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Notice by the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the National Financial Regulatory Administration of Expanding the Scope of Implementation of Policies Regarding Full Cost Insurance and Planting Income Insurance for Soybeans [Effective]
财政部、农业农村部、金融监管总局关于扩大大豆完全成本保险和种植收入保险政策实施范围的通知 [现行有效]
Notice by the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the National Financial Regulatory Administration of Expanding the Scope of Implementation of Policies Regarding Full Cost Insurance and Planting Income Insurance for Soybeans 


(No. 83 [2024] of the Ministry of Finance) (财金〔2024〕83号)

The finance departments (bureaus) and departments (bureaus and commissions) of agriculture and rural affairs (agriculture and animal husbandry) of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, and cities under separate state planning; all local offices of the National Financial Regulatory Administration; the Financial Bureau and Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps; China RongTong Asset Management Group Corporation Limited, China Grain Reserves Group Ltd. Company, Beidahuang Group Co., Ltd., and China National Agricultural Development Group Co., Ltd.; and relevant insurance companies: 各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市财政厅(局)、农业农村(农牧)厅(局、委),金融监管总局各监管局,新疆生产建设兵团财政局、农业农村局,中国融通资产管理集团有限公司、中国储备粮管理集团有限公司、北大荒农垦集团有限公司、中国农业发展集团有限公司,有关保险公司:
In accordance with the relevant requirements of the Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Drawing on and Applying the Experience from the Green Rural Revival Program to Advance Rural Revitalization on All Fronts in a Powerful and Effective Manner, for the purposes of further promoting the improvement of the guarantee level of China's agricultural insurance, stabilizing the income of soybean farmers, assisting in raising the enthusiasm for soybean planting, and better serving and ensuring the security of supply of oilseed crops, you are hereby notified of relevant matters concerning expanding the scope of implementation of policies regarding full cost insurance and planting income insurance for soybeans as follows: 按照《中共中央 国务院关于学习运用“千村示范、万村整治”工程经验有力有效推进乡村全面振兴的意见》有关要求,为进一步推动提升我国农业保险保障水平,稳定种豆农户收益,助力提升大豆种植积极性,更好服务保障油料供应安全,现就扩大大豆完全成本保险和种植收入保险政策实施范围有关事项通知如下:
I. Overall Requirements   一、总体要求
Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in a New Era, the people-centered philosophy of development shall be adhered to; and by closely centering on advancing rural revitalization on all fronts and accelerating the modernization of agriculture and rural areas and by expanding the scope of implementation of policies regarding full cost insurance and planting income insurance for soybeans, the guarantee level of soybean insurance shall be raised, the enthusiasm of farmers for growing soybeans shall be enhanced, and the security of supply of soybean oilseeds in China shall be served and guaranteed. 以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,紧紧围绕推进乡村全面振兴和加快农业农村现代化,通过扩大大豆完全成本保险和种植收入保险政策实施范围,提高大豆保险保障水平,提升农户种豆积极性,服务保障我国大豆油料供应安全。
...... ——坚持自主自愿。实施大豆完全成本保险和种植收入保险的地区以及有关农户、农业生产经营组织、承保机构均应坚持自主自愿原则。2024年起,政策实施地区的种豆农户和农业生产经营组织可在物化成本保险、完全成本保险或种植收入保险中自主自愿选择,但不得重复投保。

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