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Case of Dispute over Labor Contracts—Employee Gets Fired for Not Reporting for Duty After Second Transfer, Court: Company to Pay Compensation for Not Negotiating with Employee
黄某某与Y公司劳动合同纠纷上诉案——员工被多次调整工作地点后未报到致劳动关系解除 法院:用人单位未经协商应支付赔偿金
Case of Dispute over Labor Contracts—Employee Gets Fired for Not Reporting for Duty After Second Transfer, Court: Company to Pay Compensation for Not Negotiating with Employee 黄某某与Y公司劳动合同纠纷上诉案——员工被多次调整工作地点后未报到致劳动关系解除 法院:用人单位未经协商应支付赔偿金
[Case Review] 【案情回顾】
Company Y is a large business which sells cooked food and has many stores in Shanghai. Y公司是一家在上海有多家门店的大型熟食销售企业。
In October 2018, due to business strategy adjustment, the company changed its Chongming store from a directly-operated store to a franchised one. Ms. Huang, who was working at the Chongming store, was transferred to the store on Gonghexin Road at Baoshan District. 2018年10月,因公司经营战略调整,Y公司将崇明店由原来的直营店转为加盟店,于是原崇明店的员工黄女士被安排到了上海市宝山区的共和新路店上班。
Refusing to accept the company's decision, Ms. Huang wrote a letter to the company after receiving the notice of transfer.
"Dear Mr./Ms. xxx,
My family and I live in Chongming District. Since I joined the company in 2010, I have been working at the Chongming store. It will be very inconvenient for me to work at Baoshan District because I have to take care of my parents and children. I hereby apply to stay in the Chongming store."
...... 但公司并没有回复黄女士的意见。无奈之下,黄女士只能按照公司要求到共和新路店报到上班。

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