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UN Climate Action Summit: China's Position and Action
UN Climate Action Summit: China's Position and Action 


(2019/09/16) (2019年9月16日)

China appreciates and supports UN Secretary-General Guterres's initiative to hold the UN Climate Action Summit. 中方赞赏和支持联合国秘书长古特雷斯倡议举办联合国气候行动峰会。
China has always attached great importance to addressing climate change. Upholding a national strategy of attaching equal importance to mitigation and adaptation, China has regarded addressing climate change as a great opportunity to achieve high-quality economic development and promote ecological progress. China will continue, as always, to firmly implement the Paris Agreement, fully honor its commitments, promote the establishment of an equitable, rational, and win-win global climate governance mechanism, and work with others to build a community with a shared future for mankind. 中方一贯高度重视应对气候变化工作,坚持减缓和适应并重的国家战略,将其作为实现经济高质量发展、推进生态文明建设的重大机遇。中方将一如既往地落实《巴黎协定》,百分之百兑现承诺,推动构建公平合理、合作共赢的全球气候治理体系,共同构建人类命运共同体。
China firmly upholds multilateralism and has always been an active participant in and defender of the multilateral efforts to address climate change. China takes the position that all parties should earnestly implement the principles and spirit of the UNFCCC, the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement, including the principles of equitable, common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, in the light of different national circumstances, and execute the institutional arrangement of nationally determined contributions. In particular, the developed countries should implement and strengthen their commitments to providing financial and technological assistance to developing countries, opening markets and carrying out practical technological cooperation, thus creating the basis for mutual trust and important conditions for comprehensive and effective implementation of the Paris Agreement. 中方坚定支持多边主义,一直是气候多边进程的积极参与者和维护者。中方主张各方切实落实《联合国气候变化框架公约》、《京都议定书》和《巴黎协定》的原则和精神,坚持公平、共同但有区别的责任和各自能力原则并考虑各国国情,将“国家自主贡献”制度安排落到实处。特别是发达国家应落实和加强对发展中国家资金和技术支持承诺,开放市场,开展务实技术合作,这是全面有效实施《巴黎协定》的互信基础和重要条件。
As a co-lead of the Nature-Based Solution, China is ready to work together with all parties to help bring about positive outcomes at this Summit, thus injecting robust political impetus into international cooperation on addressing climate change and the implementation of the Paris Agreement. 作为联合国气候行动峰会“基于自然的解决方案”领域共同牵头国,中方愿与各方共同努力,推动这次峰会取得积极成果,为加强应对气候变化国际合作、落实《巴黎协定》注入强劲动力。
1. Nature-Based Solutions   一、基于自然的解决方案
Man and nature form a community of life. Human beings must respect nature, follow its ways, and protect it. As a co-lead of NBS, China actively pushes for all parties to systematically understand the relationship between human beings and nature, fully recognize the ecological value of earth on which human beings live, rely on natural forces to deal with the risks posed by climate change, and foster a low-emission and climate-resilient society. 人与自然是生命共同体,人类必须尊重自然、顺应自然、保护自然。作为“基于自然的解决方案”领域共同牵头国,中方积极推动各方系统理解人与自然的关系,充分认识人类赖以生存地球家园的生态价值,依靠自然的力量应对气候风险,构筑温室气体低排放和气候韧性社会。
China has actively promoted efforts to address climate change in the areas of biodiversity, forestry and grassland, agriculture, oceans and water resources. With regard to biodiversity, ecological red lines are identified to effectively protect biodiversity and mitigate the impact of climate change. In the context of forestry and grassland, we have made solid progress in the nation-wide land greening campaign, and have increased forest, grassland and wetland resources, and enhanced the ecosystem's functions; we have also comprehensively strengthened the conservation of resources, enhanced the prevention and control of disasters, and made concerted efforts to increase carbon sinks. In agriculture, the use of chemical fertilizers has achieved negative growth ahead of schedule, the comprehensive utilization rate of livestock and poultry waste and straws has increased significantly, and biomass energy has developed rapidly. With regard to oceans, we have organized monitoring and assessment on sea level rise, supported blue carbon researches and pilot projects, and carried out marine ecosystems restoration. In the field of water resources, measures for climate change adaptation include improving the flood control, drought relief and disaster mitigation system, optimizing water resources allocation, strengthening the building of a water-saving society, and comprehensively implementing the River&Lake Chief System. 中国在国内积极推动生物多样性保护、林业和草原、农业、海洋、水资源等领域应对气候变化工作。生物多样性保护方面,划定生态红线,有效保护生物多样性,减缓气候变化的不利影响。林业和草原方面,推进大规模国土绿化,增加森林、草原、湿地等资源总量,增强生态系统功能,加强资源保护及灾害防控,协同推进增加碳汇。农业方面,化肥用量提前实现负增长,畜禽粪污、秸秆综合利用水平明显提升,生物质能源快速发展。海洋方面,开展海平面监测评估工作,开展蓝色碳汇研究及试点工作,开展海洋生态修复。水资源方面,完善防洪排涝减灾体系,优化水资源配置,加强节水型社会建设,全面推行河长制湖长制。
China expects all parties to actively support the work in the field of the NBS, participate in the establishment of a Group of Friends for NBS, promote the incorporation of the NBS into the "Global Biodiversity Framework 2020", give full consideration to the potential of natural system in facilitating mitigation and adaptation while making policy decisions on climate change, and take practical actions in the related areas to deepen international and regional cooperation. 中方期待各方积极支持“基于自然解决方案”领域工作,参与建立“基于自然的解决方案之友”,将“基于自然的解决方案”纳入“2020年全球生物多样性框架”,在本国应对气候变化决策中充分考虑自然系统在气候变化减缓和适应等方面的潜力,在相关领域采取切实行动,深化相关国际地区合作。
2. Social & Political Drivers   二、社会和政治驱动
Advancing ecological progress is vital for the sustained development of the Chinese nation. China has made important contributions in the area of climate change by upholding the concept that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, implementing the basic national policy of protecting the environment, adopting the holistic approach of conserving the mountains, rivers, forests, farmlands, lakes and grasslands as well as the strictest systems for ecological and environmental protection. 中国将生态文明建设作为中华民族永续发展的千年大计,秉持绿水青山就是金山银山理念,坚持保护环境的基本国策,统筹山水林田湖草系统治理,实行最严格生态环境保护制度,为全球应对气候变化作出重要贡献。
China has proposed the Climate Action Targets for 2020 and 2030, implemented China's National Plan on Climate Change (2014-2020), stepped up efforts to establish a legal and policy framework that promotes green production and consumption, fostered a sound economic structure that facilitates green, low-carbon, and circular development, established regulatory agencies to manage state-owned natural resource assets and monitor natural ecosystems, and established an environmental and climate governance system in which government takes the lead, enterprises assume main responsibility, and social organizations and the public also participate. China actively fulfills the commitments on emissions reduction and strengthens climate adaptation. 中国提出2020年和2030年气候行动目标,实施《国家应对气候变化规划(2014-2020年)》,加快建立绿色生产和消费的法律制度和政策导向,建立健全绿色低碳循环发展的经济体系,设立国有自然资产管理和自然生态监管机构,构建政府为主导、企业为主体、社会组织和公众共同参与的环境气候治理体系,积极落实减排承诺,强化气候适应。
When formulating, implementing and assessing climate change policies, programs and projects, China takes the needs, aspirations and roles of women into full consideration, attaches great importance to increasing their voice and encourages their full and equal participation. China continues the campaign to prevent and control air pollution and make our skies blue again. China also carries out the mechanisms of impacts and adaptation of climate change on human health, strengthens the prevention and control of diseases that are closely related to climate change and enhances health emergency protection on climate change. Efforts have been made to relocate employees in the steel and coal industry. Since 2016, more than 1.2 million employees in this industry laid off due to overcapacity have been properly relocated. 中国在制定、实施和评估应对气候变化政策、方案和项目时充分考虑妇女的需求、愿望和作用,重视提升妇女话语权、鼓励妇女充分平等参与。积极推进大气治理,打赢蓝天保卫战,开展气候变化对人类健康的影响及适应机制,加强与气候变化密切相关的疾病防控和气候变化卫生应急保障。做好钢铁、煤炭行业职工分流安置。2016年以来,共妥善分流安置120多万名钢铁煤炭行业去产能职工。
China is willing to work with all parties to strengthen policy support and social policy incentives, strengthen global action to address climate change, and play a positive role in promoting the comprehensive and effective implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement. 中方愿同各方共同努力,加强政策保障和社会政策激励,强化全球应对气候变化行动力度,为推进《联合国气候变化框架公约》和《巴黎协定》全面有效实施发挥积极作用。
3. Youth & Mobilization   三、青年和动员
Young people are the future of a country and should be active champions, participants and promoters of climate efforts. 青年是国家的未来,应成为应对气候变化的积极倡导者、参与者和推动者。
China values, encourages and supports the important role of young people in ecological protection and climate action. We have been actively raising their awareness of ecological civilization and advocating a frugal, moderate, green and low-carbon lifestyle. We have carried out online and offline activities, such as Buy No More Than You Need, Say No To Plastic Bags and Empty Dishes Action. We have launched various promotion activities such as the "Beautiful China, I am an Actor" thematic activity, environmental protection education in school, youth environmental protection cultural festivals, environmental protection competitions, debates and photography contests, with more than 50 million young people participating in these activities in 2018. From 1999 to the end of 2018, by carrying out Mother River Protection Operation,we raised RMB 600 million to build over 5,700 green projects, covering more than 3,467 square kilometers and attracting more than 600 million young people. Through international cooperation, for example, over 98.32 million trees were planted across China and around 20,000 young people overseas participated in the events. China also attaches importance to helping youth environmental protection organizations with their capacity building. In 2018, we cultivated over 20,000 young leaders for youth environmental groups of all levels and established youth environmental protection voluntary teams, tree planting youth teams and environmental protection promotion teams. 中国重视、鼓励和支持广大青少年在生态环保和气候行动中发挥生力军作用,积极引导广大青少年树立生态文明理念,践行简约适度、绿色低碳的生活方式。设计开展线上线下相结合的系列活动,发出“按需消费拒绝浪费”“向塑料袋SAY NO”“光盘行动”等环保倡议,广泛开展“美丽中国行,我是行动者”主题实践活动,以及环保教育进课堂、青年环保文化节、环保公益大赛、环保主题辩论赛、摄影大赛等活动,2018年全年参与青少年超过5000万人次。1999年至2018年底,保护母亲河行动共筹资近6亿元,建设绿化工程5700多个,总面积520多万亩,吸引青少年参与共计6亿人次。其中,通过国际项目合作,在全国各地共植树9832万多株,2万外国青少年来华交流并参与植树活动。中国还高度重视加强青少年生态环保组织能力建设,2018年培育各级青年环保组织骨干共计2万余人,成立青少年生态环保志愿服务队、植树护绿青年突击队、环保宣传队等绿色队伍。
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