行有效]
Announcement of the Supreme People's Court of the People's Republic of China 


The Interpretation by the Supreme People's Court of the Application of Book Seven Tort Liability of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China (I), as adopted at the 1909th meeting of the Adjudication Committee of the Supreme People's Court on December 18, 2023, is hereby issued, and shall come into force on September 27, 2024. 《最高人民法院关于适用〈中华人民共和国民法典〉侵权责任编的解释(一)》已于2023年12月18日由最高人民法院审判委员会第1909次会议通过,现予公布,自2024年9月27日起施行。
Supreme People's Court 最高人民法院
September 25, 2024 2024年9月25日
Interpretation by the Supreme People's Court of the Application of Book Seven Tort Liability of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China (I) 最高人民法院关于适用《中华人民共和国民法典》侵权责任编的解释(一)
(Adopted at the 1909th meeting of the Adjudication Committee of the Supreme People's Court on December 18, 2023, coming into force on September 27, 2024, SPC Interpretation No. 12 [2024]) (2023年12月18日最高人民法院审判委员会第1909次会议通过,自2024年9月27日起施行 法释〔2024〕12号)
This Interpretation is formulated according to the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, and other laws and in light of trial practice for the purpose of correctly trying cases involving tort liability disputes. 为正确审理侵权责任纠纷案件,根据《中华人民共和国民法典》、《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》等法律规定,结合审判实践,制定本解释。
Article 1 Where a ward is illegally separated from guardianship, and the guardian claims compensation for the reasonable expenses and other property losses incurred in restoring guardianship, the people's court shall uphold the claim.   第一条 非法使被监护人脱离监护,监护人请求赔偿为恢复监护状态而支出的合理费用等财产损失的,人民法院应予支持。
Article 2 Serious damage to a parent-child or any other close kinship relationship caused by the illegal separation of a ward from guardianship shall be determined as serious mental distress as provided for in paragraph 1 of Article 1183 of the Civil Code.   第二条 非法使被监护人脱离监护,导致父母子女关系或者其他近亲属关系受到严重损害的,应当认定为民法典第一千一百八十三条第一款规定的严重精神损害。
Article 3 Where a ward is illegally separated from guardianship and dies during the separation from guardianship, and the guardian, as a close relative, claims compensation for both personal injury and losses resulting from the infringement of guardianship, the people's court shall uphold the claim in accordance with the law.   第三条 非法使被监护人脱离监护,被监护人在脱离监护期间死亡,作为近亲属的监护人既请求赔偿人身损害,又请求赔偿监护关系受侵害产生的损失的,人民法院依法予以支持。
Article 4 Where a person with no or limited capacity for performing civil juristic acts causes damage to another person, and the infringed person requests the guardian to assume the tort liability or combines the requests that the guardian and the person who is delegated to perform the duty of guardianship on the guardian's behalf should assume the tort liability, the people's court shall name the person with no or limited capacity for performing civil juristic acts as a co-defendant.   第四条 无民事行为能力人、限制民事行为能力人造成他人损害,被侵权人请求监护人承担侵权责任,或者合并请求监护人和受托履行监护职责的人承担侵权责任的,人民法院应当将无民事行为能力人、限制民事行为能力人列为共同被告。
Article 5 Where a person with no or limited capacity for performing civil juristic acts causes damage to another person, and the infringed person requests that the guardian assume all the liability that the tortfeasor should assume, the people's court shall uphold the request and specify in the judgment that the compensation may first be paid out of the ward's assets, and any deficiency shall be satisfied by the guardian.   第五条 无民事行为能力人、限制民事行为能力人造成他人损害,被侵权人请求监护人承担侵权人应承担的全部责任的,人民法院应予支持,并在判决中明确,赔偿费用可以先从被监护人财产中支付,不足部分由监护人支付。
If the guardian argues that he or she bear the supplementary liability, or the infringed person or the guardian argues that the people's court should order a person with no or limited capacity for performing civil juristic acts who has assets to bear liability for compensation, the people's court shall reject the argument. 监护人抗辩主张承担补充责任,或者被侵权人、监护人主张人民法院判令有财产的无民事行为能力人、限制民事行为能力人承担赔偿责任的,人民法院不予支持。
When compensation is paid out of the ward's assets, expenses necessary for the ward's living and completion of compulsory education shall be retained. 从被监护人财产中支付赔偿费用的,应当保留被监护人所必需的生活费和完成义务教育所必需的费用。
Article 6 Where an actor is under 18 years of age when the tortious act occurs, but has attained 18 years of age when being sued, and the infringed person requests that the original guardian assume all the liability that the tortfeasor should assume, the people's court shall uphold the request and specify in the judgment that the compensation may first be paid out of the ward's assets, and any deficiency shall be satisfied by the guardian.   第六条 行为人在侵权行为发生时不满十八周岁,被诉时已满十八周岁的,被侵权人请求原监护人承担侵权人应承担的全部责任的,人民法院应予支持,并在判决中明确,赔偿费用可以先从被监护人财产中支付,不足部分由监护人支付。
Under the circumstance specified in the preceding paragraph, if the infringed person only sues the actor, the people's court shall make such explanation as to enable the plaintiff to apply for addition of the original guardian as a co-defendant. 前款规定情形,被侵权人仅起诉行为人的,人民法院应当向原告释明申请追加原监护人为共同被告。
Article 7 Where a minor child causes damage to another person, and the infringed person requests that his or her parents jointly assume the tort liability, the people's court shall uphold the request in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 27, Article 1068, and Article 1188 of the Civil Code.   第七条 未成年子女造成他人损害,被侵权人请求父母共同承担侵权责任的,人民法院依照民法典第二十七条第一款、第一千零六十八条以及第一千一百八十八条的规定予以支持。
Article 8 Where, after a husband and wife divorce, their minor child causes damage to another person, and the infringed person requests that the divorced husband and wife jointly assume the tort liability, the people's court shall uphold the request in accordance with Article 1068, Article 1084, and Article 1188 of the Civil Code. If either parent argues that he or she should not assume, or should assume less, liability on the grounds that he or she does not live with the child, the people's court shall reject the argument.   第八条 夫妻离婚后,未成年子女造成他人损害,被侵权人请求离异夫妻共同承担侵权责任的,人民法院依照民法典第一千零六十八条、第一千零八十四条以及第一千一百八十八条的规定予以支持。一方以未与该子女共同生活为由主张不承担或者少承担责任的,人民法院不予支持。
The share of liability between the divorced husband and wife may be determined by agreement between the two parties; or failing that, the people's court may determine it based on their agreement on performance of duty of guardianship and their actual performance. If either parent who actually assumes liability in excess of his or her share of liability claims indemnification against the other parent, the people's court shall uphold the claim. 离异夫妻之间的责任份额,可以由双方协议确定;协议不成的,人民法院可以根据双方履行监护职责的约定和实际履行情况等确定。实际承担责任超过自己责任份额的一方向另一方追偿的,人民法院应予支持。
Article 9 Where a minor child causes damage to another person, a stepparent who has not established a relationship of support and education with the child shall not assume the tort liability of a guardian in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 1072 of the Civil Code, and the child's biological parents shall bear the tort liability in accordance with Article 8 of this Interpretation.   第九条 未成年子女造成他人损害的,依照民法典第一千零七十二条第二款的规定,未与该子女形成抚养教育关系的继父或者继母不承担监护人的侵权责任,由该子女的生父母依照本解释第八条的规定承担侵权责任。
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