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CONVENTION of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization on Combating Extremism

CONVENTION of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization on Combating Extremism



(English Version) (中文本)

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization Member States, 上海合作组织成员国,
Deeply concerned about the spread of extremism as a serious breeding ground for terrorism, which poses a threat to peace and security, the territorial integrity of States, the development of friendly relations among them, as well as to ensuring human rights and freedoms, 高度关切滋生恐怖主义的极端主义日益猖獗,威胁和平与安全、国家领土完整、国与国之间友好关系发展以及人的基本权利和自由保障,
Guided by the goals and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and the Charter of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization of June 7, 2002, 遵循《联合国宪章》及二○○二年六月七日签署的《上海合作组织宪章》的宗旨和原则,
Following up on the provisions of the Shanghai Convention on Combating Terrorism, Separatism and Extremism of June 15, 2001, the Concept of Cooperation between SCO Member States in Combating Terrorism, Separatism and Extremism of July 5, 2005, as well as of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, the relevant counter-terrorism resolutions of the UN Security Council, universal counter-terrorism conventions and protocols, 完善二○○一年六月十五日签署的《打击恐怖主义、分裂主义和极端主义上海公约》、二○○五年七月五日签署的《上海合作组织成员国合作打击恐怖主义、分裂主义和极端主义构想》、《联合国全球反恐战略》、联合国大会及安理会相关反恐决议以及国际反恐公约和协定的有关规定,
Strongly condemning the ideology and practices of extremism in all its forms and manifestations and reaffirming the inadmissibility of public calls and incitement to extremism, 强烈谴责一切形式的极端主义意识形态和活动,坚决反对公开宣扬和教唆参与极端主义,
Recognizing that acts covered by this Convention can be justified under no circumstances and that persons responsible for the commitment of such acts must be held accountable, 承认本公约所涵盖的违法犯罪活动,不论在任何情况下实施,均无正当性可言,对实施和(或)参与实施这些违法犯罪活动者应当追究其责任,
Taking into account the scope and nature of extremist acts that pose danger to the population and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Member States, as well as to the global community, and the importance of expanding cooperation in this area, 考虑到极端主义行为规模和性质发生的变化对公民及本组织成员国和国际社会构成的危险性,以及加强该领域合作的重要性,
Understanding the need to step up efforts to counter extremism and reaffirming that all relevant efforts are to be made with respect for the rule of law, fundamental human rights and freedoms, as well as principles and norms of international law, 认为必须加大反对极端主义的力度,重申在采取一切措施预防和打击极端主义时,应遵守法律至上、人的基本权利和自由以及国际法准则,
Particularly emphasizing the inadmissibility of violating the principles of sovereignty and equality of States, as well as of using extremism, which is a fertile ground for terrorism, as a tool to achieve political and geopolitical goals, 特别强调尊重国家主权与平等,防止滋生恐怖主义的极端主义成为实现政治或地缘政治目的的工具,
Recognizing that the crucial role in countering extremism and in any international cooperation in this area belongs to States and their competent authorities, 认为在反极端主义及相关国际合作中,国家及其主管机关发挥决定性作用,
Aware of the fact that it is only through joint efforts in the framework of partnership relations that the international community can effectively combat extremism and, first and foremost, dangerous manifestations thereof, 认识到,只有在伙伴合作框架下共同努力,国际社会才能有效预防和打击极端主义,尤其是其危险的表现形式,
Have agreed as follows: 达成协议如下:
Article 1 

第 一 条

This Convention shall be concluded for the purpose of improving the efficiency of cooperation among the Parties in combating extremism. 本公约旨在提高各方反极端主义合作的效率。
Article 2 

第 二 条

1. For the purposes of this Convention, the terms used therein shall mean as follows: 一、出于本公约之目的,下列术语和概念系指:
1) "Party": a Member State of this Convention; (一)“各方”指本公约缔约国。
2) "extremism": ideology and practices aimed at resolving political, social, racial, national and religious conflicts through violent and other unconstitutional actions; (二)“极端主义”指将使用暴力和其他违法活动作为解决政治、社会、种族、民族和宗教冲突的主要手段的意识形态和实际活动。
3) "extremist act": (三)“极端主义行为”指:
acts provided for in Article 1, paragraph 1, subparagraph 3 of the Shanghai Convention on Combating Terrorism, Separatism and Extremism of June 15, 2001; 2001年6月15日《打击恐怖主义、分裂主义和极端主义上海公约》第1条第1款第3项中规定的违法犯罪行为;
organization of, and participation in an armed rebellion for extremist purposes; 组织和参加以极端主义为目的的武装暴乱;
creation, governance of an extremist organization, and participation in its activities; 组织、领导和参加极端主义组织;
instigation of political, social, racial, national and religious enmity or discord; 煽动政治、社会、种族、民族和宗教仇恨或纷争;
promotion of exclusiveness, superiority or interiority of a person on the grounds of his or her political, social, racial, national and religious affiliation; 宣扬因政治、社会、种族、民族和宗教属性而使人具有特殊性、优越性或卑微性;
public calls to the above-mentioned acts; 公开煽动实施上述活动;
mass issuance, storage and dissemination of extremist propaganda materials aimed at promoting extremism; 以宣扬极端主义为目的,大量制作、持有和传播极端主义材料。
4) "financing of extremism": deliberate raising and/or provision of funds, or provision of financial services with a view to financing activities aimed at organizing, preparing and committing at least one of the acts covered by this Convention, or at supporting activities of an extremist organization; (四)“资助极端主义”指有预谋地提供和(或)募集资产或提供金融服务,用于资助组织、预备或从事本公约所涵盖的任何违法犯罪活动,或者保障极端主义组织活动。
5) "extremist materials": information on any media designed for dissemination which contains extremist ideology or a call, substantiation or justification for the need to commit an extremist act; (五)“极端主义材料”指用于传播极端主义思想或者煽动实施极端主义行为、为极端主义行为开脱罪责的任何信息载体。
6) "extremist organization": (六)“极端主义组织”指:
an organized group that aims at committing offences covered by this Convention; 以实施本公约所涵盖的违法犯罪活动为目的而成立的有组织团伙;
a public or faith-based association or other organization with regard to which a decision on liquidation and/or prohibition of activities in view of its extremist activities has been adopted and enacted on the grounds set by the Parties' national legislations; 因从事极端主义活动,依据各方国内法律依法取缔和(或)禁止活动的社会或宗教团体或其他组织。
7) "legal entity": an organization that has been created and/or carries out its activities under a procedure established by the Parties' national legislations; (七)“法人”指依据各方国内法的规定建立和(或)开展活动的组织。
8) "acts covered by this Convention": acts committed due to political, social, racial, national and religious enmity or discord (act or omission) that entail criminal, administrative or civil liability; (八)本公约所涵盖的“违法犯罪活动”是指,以政治、社会、种族、民族、宗教仇恨或纷争为动机,需追究刑事、行政或民事法律责任的(作为或不作为)。
9) "combating extremism": efforts of the Parties aimed at protecting human and citizen's rights and freedoms and fundamental principles of the constitutional order, ensuring the territorial integrity and national protection against extremism, preventing, identifying and suppressing extremism and addressing its consequences, as well as identifying and removing its underlying causes and enabling conditions. (九)“反极端主义”指各方保卫公民权利和自由、宪法体制、领土完整、国家安全免受极端主义危害的活动,预防、查明和阻止极端主义并消除其影响,以及查明和确定其产生的原因和条件以及助推其实施的活动。
2. This Article shall be without prejudice to any international treaty or national legislation of any of the Parties which contain or may contain a provision on a wider application of terms and concepts used in this Article. 二、本条不妨碍任何国际条约或者任何一方的国内法规定或者可能规定比本条应用范围更广的术语和概念。
Article 3 

第 三 条

The Parties shall exercise their rights and honor their obligations under this Convention in accordance with the principles of sovereign equality, territorial integrity of States and non-interference in internal affairs of other States. 根据本公约行使权利和履行义务时,各方应当遵循国家主权平等、领土完整和互不干涉内政的原则。
Article 4 

第 四 条

1. This Convention shall apply to ensure cooperation among the Parties in combating extremism. 一、本公约适用于各方在反极端主义领域中的合作。
2. The Parties shall cooperate in the area of legal assistance and extradition provided for in this Convention when offences covered by this Convention affect the jurisdiction of more than one Party. 二、当本公约所涵盖的犯罪涉及至少两方司法管辖权时,本公约规定的法律援助和引渡领域的合作,适用本公约。
Article 5 

第 五 条

1. The Parties shall take necessary measures to establish their jurisdiction over offences covered by this Convention if: 一、在下列情况下,有关方应当采取必要的措施,确定对本公约所涵盖的犯罪的司法管辖权:
1) the offence has been committed in the territory of this Party; (一)犯罪发生在该方境内;
2) the offence has been committed on board a seagoing vessel under the flag of this Party or on board an aircraft registered in accordance with the laws of this Party; (二)犯罪发生在悬挂该方国旗的船舶上,或者是发生在根据该方法律注册的航空器上;
3) the offence has been committed by a national of this Party. (三)犯罪由该方公民实施。
2. Each Party can establish its jurisdiction over offences covered by this Convention if: 二、各方可在下列情况下对本公约所涵盖的犯罪确定各自的司法管辖权:
1) the offence has been committed against a national of this Party; (一)针对该方公民实施的犯罪;
2) the offence has been committed against this Party's property abroad, including premises of diplomatic missions and consular offices; (二)针对该方境外财产,包括外交和领事机构馆舍而发生的犯罪;
3) the offence has been committed with the aim to compel this Party to take or abstain from taking certain actions; (三)企图强迫该方实施或者不实施某种行为而发生的犯罪;
4) the offence has been committed by a stateless person permanently residing in the territory of this Party; (四)在该方境内常住的无国籍人实施的犯罪;
5) the offence has been committed on board a seagoing vessel or aircraft used by this Party. (五)发生在该方经营的船舶或航空器上的犯罪。
3. Each Party shall take such measures as may be necessary to establish its jurisdiction over offences covered by this Convention in case the alleged offender is present in its territory and it does not extradite such person to any of the States. 三、如果犯罪嫌疑人在一方境内且该方不将其引渡给其他方,该方应当采取必要措施确定其对本公约所涵盖犯罪的司法管辖权。
4. This Convention shall not exclude the exercise of any criminal jurisdiction in accordance with the national legislation of a Party. 四、本公约不排除按照各方国内法行使的任何刑事管辖权。
5. If more than one Party claims jurisdiction over the offence covered by this Convention, the relevant Parties shall hold consultations when appropriate. 五、如果至少两方提出对本公约所涵盖的犯罪拥有司法管辖权,有关方可视情协商解决。
Article 6 

第 六 条

1. Cooperation under this Convention shall be carried out by competent authorities determined by each of the Parties. 一、本公约规定的合作由各方确定的主管机关执行。
2. When depositing the instrument of ratification of this Convention or notification of accession to it, a Party shall provide the Depository with a list of its competent authorities responsible for the implementation of this Convention to be transmitted to the other Parties. The Parties shall immediately notify the Depository of any changes made to the list of their competent authorities, of which the Depository shall notify the other Parties. 二、在各方提供关于批准或者加入公约的通知文书时,各方应当向公约保存机构提供本国负责执行本公约的主管机关名单,公约保存机构应告知其他各方。如主管机关发生变化,应立即通知公约保存机构,由公约保存机构通报其他各方。
3. The Parties' competent authorities that deal with issues covered by this Convention shall collaborate directly within their scope of competence. In order to implement this Convention, territorial and other offices of competent authorities of the Parties may establish direct contacts under a procedure defined by the Parties' competent authorities. 三、各方主管机关可就本公约规定的问题在职权范围内直接开展相互协作。为执行本公约,各方主管机关的地方部门和其他部门可按主管机关规定的程序建立直接联系。
4. Competent authorities of the Parties shall collaborate in the bilateral and multilateral formats upon request, as well as by means of providing information on the initiative of a competent authority of one of the Parties. 四、各方主管机关,基于提供协助的请求,或者通过一方主管机关主动通报信息的方式,开展双边和多边合作。
5. Such process of collaboration can be carried out using diplomatic channels, channels established by the Executive Committee of the SCO Regional Counter-Terrorist Structure or those of the International Criminal Police Organization. 五、相互协作可以通过外交渠道、上海合作组织地区反恐怖机构执委会或者国际刑警组织进行。
Article 7 

第 七 条

1. The Parties shall promote inter-faith and inter-cultural dialogue to involve, where appropriate, non-governmental organizations and other civil society institutions with a view to preventing acts covered by this Convention, while ensuring compliance with national legislations. 一、为防止本公约所涵盖的违法犯罪活动,各方鼓励不同宗教和不同文化之间开展对话,必要时吸收非政府组织和其他社会团体参与,但必须遵守所在国的法律。
2. Each Party, in accordance with the fundamental principles of its legal system, shall develop and implement national measures to combat extremism, which may include: 二、各方按照本国法律体系的基本原则,制定和实施反极端主义国内措施。这些措施可以包括:
1) improving legislation on combating extremism, conducting periodic assessment of the effectiveness of regulations on combating extremism; (一)完善反极端主义立法,定期评估反极端主义法律文件及措施的有效性;
2) identifying an authority/authorities responsible for coordination of activities of the relevant counter-terrorist authorities of the Party; (二)确立专门机构,协调有关部门开展反极端主义工作;
3) enhancing border cooperation among the Parties with a view to preventing members of extremist organizations from penetrating the territories of the SCO Member States; (三)开展各方边防合作,防止国际极端主义组织成员进入上海合作组织成员国境内;
4) engaging with relevant international and regional organizations in the development and implementation of measures to combat extremism; (四)与有关国际和地区组织合作制定并实施反极端主义措施;
5) enhancing outreach efforts on the issues of combatting extremism and developing counter narratives to suppress the spread of extremist ideology, including in mass media and on the Internet; (五)利用大众传媒和互联网,开展反极端主义宣传工作,并针对极端主义思想传播开展反制工作;
6) monitoring mass media outlets and the Internet with a view to identifying in a timely manner and suppressing the spread of extremist ideology; (六)监督媒体和互联网,及时发现并阻断极端主义思想传播;
7) restricting access to extremist materials on information and telecommunication networks, including on the Internet; (七)限制访问信息网络包括互联网上的极端主义材料;
8) strengthening cultural traditions, spiritual, moral and patriotic education with a view to encouraging citizens to consciously confront extremism; (八)加强文化传统、精神、道德与爱国主义教育,使公民自觉抵制极端主义;
9) building the capacity of competent and other authorities engaged in counteracting extremism, as well as providing financial, material and other support for the activities of those authorities and their officers; (九)提高反极端主义主管机关及其他机关人员的职业素质,并提供必要的财政、物资和其他保障;
10) undertaking studies on combating extremism, including within international forums in which the Parties participate; (十)开展反极端主义研究,包括利用各方参加的国际平台;
11) ensuring protection of victims, witnesses and other participants in criminal proceedings, and, where appropriate, of persons assisting its competent authorities in prevention and suppression of offences covered by this Convention. (十一)保护受害者、证人等刑事诉讼参与人,并视情保护其他协助主管机关防范打击本公约所涵盖的极端主义犯罪的人员。
3. The Parties, in accordance with their national legislations, may take more stringent measures to combat extremism than those stipulated by this Convention. 三、各方可采取比本公约更严厉的反极端主义的措施。
Article 8 

第 八 条

The Parties, with due consideration for the fundamental principles of their legal systems, shall take legislative and other measures to combat extremism financing. 各方应当根据本国法律体系的基本原则,采取立法及其他措施打击资助极端主义。
Article 9 

第 九 条

1. The Parties, with due consideration for the fundamental principles of their legal systems, shall take necessary legislative measures to establish civil, administrative or criminal liability for the commitment of the following acts: 一、各方应当根据本国法律体系的基本准则,采取必要的立法措施,对实施下列违法犯罪活动追究民事、行政和刑事责任:
1) extremist act; (一)极端主义行为;
2) any act recognized as an offence in an international treaty on combating extremism, to which all the Parties are parties; (二)各方均参加的国际反极端主义公约所认定的违法犯罪行为;
3) financing of extremism; (三)资助极端主义;
4) recruiting or otherwise engaging persons in preparing or committing extremist acts, training of persons with a view to committing extremist acts, inciting, organizing, planning, abetting extremist acts; (四)招募或以其他方式吸收人员参与筹备、实施极端主义行为,为实施极端主义行为培训人员,教唆、组织、计划和共同实施极端主义行为;
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