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No. 2 of Fourth Group of Twelve Model Cases Involving the "Belt and Road" Initiative Published by the Supreme People's Court: Determining the Provisions on the Limitation of Actions as Provided in the Montreal Convention under the Principles of Treaty Interpretation and the Discontinuance of Limitation of Actions by Applying the Law of the Forum— Case of dispute over insurer's subrogation (Shanghai Branch of Sompo Japan Insurance (China) Co., Ltd. et al. v. Shenzhen Branch of C.H. Robinson Worldwide (Dalian) Limited et al.)
最高人民法院发布第四批12个涉“一带一路”建设典型案例之二:日本财产保险(中国)有限公司上海分公司等与罗宾逊全球物流(大连)有限公司深圳分公司等保险人代位求偿权纠纷案——根据条约解释原则认定《蒙特利尔公约》规定的诉讼时效条款 适用法院地法认定诉讼时效中断
  • Legal document: Judgment
No. 2 of Fourth Group of Twelve Model Cases Involving the "Belt and Road" Initiative Published by the Supreme People's Court: Determining the Provisions on the Limitation of Actions as Provided in the Montreal Convention under the Principles of Treaty Interpretation and the Discontinuance of Limitation of Actions by Applying the Law of the Forum— Case of dispute over insurer's subrogation (Shanghai Branch of Sompo Japan Insurance (China) Co., Ltd. et al. v. Shenzhen Branch of C.H. Robinson Worldwide (Dalian) Limited et al.) 最高人民法院发布第四批12个涉“一带一路”建设典型案例之二:日本财产保险(中国)有限公司上海分公司等与罗宾逊全球物流(大连)有限公司深圳分公司等保险人代位求偿权纠纷案——根据条约解释原则认定《蒙特利尔公约》规定的诉讼时效条款 适用法院地法认定诉讼时效中断
[Basic Facts] 基本案情
Shenzhen Branch of C.H. Robinson Worldwide (Dalian) Limited (hereinafter referred to as "Shenzhen Branch") and SMIC entered into a Contracting Agreement on Logistics Services. C.H. Robinson Worldwide (Dalian) Limited (hereinafter referred to as "C.H. Robinson Company") issued two non-transferable air waybills with respect to the transportation of two pieces of machinery equipment involved, with China Airlines as the carrier. After being transported to the Shenzhen Airport by air, the machinery equipment involved was drenched by rain while being stored in the cargo terminal of the Airport. On November 28, 2016, SMIC picked up the goods at the Shenzhen Airport and found that the outer packing of the equipment was damaged due to moisture. It sent a notice of claim to C.H. Robinson Company on the next day. Shanghai Branch of Sompo Japan Insurance (China) Co., Ltd., Shanghai Branch of CPIC, and Shanghai Branch of BOC Insurance paid SMIC an indemnity of USD 1.17 million in accordance with the insurance contracts entered into between them and SMIC. They separately issued letters of claim to C.H. Robinson Company on July 24, 2018, September 30, 2018, and November 27, 2019. They filed this lawsuit of subrogation on May 28, 2020 and claimed that Shenzhen Branch and C.H. Robinson Company should pay the indemnity. Shenzhen Branch and C.H. Robinson Company replied that the limitation of actions of two years as provided in the Montreal Convention was an invariable period, that is, the repose period, the lawsuit filed by the three insurance companies had exceeded the limitation of actions of two years and their claims should be dismissed. 罗宾逊深圳分公司与中芯公司签订《物流服务承揽协议》,罗宾逊公司针对案涉两台机器设备的运输签发两份不可转让的空运单,承运人均为中华航空公司。案涉设备空运至深圳机场后,在机场货站存放期间遭受雨淋。2016年11月28日,中芯公司至深圳机场提货,发现设备外包装受潮破损,于次日向罗宾逊公司发送索赔通知书。日本财保上海分公司、太平洋财保上海分公司、中银保险上海分公司三保险公司根据其与中芯公司签订的保险合同,向中芯公司支付了赔偿款117万美元,并分别于2018年7月24日、2018年9月30日、2019年11月27日向罗宾逊公司发送索赔函,于2020年5月28日提起本案代位求偿权诉讼,要求罗宾逊深圳分公司、罗宾逊公司支付赔偿款。罗宾逊深圳分公司、罗宾逊公司答辩称《蒙特利尔公约》规定的两年诉讼时效为不变期间即除斥期间,三保险公司本案起诉已超过两年诉讼时效,应驳回其诉讼请求。
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