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Four Model Cases of Lawfully and Severely Punishing Crimes Endangering Edible Agricultural Product Safety Jointly Published by the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate [Effective]
最高人民法院、最高人民检察院联合发布4件依法严惩危害食用农产品安全犯罪典型案例 [现行有效]
Four Model Cases of Lawfully and Severely Punishing Crimes Endangering Edible Agricultural Product Safety Jointly Published by the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate  


(September 25, 2024) (2024年9月25日)

Over recent years, nationwide courts and procuratorates at all levels have attached great importance to the punishment of crimes endangering edible agricultural product safety, conscientiously implemented General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on edible agricultural product safety, actively performed their judicial and legal supervision functions, severely punished such crimes in accordance with the law, and actively participated in comprehensive social governance. Since the special initiative to ensure prohibition, control residues and promote improvement was launched three years ago, nationwide procuratorial authorities have approved the arrest of 8,593 persons in 4,936 cases involving crimes endangering food safety, and prosecuted 35,015 persons in 18,566 such cases. Among them, approval was given for the arrest of 1,530 persons in 751 cases involving crimes endangering edible agricultural product safety, and 4,545 persons in 1,991 such cases. Nationwide courts concluded a total of 16,070 cases involving crimes endangering food safety at first instance, including 1,429 cases involving 11 varieties of edible agricultural products that were the focus of the special initiative. In the meantime, the Supreme People's Court (SPC) and the Supreme People's Procuratorate (SPP) further revised and improved relevant judicial interpretations in order to enhance the criminal legal framework and provide a normative basis for cracking down on such crimes in accordance with the law. 近年来,全国各级法院、检察院高度重视对危害食用农产品安全犯罪的惩治工作,认真贯彻落实习近平总书记关于食用农产品安全的重要批示精神,积极履行审判职能、法律监督职能,依法严惩危害食用农产品安全犯罪,积极参与社会综合治理。“治违禁 控药残 促提升”专项行动开展三年来,全国检察机关共批准逮捕危害食品安全犯罪案件4936件8593人,起诉18566件35015人。其中,批准逮捕危害食用农产品安全犯罪案件751件1530人,起诉1991件4545人。全国法院一审审结危害食品安全犯罪案件共计16 070件,其中涉及专项行动重点整治的11个品种的食用农产品案件共计1429件。同时,“两高”进一步修订完善相关司法解释,严密刑事法网,为依法打击此类犯罪提供规范依据。
For the purpose of implementing General Secretary Xi Jinping's four strictest requirements for food safety, the SPC and the SPP jointly published model cases involving crimes endangering edible agricultural product safety during the 2024 National Food Safety Promotion Week. The four cases are People v. Sun [REDACTED]jie et al. (case of producing and selling toxic and harmful food), People v. Gu [REDACTED]guo (illegal business) and Pan [REDACTED]dong et al. (selling toxic and harmful food), People v. Li [REDACTED]qin (case of producing and selling counterfeit and substandard products), and People v. Chen [REDACTED]hui et al. (case of producing and selling toxic and harmful food). These cases focus on edible agricultural product safety issues that are of great concern to the general public and cause great social harm, which shows the judicial authorities' resolution to severely punish crimes endangering edible agricultural product safety in accordance with the law, and reflects the good results of their participation in the comprehensive management of edible agricultural product safety. 为贯彻落实习近平总书记关于食品安全“四个最严”要求,在2024年全国食品安全宣传周期间,最高人民法院、最高人民检察院联合发布一批危害食用农产品安全犯罪典型案例。案例共4件,分别是:孙某结等生产、销售有毒、有害食品案;顾某国非法经营,潘某栋等销售有毒、有害食品案;李某钦生产、销售伪劣产品案;陈某辉等生产、销售有毒、有害食品案。这批案例聚焦老百姓关注度高、社会危害大的食用农产品安全问题,彰显司法机关依法严惩危害食用农产品安全犯罪的坚决态度,体现其参与食用农产品安全综合治理的良好成效。
In the next step, the SPC and the SPP will fully implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee, strictly fulfill the four strictest requirements, severely punish crimes endangering edible agricultural product safety in accordance with the law, further improve the mechanism for connection between administrative and criminal proceedings in the field of edible agricultural product safety, actively participate in the comprehensive management of edible agricultural product safety, and leverage the power of the rule of law to effectively protect the life, health, and safety of the people. 下一步,“两高”将全面贯彻落实习近平总书记重要批示精神和党中央决策部署,严格落实“四个最严”要求,依法严惩危害食用农产品安全犯罪,进一步健全完善食用农产品安全领域行刑衔接机制,积极参与食用农产品安全综合治理,充分运用法治力量,切实保障人民群众生命健康安全。
Table of Cases 案例目录
Case 1: People v. Sun [REDACTED]jie et al. (case of producing and selling toxic and harmful food) 案例一:孙某结等生产、销售有毒、有害食品案
—Soaking whitebait in industrial formaldehyde solution and selling it ——使用工业用甲醛溶液浸泡银鱼并销售
Case 2: People v. Gu [REDACTED]guo (illegal business) and Pan [REDACTED]dong et al. (selling toxic and harmful food) 案例二:顾某国非法经营,潘某栋等销售有毒、有害食品案
—Illegally slaughtering and selling hogs, which were found to contain clenbuterol ——非法屠宰和销售生猪,检出“瘦肉精”
Case 3: People v. Li [REDACTED]qin (case of producing and selling counterfeit and substandard products) 案例三:李某钦生产、销售伪劣产品案
—Producing and selling Cochin chickens with residues of veterinary medicinal products ——生产、销售兽药残留超标的三黄鸡
Case 4: People v. Chen [REDACTED]hui et al. (case of producing and selling toxic and harmful food) 案例四:陈某辉等生产、销售有毒、有害食品案
—Producing and selling dyed small yellow croaker ——生产、销售染色小黄鱼
Case 1 案例一
People v. Sun [REDACTED]jie et al. (case of producing and selling toxic and harmful food) 孙某结等生产、销售有毒、有害食品案
—Soaking whitebait in industrial formaldehyde solution and selling it ——使用工业用甲醛溶液浸泡银鱼并销售
[Brief Facts] 【简要案情】
From 2018 to March 2021, defendant Sun [REDACTED]jie sold whitebait at a stall in a wholesale agricultural product market. For longer room temperature preservation of the whitebait, Sun [REDACTED]jie soaked it in industrial formaldehyde solution, knowing that industrial formaldehyde was toxic and harmful to the human body. He then sold the soaked whitebait to vendors in Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province and other places for a total of more than 1.29 million yuan. In 2020, Sun [REDACTED]jie hired defendant Liu [REDACTED]jun to help him at his stall with tasks such as soaking whitebait in industrial formaldehyde solution. The total sales value related to the participation of Liu [REDACTED]jun was more than 670,000 yuan. The inspection by the Kunshan Food Quality Inspection Center found that all the whitebait sold by Sun [REDACTED]jie contained industrial formaldehyde. 2018年至2021年3月,被告人孙某结在某农产品批发市场摊位销售银鱼。为使其所销售的银鱼能够在常温下存放更长时间,孙某结在明知工业用甲醛对人体有毒、有害的情况下,使用工业用甲醛溶液浸泡银鱼,并将泡好的银鱼销售给江苏省昆山市等地商贩,销售金额共计129万余元。2020年以来,孙某结雇用被告人刘某军来其摊位帮忙,从事使用工业用甲醛溶液浸泡银鱼等工作,刘某军参与销售金额共计67万余元。经昆山市食品质量检测中心检验,孙某结销售的银鱼中均检出工业用甲醛成分。
[Litigation Process] 【诉讼过程】
The People's Procuratorate of Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province, filed a public prosecution against Sun [REDACTED]jie and Liu [REDACTED]jun for the crime of producing and selling toxic and harmful food. After trial, the Primary People's Court of Kunshan City found that Sun [REDACTED]jie and Liu [REDACTED]jun added toxic and harmful non-food raw materials to the food they produced and sold, thereby committing the crime of producing and selling toxic and harmful food. Their sales values, respectively more than 1.29 million yuan and more than 670,000 yuan, were particularly serious circumstances that warranted lawful punishment. In the joint crime, Sun [REDACTED]jie was the principal offender and Liu [REDACTED]jun was the accessory. The latter might be given a penalty below the statutory sentencing range according to the law. As they pleaded guilty and accepted punishment, they might be granted leniency according to the law. Based on the foregoing, Sun [REDACTED]jie was sentenced to imprisonment of 11 years and a fine of 3 million yuan for the crime of producing and selling toxic and harmful food; Liu [REDACTED]jun to imprisonment of 5 years and a fine of 200,000 yuan for the same. 江苏省昆山市人民检察院以生产、销售有毒、有害食品罪对被告人孙某结、刘某军提起公诉。昆山市人民法院经审理,认定被告人孙某结、刘某军在生产、销售的食品中掺入有毒、有害的非食品原料,其行为均已构成生产、销售有毒、有害食品罪。二人销售金额分别达129万余元和67万余元,均属有其他特别严重情节,应依法惩处。在共同犯罪中,孙某结系主犯,刘某军系从犯,对刘某军可依法减轻处罚。二被告人均认罪认罚,依法可从宽处理。据此,以生产、销售有毒、有害食品罪分别判处被告人孙某结有期徒刑十一年,并处罚金人民币三百万元;判处被告人刘某军有期徒刑五年,并处罚金人民币二十万元。
[Significance] 【典型意义】
The industrial formaldehyde involved in this case is on the List of Inedible Substances Likely to Be Illegally Added to Food issued by the relevant departments of the State Council, and is a "toxic and harmful non-food raw material" in Article 144 of the Criminal Law. Prolonged exposure to an environment with high formaldehyde concentration might cause symptoms such as dizziness, headache, tearing, nausea, and vomiting, and in severe cases, result in leukemia. A 35%-40% aqueous solution of formaldehyde is commonly known as formalin. Formalin is used for preservation, disinfection, and bleaching. In medicine, it is employed to disinfect surgical instruments, gloves, and pollutants and as a preservative, to preserve anatomical specimens. Due to the antiseptic properties of the aqueous solution, offenders soak aquatic products in it to keep them fresh. As aquatic products soaked in high-concentration industrial formaldehyde solution generally have a pungent odor, a hard and dull surface, and a coarse texture, and lack delicate flavor, consumers can identify them by observing their appearance, smelling the odor, and feeling the texture. This helps avoid purchasing or consuming toxic and harmful aquatic products that have been soaked in industrial formaldehyde solution. 本案所涉工业用甲醛被列入国务院有关部门发布的《食品中可能违法添加的非食用物质名单》,属于刑法一百四十四条规定的“有毒、有害的非食品原料”。人体长期处于甲醛浓度较高的环境中,可能出现头晕、头痛、流泪、恶心呕吐等症状,严重的可能导致白血病。35%-40%的甲醛水溶液即人们所熟知的福尔马林溶液。福尔马林溶液具有防腐、消毒和漂白的功能,在医学上被用于外科器械、手套、污染物的消毒,也被用作保存解剖标本的防腐剂。不法分子正是利用甲醛水溶液的防腐特点,使用甲醛水溶液浸泡水产品,以达到防腐保鲜的效果。较高浓度工业用甲醛溶液浸泡的水产品一般会有刺激性气味,表面坚硬,缺少光泽,口感生涩,缺少鲜味,广大消费者可以通过观察外观、嗅闻气味、触摸质地等方式进行识别,避免购买或食用工业用甲醛溶液浸泡过的有毒、有害水产品。
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