Supplementary Notice by the Ministry of Finance of Matters Concerning the Fiscal Interest Subsidy Policy for Equipment Renewal Loans
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Supplementary Notice by the Ministry of Finance of Matters Concerning the Fiscal Interest Subsidy Policy for Equipment Renewal Loans | | 财政部关于设备更新贷款财政贴息政策有关事项的补充通知 |
(No. 155 [2024] of the Ministry of Finance) | | (财金〔2024〕155号) |
The finance departments (bureaus) of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, and cities under separate state planning; the Financial Bureau of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps; all local regulatory authorities of the Ministry of Finance; and relevant financial institutions: | | 各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市财政厅(局),新疆生产建设兵团财政局,财政部各地监管局,有关金融机构: |
...... | | 为加强财政货币政策协同,发挥财政贴息政策引导放大作用,进一步加力支持设备更新和技术改造,根据《财政部 国家发展改革委 中国人民银行 金融监管总局关于实施设备更新贷款财政贴息政策的通知》(财金〔2024〕54号)、《国家发展改革委 财政部印发〈关于加力支持大规模设备更新和消费品以旧换新的若干措施〉的通知》(发改环资〔2024〕1104号)等规定,现就设备更新贷款财政贴息政策有关事项补充通知如下: |
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