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Civil ruling of first instance on recognition and enforcement of the foreign arbitration award between Sea Dolphin Shipping Limited and Xiamen C&D Agricultural Products Co., Ltd.
Civil ruling of first instance on recognition and enforcement of the foreign arbitration award between Sea Dolphin Shipping Limited and Xiamen C&D Agricultural Products Co., Ltd. 

海豚海运有限公司(Sea Dolphin Shipping Limited)与厦门建发农产品有限公司申请承认和执行外国仲裁裁决案
XIAMEN MARITIME COURT Civil Ruling 中华人民共和国厦门海事法院民事裁定书  
(2017) Min 72 Xie Wai Ren No.1 (2017)闽72协外认1号   
Applicant: Sea Dolphin Shipping Limited, with its domicile at Ajeltake Road, Ajeltake Island, Majuro, MH96960, Marshall Islands. 

申请人:海豚海运有限公司(Sea Dolphin Shipping Limited)。

Respondent: Xiamen C&D Agricultural Products Co., Ltd., with its domicile at Unit A, 26th floor, C&D International Building, No. 1699 Huandao East Road, Siming District, Xiamen, Fujian Province, PRC. 

Legal representative: Lin Mao, Chairman of the Board. 法定代表人:林茂,董事长。
Entrusted agent ad litem: Wang Darong, lawyer of Beijing Dentons (Xiamen) Law Firm. 委托诉讼代理人:王大荣,北京大成(厦门)律师事务所律师。
Entrusted agent ad litem: Wu Shaobo, lawyer of Beijing Dentons (Xiamen) Law Firm. 委托诉讼代理人:伍少波,北京大成(厦门)律师事务所律师。
On 1st September 2017, the Court accepted the case between the Applicant, Sea Dolphin Shipping Limited, and the Respondent, Xiamen C&D Agricultural Products Co., Ltd., for recognition and enforcement of the foreign arbitration award, and thereafter formed a collegiate bench for review and organized parties involved for hearing according to laws. The case is now closed. 申请人海豚海运有限公司(Sea Dolphin Shipping Limited)与被申请人厦门建发农产品有限公司申请承认和执行外国仲裁裁决一案,本院于2017年9月1日受理后,依法组成合议庭进行审查,组织当事人进行了听证,现已审查终结。
Basic Facts 基本案情
The Applicant, Sea Dolphin Shipping Limited, filed a petition to the Court for ruling: 1. the recognition and enforcement of the Final Arbitration Award made by Bruce Buchan, the sole arbitrator of the London Court of International Arbitration, on 16th May 2017; 2. the Respondent to fulfill the obligation under the Final Arbitration Award, that is, to pay the Applicant the arbitration fee of RMB 24,447.5 and interest (the arbitration fee is GBP 2,750, calculated at the exchange rate of 1:8.89 between GBP and RMB on the date of the Arbitration Award; the interest is compounded at the annual interest rate of 4.5% every three months, calculated from the date when the Applicant pays the arbitration fee), as well as other expenses and interests incurred by the Applicant due to the arbitration; 3. the Respondent to bear all petition fees and enforcement costs of the case. 申请人海豚海运有限公司向本院提出申请,请求裁定:1、承认和执行伦敦仲裁庭即独任仲裁员Bruce Buchan于2017年5月16日作出的《终局仲裁裁决书》;2、被申请人履行《终局仲裁裁决书》裁定的义务,向申请人支付仲裁费用人民币24,447.5元及利息(仲裁费用2,750英镑,按仲裁裁决作出之日英镑兑换人民币汇率1:8.89计算;利息按年利率4.5%每三个月计算复利,自申请人支付仲裁费用之日起算),以及申请人因仲裁支出的其他费用及利息;3、被申请人承担本案全部申请费用和执行费用。
Facts and reasons: ADM Asia-pacific Trading Pte. Ltd. (ADM Asia) signed a sales contract with the Respondent to sell 50,000 tons of US Golden Distillers Dried Grains/Solubles (GDDGS) to the Respondent. The vessel "Capetan Giorgis" owned by the Applicant is the one carrying out the voyage. The three Bills of Lading involved in the case were issued on 13th August 2015 and consigned "TO ORDER", and named ADM Export Co as the consignor and the Respondent as the notify party. The Bills of Lading involved in the case are on the North American Grain Bill of Lading form, and on the top of the face of each of the Bills of Lading, it clearly indicates "to be used with 'Norgrain' Charterparty 1973". On the middle of the face of each of the Bills of Lading, it clearly indicates "Charter party dated: 4th May 2015", that is, the charter party signed on 4th May 2015 shall be incorporated into and used with the Bills of Lading involved. 事实和理由:ADM Asia-pacific Trading Pte. Ltd. (ADM Asia) 与被申请人签订买卖合同,约定向被申请人销售50,000吨美国玉米酒糟粕。申请人所属船舶“Capetan Giorgis轮”为执行该次航程的船舶。涉案三张提单于2015年8月13日签发,提单记载的托运人为ADM Export Co,凭指示交货,通知方为被申请人。涉案提单为北美谷物格式提单,提单正面上方明确指明“与北美谷物1973格式租船合同同时使用”。提单正面中部则明确规定:“租约签订日期: 2015年5月4日”,即将2015年5月4日签订的租船合同并入涉案提单使用。
Article 8 of the Bill of Lading agreed on arbitration stipulates: 提单第8条关于仲裁的约定如下:
"Arbitration “仲裁 
8…(b) London. All disputes arising out of this contract shall be arbitrated at London and unless the parties agree forthwith on a single Arbitrator, be referred to the final arbitrament of two arbitrators carrying on business in London who shall be members of the Baltic Mercantile & Shipping Exchange and engaged in the Shipping and/or Grain Trades, one to be appointed by each of the parties, with power to such Arbitrators to appoint an Umpire. No ward shall be questioned or invalidated on the ground that any of the Arbitrators is not qualified as above, unless objection to his action be taken before the award is made. Any disputes arising under this Charter Party shall be governed by English Law." 8…(b)伦敦。所有因本租船合同产生的争议以及共同海损应该提交伦敦仲裁,除非双方当事人在争议发生后合理时间内同意由一名仲裁员仲裁,应由两名仲裁员作出终局仲裁。双方各指定一名仲裁员,该两名仲裁员有权指定独立仲裁员。仲裁员应为波罗的海商业及航运交易所成员并有航运和/或谷物贸易经验。除非在裁决作出之前已对仲裁员的指定提出过异议,不得以仲裁员不符合前述要求为由对任何裁决提出质疑或主张裁决无效。本租船合同产生的所有争议的解决应适用英国法。”
...... 并入提单的航次租船合同为Polaris Shipping与Sinochart Beijing于2015年5月4日签订的主租船合同。双方在定租确认书(摘要)中明确“伦敦海事仲裁员协会仲裁/共损,适用英国法”。该定租确认书(摘要)指向的格式合同为“北美谷物1973格式租船合同”,该合同第330至340行明确选定了英国仲裁,适用英国法。
 2017年2月17日,申请人依据双方仲裁协议的约定,在伦敦提起仲裁,并提议指定Bruce Buchan先生作为独任仲裁员。被申请人未对仲裁通知作出回应。2017年3月20日,申请人依据《1996年英国仲裁法》指定Bruce Buchan先生为独任仲裁员,并书面告知被申请人。2017年5月16日,仲裁庭作出《终局仲裁裁决书》,裁决如下:1、申请人对被申请人所声称的POLCGI0001001、POLCGI0001002、POLCGI0001003提单下货物损坏不承担责任;2鉴于被申请人违反了双方之间的仲裁协议在中国进行诉讼,被申请人应就申请人为应对中国诉讼产生的费用以及可能因中国法院判决而向被申请人支付的赔偿金等承担赔偿责任;3、被申请人向申请人支付仲裁费2,750英镑,及申请人为仲裁支出的其他费用及利息,按年利率4.5%每三个月计算一次复利计算利息。至今,被申请人未履行本案仲裁裁决。

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