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No. 2 of Eight Model Cases of Technical Support to Public Interest Litigation Published by the Supreme People's Procuratorate: Administrative Public Interest Litigation Case of Protecting the Ecology and Environment of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal and the Taipu River by the Procuratorial Organs in Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province
No. 2 of Eight Model Cases of Technical Support to Public Interest Litigation Published by the Supreme People's Procuratorate: Administrative Public Interest Litigation Case of Protecting the Ecology and Environment of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal and the Taipu River by the Procuratorial Organs in Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province 最高人民检察院发布8件公益诉讼技术支持典型案例之二:江苏省苏州市检察机关保护大运河太浦河流域生态环境行政公益诉讼案
[Keywords] 关键词
Procuratorial proposals for administrative public interest litigation; water pollution; satellite remote sensing; rapid testing; accurate determination of the polluted area; regulation achievements; follow-up 行政公益诉讼检察建议 水污染 卫星遥感 快速检测 精准确定污染区域 整治成效跟踪
[Key Points] 【要旨】
In an environmental public interest litigation case of water pollution, as rivers have vast basins, rapid and accurate identification of pollution points and acquisition of evidence become the key of case-handling. The procuratorial organ identified the polluted area by applying the satellite remote sensing technology, applied drones and other technical means to assist in evidence collection, rapidly tested the concentration of pollutants through water quality, verified with satellite remote sensing data, formed a close evidence chain, and provided technical support to high-quality case-handling. 水污染环境公益诉讼案件中,由于河流流域广阔,快速、精准发现污染点、获取证据成为案件办理的关键。检察机关运用卫星遥感技术精准发现污染区域,运用无人机等技术手段辅助调查取证,利用水质快速检测污染物浓度,与卫星遥感数据相互印证,形成较为严密证据链条,为高质效办案提供技术支持。
[Basic Facts] 基本案情
The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, the Taipu River, and the Ditang River are major river courses flowing through the demonstration area for integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta (Qingpu District in Shanghai, Wujiang District in Suzhou, and Jiashan County in Zhejiang) as well as important waterlines in Jiangsu Province, Zhejiang Province, and Shanghai Municipality. In February 2021, the procuratorial organ applied satellite remote sensing technology to monitor the region and found that the concentration of floating debris in water bodies of the Meiyan Industrial Concentrated Area in Pingwang Township and the Qiushe Industrial Area of Tongli Township, the Fenhu Bay on the south of No. 318 national highway, and the north stretch of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal was high. The enterprises in the upper and lower reaches and along the rivers had problems such as discharge of pollutants in violation of regulations, direct discharge of domestic sewage, substandard operation of wharves, stirring of sediment during navigation, and pouring of mud by vessels without authorization, which damaged the water environment and infringed on the national and public interests. 京杭大运河、太浦河、頔塘河等是流经长三角一体化发展示范区(上海青浦、苏州吴江、浙江嘉善)的主要河道,是江浙沪区域重要水线。2021年2月,检察机关应用卫星遥感技术监测该区域发现,位于江苏省苏州市吴江区的平望镇梅堰工业集中区、同里镇邱舍工业区、汾湖湾318国道南、京杭大运河北段水体悬浮物浓度偏高。河道上下游及沿岸企业存在违规排污、生活污水直排、码头营运不规范、通航搅动底泥、船舶偷倒泥浆等问题,造成水环境受损,侵害国家和社会公共利益。
The procuratorial organ identified clues to pollution in the above-mentioned water basins by using technical means including satellite remote sensing, rapid testing, and drone aerial photography and provided strong evidence support for ascertaining the pollution situation and accurately tracing the source. The procuratorial organ continuously followed up the rectification by technical means, tested the case-handling effectiveness with objective data, established a long-term mechanism for water area treatment jointly with the procuratorial organs of upper and lower reaches of the rivers and the administrative organs, and prevented recurrence of such pollution problems. 检察机关应用卫星遥感、快速检测、无人机航拍等技术手段,发现流域污染线索,为查明污染情况、精准溯源提供有力证据支撑。通过技术手段持续跟踪整改情况,用客观数据检验办案成效,联合河道上下游检察机关、协同行政机关建立水域长效治理机制,防范此类污染问题再次发生。
[Business + Technical Case-handling] 【业务+技术办案情况】
1. Accurately identifying clues to pollution by using satellite remote sensing monitoring. In February 2021, the People's Procuratorate of Suzhou City gained access to remote sensing images of the water areas in the Demonstration Zone for the Integrated Development of the Yangtze River Delta (Qingpu District in Shanghai, Wujiang District in Suzhou, and Jiashan County in Zhejiang), and conducted quantitative inversion. According to the quantitative inversion results by using the Gaofen-6 multispectral remote sensing data and Worldview-2 high spatial resolution satellite remote sensing data, the concentration of suspended solids in the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal and the Taipu River was high and it was more likely that the water environment had been polluted. The People's Procuratorate of Suzhou City handled this case jointly with the procuratorial organs in the upper and lower reaches of the rivers. 一是利用卫星遥感监测精准发现污染线索。2021年2月,苏州市人民检察院调取了长三角一体化发展示范区(上海青浦、苏州吴江、浙江嘉善)水域遥感影像,并进行定量反演。高分六号多光谱遥感数据、Worldview-2高空间分辨率卫星遥感数据定量反演结果显示大运河、太浦河等水域悬浮物浓度较高,水环境被污染可能性较大。苏州市人民检察院联合河道上下游检察机关共同办理此案。
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