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Regulations on Honoring Martyrs (2024 Revision) [Not Yet Effective]
烈士褒扬条例(2024修订) [尚未生效]
  • Issuing authority: State Council
  • Document Number: Order No. 791 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China
  • Date issued: 09-27-2024
  • Effective date: 01-01-2025
  • Level of Authority: Administrative Regulations
  • Area of Law:Military
Order of the State Council of the People's Republic of China 


(No. 791) (第791号)

The Regulations on Honoring Martyrs, revised and adopted at the 41st executive meeting of the State Council on September 18, 2024, are hereby issued, and shall come into force on January 1, 2025. 烈士褒扬条例》已经2024年9月18日国务院第41次常务会议修订通过,现予公布,自2025年1月1日起施行。
Li Qiang, Premier 总理  李强
September 27, 2024 2024年9月27日
Regulations on Honoring Martyrs 烈士褒扬条例
(Promulgated by Order No. 601 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China on July 26. 2011; revised for the first time in accordance with the Decision of the State Council to Amend Certain Administrative Regulations on March 2, 2019; revised for the second time in accordance with the Decision of the State Council to Amend the Regulation on Honoring Martyrs (2019); revised for the third time by Order No. 791 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China on September 27, 2024) (2011年7月26日中华人民共和国国务院令第601号公布 根据2019年3月2日《国务院关于修改部分行政法规的决定》第一次修订 根据2019年8月1日《国务院关于修改〈烈士褒扬条例〉的决定》第二次修订 2024年9月27日中华人民共和国国务院令第791号第三次修订)
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Heroes and Martyrs and other relevant laws for the purpose of promoting the spirit of martyrs and providing pensions and preferential treatment to families of martyrs.   第一条 为了弘扬烈士精神,抚恤优待烈士遗属,根据《中华人民共和国英雄烈士保护法》等有关法律,制定本条例。
Article 2 Any citizen who has bravely sacrificed himself/herself to safeguard the nation, develop socialism or promote world peace and human progress and been assessed as martyr shall be honored in accordance with provisions hereof. and his/her families shall be given pensions and preferential treatment in accordance with provisions hereof.   第二条 公民在保卫祖国、社会主义建设以及促进世界和平和人类进步事业中英勇牺牲被评定为烈士的,依照本条例的规定予以褒扬。烈士的遗属,依照本条例的规定享受抚恤优待。
Article 3 Honoring martyrs shall adhere to the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC).   第三条 烈士褒扬工作坚持中国共产党的领导。
The state honors, commemorates, and protects martyrs, upholds their dignity and honor, safeguards the lawful rights and interests of their family members, publicly communicates their deeds and ethos, promotes the core socialist values, and creates a society-wide atmosphere that respects, remembers, learns from, and defends them and care for their family members. 国家褒扬、纪念和保护烈士,维护烈士尊严荣誉,保障烈士遗属合法权益,宣传烈士事迹和精神,弘扬社会主义核心价值观,在全社会营造崇尚烈士、缅怀烈士、学习烈士、捍卫烈士、关爱烈士遗属的氛围。
Article 4 The state's pensions and preferential treatment for martyrs' family members shall be commensurate with the level of economic and social development and gradually improve as the economy and society develop.   第四条 国家对烈士遗属的抚恤优待应当与经济社会发展水平相适应,随经济社会的发展逐步提高。
Funds for honoring martyrs and giving pensions and preferential treatment to their families shall be included in the budget, used for prescribed purposes, and overseen by finance and audit authorities. 烈士褒扬和烈士遗属抚恤优待经费列入预算,应当按照规定用途使用,接受财政部门、审计机关的监督。
Article 5 The society as a whole shall support the work of honoring martyrs, and give preferential treatment and a helping hand to families of martyrs.   第五条 全社会应当支持烈士褒扬工作,优待帮扶烈士遗属。
Private actors are encouraged to make donations to the honoring of martyrs and the preferential pensions and treatment for their family members. 鼓励和支持社会力量为烈士褒扬和烈士遗属抚恤优待提供捐助。
Article 6 The veterans affairs department of the State Council is responsible for nationwide martyr honoring. The veterans affairs departments of local people's governments at or above the county level are responsible for martyr honoring in their respective administrative areas.   第六条 国务院退役军人工作主管部门负责全国的烈士褒扬工作。县级以上地方人民政府退役军人工作主管部门负责本行政区域的烈士褒扬工作。
Article 7 Organizations and individuals that have made significant achievements in honoring martyrs shall be commended and awarded according to the relevant provisions.   第七条 对在烈士褒扬工作中做出显著成绩的单位和个人,按照有关规定给予表彰、奖励。
Chapter II Assessment of Martyrs 

第二章 烈士的评定

Article 8 Any citizen who has sacrificed himself/herself under any of the following circumstances shall be assessed as a martyr:   第八条 公民牺牲符合下列情形之一的,评定为烈士:
(1) Whoever dies when investigating and punishing illegal and criminal activities in accordance with law, carrying out a national security or counter-terrorism task, fulfilling special guard duty, or performing an emergency response and rescue task. (一)在依法查处违法犯罪行为、执行国家安全工作任务、执行反恐怖任务、执行特勤警卫任务、执行突发事件应急处置与救援任务中牺牲的;
(2) Whoever dies in emergency rescue and disaster relief or in any other rescue and protection of national assets, collective assets, and life and properties of citizens. (二)抢险救灾或者其他为了抢救、保护国家财产、集体财产、公民生命财产牺牲的;
(3) Whoever dies when carrying out tasks regarding foreign affairs or tasks in relation to foreign aid, international peacekeeping, or law enforcement cooperation assigned by the state. (三)在执行外交任务或者国家派遣的对外援助、维持国际和平、执法合作任务中牺牲的;
(4) Whoever dies in carrying out scientific research testing tasks on weapons. (四)在执行武器装备科研试验任务中牺牲的;
(5) Whoever makes such outstanding sacrifices in any other aspect that he/she can be a role model. (五)其他牺牲情节特别突出,堪为楷模的。
If servicemen die a martyr's death, or military civilian staff, reserve forces personnel, militiamen, migrant workers and any other person who die in wars, performance of combat support tasks, participation in non-combat military operations, military drills or military services are qualified for martyrs, they shall be assessed in accordance with the Regulations on Pensions and Preferential Treatment for Servicemen. 军人牺牲,军队文职人员、预备役人员、民兵、民工以及其他人员因参战、执行作战支援保障任务、参加非战争军事行动、参加军事训练、执行军事勤务牺牲应当评定烈士的,依照《军人抚恤优待条例》的有关规定评定。
Article 9 Where an application is made for a martyr under paragraph 1(1) and (2) of Article 8 of these Regulations, the employer or family members of the deceased person or organizations or citizens in the place where the person dies shall provide documents about details of the person's death to the veterans affairs departments of county government in the place where the employer is located or residence of the family members of the deceased person is registered or where the person dies. The veterans affairs department of the county people's government that receives the documents shall conduct timely investigation and verification, form a report on the assessment of the martyr, and file it with the county people's government. After examination, the county people's government shall file it level by level with the people's government of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government for examination and assessment. Where the deceased person is assessed as a martyr, the report shall be submitted by provincial government or governments of autonomous region and municipality directly under the Central Government to the veterans affairs department of the State Council for review.   第九条 申报烈士,属于本条例第八条第一款第一项、第二项规定情形的,由死者生前所在工作单位、死者遗属或者事件发生地的组织、公民,向死者生前工作单位所在地、死者遗属户籍所在地或者事件发生地的县级人民政府退役军人工作主管部门提供有关死者牺牲情节等材料。收到材料的县级人民政府退役军人工作主管部门应当及时调查核实,提出评定烈士的报告,报本级人民政府。本级人民政府审核后逐级上报至省、自治区、直辖市人民政府审查评定。评定为烈士的,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府送国务院退役军人工作主管部门复核。
Where the third or fourth item of Paragraph 1, Article 8 herein is applicable, the report of martyrs assessment shall be proposed by relevant department of the State Council and submitted to the veterans affairs department of the State Council for review and assessment. 属于本条例第八条第一款第三项、第四项规定情形的,由国务院有关部门提出评定烈士的报告,送国务院退役军人工作主管部门审查评定。
Where an application is made for a martyr under paragraph 1(5) of Article 8 of these Regulations, the employer or family members of the deceased person or organizations or citizens in the place where the person dies shall provide documents about details of the person's death to the veterans affairs departments of county government in the place where the employer is located or residence of the family members of the deceased person is registered or where the person dies. The veterans affairs department of the county people's government that receives the documents shall conduct timely investigation and verification, form a report on the assessment of the martyr, and file it with the county people's government. After examination, the county government shall file it level by level with the government of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government, which, after examination, shall file the same with the veterans affairs department of the State Council for examination and assessment. 属于本条例第八条第一款第五项规定情形的,由死者生前所在工作单位、死者遗属或者事件发生地的组织、公民,向死者生前工作单位所在地、死者遗属户籍所在地或者事件发生地的县级人民政府退役军人工作主管部门提供有关死者牺牲情节等材料。收到材料的县级人民政府退役军人工作主管部门应当及时调查核实,提出评定烈士的报告,报本级人民政府。本级人民政府审核后逐级上报至省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府审核后送国务院退役军人工作主管部门审查评定。
Article 10 Martyrs assessed by the army shall be filed by the Political Affairs Department of the Central Military Commission with the veterans affairs department of the State Council for review.   第十条 军队评定的烈士,由中央军事委员会政治工作部送国务院退役军人工作主管部门复核。
Article 11 The veterans affairs department of the State Council shall inform the martyr assessment agency of review results. If the review is passed, the martyr assessment agency shall send a martyr assessment notice to the veterans affairs department of the county people's government in the place of household registration of the martyr's family member.   第十一条 国务院退役军人工作主管部门应当将复核结果告知烈士评定机关。通过复核的,由烈士评定机关向烈士遗属户籍所在地县级人民政府退役军人工作主管部门发送烈士评定通知书。
If a martyr assessed by the veterans affairs department of the State Council, it will send a martyr assessment notice directly to the veterans affairs department of the county people's government in the place of household registration of the martyr's family member. 国务院退役军人工作主管部门评定的烈士,由其直接向烈士遗属户籍所在地县级人民政府退役军人工作主管部门发送烈士评定通知书。
Article 12 The veterans affairs department of the State Council is responsible for submitting the list of martyrs to the Awards and Honors Committee of the Party and the State.   第十二条 国务院退役军人工作主管部门负责将烈士名单呈报党和国家功勋荣誉表彰工作委员会。
Martyr certificates shall be developed and issued in the name of the Office of the Awards and Honors Committee of the Party and the State. 烈士证书以党和国家功勋荣誉表彰工作委员会办公室名义制发。
Article 13 The local people's governments at or above the county level shall hold honors and awards presentation ceremonies on Martyrs' Day each year to award martyr certificates to the family members of martyrs.   第十三条 县级以上地方人民政府每年在烈士纪念日举行颁授仪式,向烈士遗属颁授烈士证书。
Article 14 Any relevant organization or individual who has an objection to martyr assessment or review results may file it with the martyr assessment or review agency. The agency that receives the objection shall investigate and address it in a timely manner.   第十四条 有关组织、个人对烈士评定、复核结果有异议的,可以向烈士评定或者复核机关反映。接到反映的机关应当及时调查处理。
Chapter III Grants for Martyrs and Pensions and Preferential Treatment to Families of Martyrs 

第三章 烈士褒扬金和烈士遗属的抚恤优待

Article 15 The State shall establish a system of grants for martyrs. The sum granted to a martyr shall be 30 times of urban residents' per capital disposable annual income as per the standard in the previous year of the martyr's death. In wartime, the sum granted to martyrs who die in the war may increase properly.   第十五条 国家建立烈士褒扬金制度。烈士褒扬金标准为烈士牺牲时上一年度全国城镇居民人均可支配收入的30倍。战时,参战牺牲的烈士褒扬金标准可以适当提高。
Grants for martyrs shall be given by the departments of veterans affairs of the people's governments at the county level at the places of registered permanent residence of the bears of martyr certificates to parents (raisers), spouse or children of the martyr. In the case that the martyr has no parents (raisers), spouse or children; the grants shall be given to his/her brothers and sisters under 18 years old and his/her brothers and sisters above 18 yet without any source of income and are supported by the martyr when he/she is alive. 烈士褒扬金由烈士证书持有人户籍所在地县级人民政府退役军人工作主管部门发给烈士的父母(抚养人)、配偶、子女;没有父母(抚养人)、配偶、子女的,发给烈士未满18周岁的兄弟姐妹和已满18周岁但无生活费来源且由烈士生前供养的兄弟姐妹。
Article 16 In addition to grants for martyrs as stated in Article 15 herein, where Regulations on Pensions and Preferential Treatment for Servicemen and relevant regulations are applicable, families of martyrs may get a lump sum of pension, which shall be 20 times the national per capita disposable income of urban residents for the year before the martyr dies plus 40 months' basic salary of the martyr and be paid by the veterans affairs department of the county people's government; where the Regulation on Work-Related Injury Insurance and relevant regulations are applicable, families of martyrs may get lump-sum work-related death compensation and special grants equivalent to 40 months' basic salary of the martyr to his/her family, with the lump-sum work-related death compensation being paid in accordance with the Regulation on Work-Related Injury Insurance and the special grants being paid by the veterans affairs department of the county people's government.   第十六条 烈士遗属除享受本条例第十五条规定的烈士褒扬金外,属于《军人抚恤优待条例》以及相关规定适用范围的,还按照规定享受一次性抚恤金,标准为烈士牺牲时上一年度全国城镇居民人均可支配收入的20倍加烈士本人40个月的基本工资,由县级人民政府退役军人工作主管部门发放;属于《工伤保险条例》以及相关规定适用范围的,还按照规定享受一次性工亡补助金以及相当于烈士本人40个月基本工资的烈士遗属特别补助金,其中一次性工亡补助金按照《工伤保险条例》规定发放,烈士遗属特别补助金由县级人民政府退役军人工作主管部门发放。
Families of martyrs that are not covered as stated in the preceding paragraphs shall be given pensions by the veterans affairs departments of county governments, which shall be 20 times of urban residents' per capital disposable annual income as per the standard in the previous year of the martyr's death plus 40 months' basic salary of a second lieutenant in the People's Liberation Army. 不属于前款规定范围的烈士遗属,由县级人民政府退役军人工作主管部门发给一次性抚恤金,标准为烈士牺牲时上一年度全国城镇居民人均可支配收入的20倍加40个月的中国人民解放军少尉军官基本工资。
Article 17 Family members of martyrs who meet any of the following conditions shall also regularly get pensions:   第十七条 符合下列条件之一的烈士遗属,还享受定期抚恤金:
(1) The martyr's parents (raisers) or spouse is unable to work and without any source of income, or the income is below the average living standards of local residents. (一)烈士的父母(抚养人)、配偶无劳动能力、无生活费来源,或者收入水平低于当地居民平均生活水平的;
(2) The martyr's children are under 18 years old or are over 18 years old but disabled or still at school and without any source of income. (二)烈士的子女未满18周岁,或者已满18周岁但因残疾或者正在上学而无生活费来源的;
(3) The martyr's brothers and sisters whom he supports when alive are under 18 years old or are over 18 years old but still at school and without any source of income. (三)由烈士生前供养的兄弟姐妹未满18周岁,或者已满18周岁但因正在上学而无生活费来源的。
If the family member of a martyr meets the conditions specified in the preceding paragraph and enjoys regular pensions, the veterans affairs department of the people's government at the county level in the family member's place of household registration shall begin paying a regular pension after confirming by examination that the family member meets the conditions, on his or her application. 符合前款规定条件享受定期抚恤金的烈士遗属,由其户籍所在地县级人民政府退役军人工作主管部门依据其申请,在审核确认其符合条件当月起发给定期抚恤金。
Article 18 Regular pensions shall be determined in accordance with the national per capita disposable income of residents for the previous year. Standards and adjustments of regular pensions shall be formulated by the veterans affairs department of the State Council along with the Ministry of Finance under the State Council.   第十八条 定期抚恤金标准参照上一年度全国居民人均可支配收入水平确定。定期抚恤金的标准及其调整办法,由国务院退役军人工作主管部门会同国务院财政部门规定。
Article 19 If the family member of a martyr still has a specially difficult life after receiving regular pensions, the county people's government shall assist him or her to solve the difficulty by granting an allowance for living expenses, providing temporary assistance in accordance with applicable provisions, or other means.   第十九条 烈士遗属享受定期抚恤金后生活仍有特殊困难的,由县级人民政府通过发放生活补助、按照规定给予临时救助或者其他方式帮助解决。
Article 20 Where the martyr's spouse continues to support the martyr's parents (raisers) after getting remarried or continues to support the martyr's brothers and sisters under 18 years old or those over 18 years old yet unable to work, without any income and supported by the martyr when he/she is alive, the spouse shall get regular subsidies comparable to regular pensions to families of martyrs from the veterans affairs departments of the county government where the spouse's residence is registered on his or her application.   第二十条 烈士生前的配偶再婚后继续赡养烈士父母(抚养人),继续抚养烈士未满18周岁或者已满18周岁但无劳动能力、无生活费来源且由烈士生前供养的兄弟姐妹的,由其户籍所在地县级人民政府退役军人工作主管部门依据其申请,参照烈士遗属定期抚恤金的标准给予定期补助。
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