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No. 1 of Eight Model Cases of Technical Support to Public Interest Litigation Published by the Supreme People's Procuratorate: Administrative Public Interest Litigation Case of Controlling Light Pollution by the People's Procuratorate of Jing'an District, Shanghai Municipality
No. 1 of Eight Model Cases of Technical Support to Public Interest Litigation Published by the Supreme People's Procuratorate: Administrative Public Interest Litigation Case of Controlling Light Pollution by the People's Procuratorate of Jing'an District, Shanghai Municipality 最高人民检察院发布8件公益诉讼技术支持典型案例之一:上海市静安区人民检察院整治光污染行政公益诉讼案
[Keywords] 关键词
Procuratorial proposals for administrative public interest litigation, control of light pollution, measurement of obstrusive light; joint investigation and evidence collection 行政公益诉讼检察建议 光污染治理 干扰光测量 联合调查取证
[Key Points] 【要旨】
Light pollution is a new type of environmental pollution. There are technical difficulties in identifying the volume-effect relationship between light pollution and its effects. There is a lack of accurate measurement and identification methods in light pollution-related enforcement. In this case, the procuratorial organ identified the entry point, reasonably applied standards and specifications, and used measurement methods to quantify the light pollution effects. This provided a basis for case-handling, urged the administrative organs to actively perform their duties, and offered professional support and reference for administrative law enforcement. 光污染是环境污染的新类型。光污染与影响的量效关系认定存在技术难点,光污染执法中缺乏准确测量和认定方法。本案中检察机关找准切入点,合理适用标准、规范,应用测量方法量化光污染影响,使案件办理有据可依,督促行政机关积极履职,也为行政执法提供专业化支持和参照。
[Basic Facts] 基本案情
The commercial areas are interpersed with residential areas in Jing'an District, Shanghai Municipality. At night, the high intensity of light in the commercial areas affects residents' normal lives and driving safety. The electronic signs and LED signs of some merchants and other lighting facilities have too high brightness at night, affecting the living and rest of nearby residents. The lighting facilities in some factory areas are non-road lighting facilities. While they face the road, the light may cause distractions to drivers who drive vehicles at night and affect their driving safety. After receiving complaints from local citizens, the relevant functional departments have failed to effectively fulfill their regulatory duties, resulting in long-term infringement on public interest. 上海市静安区商业和住宅区域交错,夜晚商业区域强度较高的光亮对居民正常生活和行车安全造成影响。部分商户的电子招牌、LED显示屏等照明设施夜间亮度过高,影响周边居民生活休息。部分厂区照明设施属于非道路照明设施,但正对路面,产生的灯光对夜间司机驾驶车辆造成干扰,影响行车安全。相关职能部门在收到市民多次投诉后,未有效履行监管职责,导致社会公共利益长期受到侵害。
During the process of investigation and evidence collection, the procuratorial organ fully leveraged technical support to address key challenges in the collection of evidence related to light pollution. According to the existing technical standards and norms for light pollution, it tested intensity of various types of obstrusive light sources and quantitatively evaluated the light pollution damage. In the case-handling, the procuratorial organ also urged the administrative functional department to perform the regulatory duties against light pollution and promoted the legislation and improvement of prevention and control of light pollution. The experience of realizing quantitative light pollution and fixing evidence through technical testing also provided a reference for administrative law enforcement. 检察机关调查取证过程中,针对光污染取证关键难点,充分发挥技术支撑作用。依据现有光污染技术标准规范,开展不同类别干扰光光源强度检测,定量评价光污染损害事实。案件办理还督促行政职能部门履行光污染监管职责,促进光污染防治立法完善,其中通过技术检测实现量化光污染、固定证据的经验,也为行政执法提供参考。
[Business + Technical Case-handling] 【业务+技术办案情况】
In November 2021, the People's Procuratorate of Jing'an District, Shanghai Municipality decided to docket a case regarding light pollution in commercial and residential areas in the District. In order to ascertain the extent of damage caused by lighting facilities, the procurators and technicians jointly formed a case-handling team, which conducted review and preliminary research of laws, regulations, policies, and standards on prevention of light pollution, determined that the Specifications for Limitation to Obtrusive Light of Outdoor Lighting (GB/T35626-2017) (hereinafter referred to as the "Limitation Specifications"), the Specifications for Measuring Obstrusive Light of Outdoor Lighting (GB/T38439-2019) (hereinafter referred to as the "Measuring Specification"), and the Technical Specifications for Outdoor Signboards in Shanghai" should serve as the main references, conducted analyses on the scope and methods of light pollution investigation, divided obstrusive light identified in investigation to three categories, and prepared targeted investigation schemes. 2021年11月,上海市静安区人民检察院决定对该区商业和住宅区域的光污染问题立案办理。为查明照明设施的污染损害程度,检察官与技术人员联合组成办案组,开展光污染防治法律、法规、政策、标准规范等的梳理及前期研究工作,确定以《室外照明干扰光限制规范》(GB/T35626-2017)(以下简称《限制规范》)、《室外照明干扰光测量规范》(GB/T38439-2019)(以下简称《测量规范》)、《上海市户外招牌设置技术规范》等为主要参考依据,围绕光污染调查的范围、方法等多次研判,将调查发现的干扰光分为三类,分别制定了针对性的调查方案。
1. Advertising signs. According to the Limitation Specifications, the two advertising signs involved were regional advertise and signs with high brightness and were subject to the limits specified for E4 in Table 6: Maximum Allowable Average Luminance Values for Illuminated Surfaces of Advertisements and Signs." The corresponding limits for the advertising signs were 1000 cd/m2 and 600 cd/m2 as determined according to the area of the luminous surface. According to the Measuring Specifications, the technicians used tools such as luminance meters, distance measuring devices, and rulers to conduct measurement. They divided the surface of the advertising signs into several rectangular grids and measured the luminance values at the center points of each grid. The calculated average luminance values were 2,992 cd/m2 and 713 cd/m2, both of which exceeded the standard limit values. 一是“广告标识类”。根据《限制规范》,涉案的2处广告招牌属于高亮度区域广告、标识,适用“表6 广告、标识发光表面的平均亮度最大允许值”中E4区的限值,再根据发光面面积确定广告招牌对应的限值分别为1000cd/m2、600cd/m2。根据《测量规范》,技术人员使用亮度计、测距仪、直尺等工具测量,将广告招牌表面划分成若干矩形网格,测量每个矩形网格中心点的亮度值,计算平均亮度值分别为2992cd/m2、713cd/m2,超过标准限值。
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