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No. 5 of of Fourth Group of Twelve Model Cases Involving the "Belt and Road" Initiative Published by the Supreme People's Court: Accurately Defining "Abuse of the Right of Claim" by the Counter Guarantee Beneficiary under the Circumstance of Reissuing a Letter of Guarantee and Clarifying the Standards for Determining Various Circumstances of Fraud— Case of dispute over payment by independent guarantee (UBAF (Hong Kong) Ltd. v. Henan Branch of Bank of China Limited)
最高人民法院发布第四批12个涉“一带一路”建设典型案例之五:阿拉伯及法兰西联合银行(香港)有限公司【UBAF(Hong Kong) Ltd.】与中国银行股份有限公司河南省分行独立保函付款纠纷案——准确界定转开保函情形下反担保函受益人的“滥用付款请求权” 厘清不同欺诈情形的认定标准
  • Legal document: Judgment
No. 5 of of Fourth Group of Twelve Model Cases Involving the "Belt and Road" Initiative Published by the Supreme People's Court: Accurately Defining "Abuse of the Right of Claim" by the Counter Guarantee Beneficiary under the Circumstance of Reissuing a Letter of Guarantee and Clarifying the Standards for Determining Various Circumstances of Fraud— Case of dispute over payment by independent guarantee (UBAF (Hong Kong) Ltd. v. Henan Branch of Bank of China Limited) 最高人民法院发布第四批12个涉“一带一路”建设典型案例之五:阿拉伯及法兰西联合银行(香港)有限公司【UBAF(Hong Kong) Ltd.】与中国银行股份有限公司河南省分行独立保函付款纠纷案——准确界定转开保函情形下反担保函受益人的“滥用付款请求权” 厘清不同欺诈情形的认定标准

[Basic Facts]


Henan Branch of Bank of China Limited (hereinafter referred to as "Henan Branch of BOC") issued a Counter-Guarantee Performance Bond and a Counter-Guarantee Advance Payment Bond with UBAF (Hong Kong) Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "UBAF") as the beneficiary. Under the instructions of Henan Branch of BOC, UBAF issued a Performance Security and an Advance Payment Bond to South Korea's Hyundai Motor Group (hereinafter referred to as "Hyundai"). On December 15, 2011, UBAF filed a claim to Henan Branch of BOC, stating that it had received a claim from Hyundai, which was consistent with the Advance Payment Bond. As a matter of fact, it was not until December 19 that UBAF received the corresponding consistent claim raised by Hyundai in accordance with the Advance Payment Bond. Hyundai filed a lawsuit and the High Court of Hong Kong ordered UBAF to make payment to Hyundai. UBAF thus filed this lawsuit in accordance with the Counter-Guarantee Advance Payment Bond and claimed that Henan Branch of BOC should make payment under the Counter-Guarantee Advance Payment Bond.
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