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Guiding Case No. 94 of the Supreme People's Procuratorate: People v. Yu A et al. (case of a major work safety accident and major liability accident)
Guiding Case No. 94 of the Supreme People's Procuratorate: People v. Yu A et al. (case of a major work safety accident and major liability accident) 检例第94号:余某某等人重大劳动安全事故重大责任事故案
Guiding Case No. 94 of the Supreme People's Procuratorate 检例第94号
[Keywords] 关键词
crime of major work safety accident, crime of major liability accident, handling of related cases, prosecution of omitted crimes and offenders, and procuratorial proposals 重大劳动安全事故罪 重大责任事故罪 关联案件办理 追诉漏罪漏犯 检察建议
[Key Points] 【要旨】
In handling a criminal case concerning production safety, the crimes of major liability accident and major work safety accident shall be accurately applied based on the cause of the case and the duties and acts of any case-related person. The facts and evidence of the case shall be comprehensively examined, any omitted crime or offender shall be prosecuted in accordance with the law, any responsible person and the liability of a related person shall be accurately determined, and any clue to a duty-related violation or crime shall be promptly transferred. For any loophole of safety management and supervision issues of the relevant entity unveiled in the accident, procuratorial proposals shall be promptly formulated and issued to urge the implementation of rectification. 办理危害生产安全刑事案件,要根据案发原因及涉案人员的职责和行为,准确适用重大责任事故罪和重大劳动安全事故罪。要全面审查案件事实证据,依法追诉漏罪漏犯,准确认定责任主体和相关人员责任,并及时移交职务违法犯罪线索。针对事故中暴露出的相关单位安全管理漏洞和监管问题,要及时制发检察建议,督促落实整改。
[Basic Facts] 基本案情
Defendant: Yu A (with partial name withheld), male, former chairman of Hubei A Chemical Group Co., Ltd. ("A Chemical Group") and former legal representative of Dangyang City B Gangue Power Generation Co., Ltd. ("B Gangue Power Generation Company," which is invested in and controlled by A Chemical Group). 被告人余某某。
Defendant: Zhang A (with partial name withheld), male, former deputy manager of the Materials Supply Company of A Chemical Group. 被告人张某某。
Defendant: Shuang A (with partial name withheld), male, former general manager of B Gangue Power Generation Company. 被告人双某某。
Defendant: Zhao A (with partial name withheld), male, former deputy general manager and chief engineer of A Chemical Group. 被告人赵某某。
Defendant: Ye A (with partial name withheld), male, former director of the Production Department of A Chemical Group. 被告人叶某某。
Defendant: Zhao Yu A (with partial name withheld), male, former deputy general manager and chief engineer of B Gangue Power Generation Company. 被告人赵玉某。
Defendant: Wang A (with partial name withheld), male, former director of the Boiler Workshop of B Gangue Power Generation Company. 被告人王某某。
In June 2015, the construction of the cogeneration project of B Gangue Power Generation Company commenced. During the construction, Yu A and Shuang A organized an invitation for bids by themselves in violation of the requirement of the Development and Reform Commission of Hubei Province that a public invitation for bids be issued for the project, at the time of equipment purchases, in order to accelerate the construction progress. Zhang A accepted 4,000 yuan as reward for go-between, fishing rods, and other property from Li A, the person in charge of Chongqing A Meter Co., Ltd. ( "Meter Company") without production qualifications, and purchased from him substandard integrated welded long-neck nozzles ("nozzles"), which were installed on the high-pressure main steam pipelines of No. 2 and No. 3 boilers. After the completion of the project, Yu A and Shuang A decided to start trial production without authorization. 2015年6月,B矸石发电公司热电联产项目开工建设。施工中,余某某、双某某为了加快建设进度,在采购设备时,未按湖北省发展与改革委员会关于该项目须公开招投标的要求,自行组织邀请招标。张某某收受无生产资质的重庆某仪表有限公司(简称仪表公司)负责人李某某给予的4000元好处费及钓鱼竿等财物,向其采购了质量不合格的“一体焊接式长颈喷嘴”(简称喷嘴),安装在2号、3号锅炉高压主蒸汽管道上。项目建成后,余某某、双某某擅自决定试生产。 
On the early morning of August 10, 2016, the duty employees in the Boiler Workshop of B Gangue Power Generation Company found dripping water from the front floor of the centralized control room and a steam leak from thermal insulation layer of the high-pressure main steam pipe of the No. 2 boiler. Zhao Yu A and Wang A arrived at the scene, finding no water dripping or leakage and failing to conduct further investigation. At about 11 o'clock on August 11, the boiler operators found that there was a sound of leaks and a temperature higher than usual near the accident-related nozzle, and Zhao Yu A instructed the duty employees to continue to strengthen monitoring. At 13:00, the steam leak from the main steam pipe of the No. 2 boiler was more obvious and was accompanied by a high-frequency sound of whistling. Zhao Yu A and Wang A failed to issue an emergency shutdown instruction in accordance with the Technical Procedures of Boiler Safety, the Procedures for Boiler Operations, and other rules. From 13:50 to 14:20, Ye A received three telephone calls from the deputy chief of the Production Section of B Gangue Power Generation Company and the dispatcher of the Production Dispatch Center of A Chemical Group, reporting "a leak from the main steam pipeline of the No. 2 boiler and a request for a boiler shutdown." Ye A neither went to the site for treatment nor issued a shutdown instruction as required. At 14:30, Ye A reported to Zhao A, "There is a leak from the steam pipe, and the power plant requests a boiler shutdown." Zhao A neither issued a shutdown instruction as required nor went to the site for treatment. At 14:49, the nozzle on the high-pressure main steam pipe of the No. 2 boiler burst, spewing a large amount of high-temperature steam into the accident area, leaving 22 dead and four injured, causing a direct economic loss of 23.13 million yuan. 2016年8月10日凌晨,B矸石发电公司锅炉车间当班员工巡检时发现集中控制室前楼板滴水、2号锅炉高压主蒸汽管道保温层漏汽。赵玉某、王某某赶到现场,未发现滴水情况和泄漏点,未进一步探查。8月11日11时许,锅炉运行人员发现事故喷嘴附近有泄漏声音且温度比平时高,赵玉某指示当班员工继续加强监控。13时许,2号锅炉主蒸汽管道蒸汽泄漏更加明显且伴随高频啸叫声。赵玉某、王某某未按《锅炉安全技术规程》《锅炉运行规程》等规定下达紧急停炉指令。13时50分至14时20分,叶某某先后三次接到B矸石发电公司生产科副科长和A化工集团生产调度中心调度员电话报告“2号锅炉主蒸汽管道有泄漏,请求停炉”。叶某某既未到现场处置,也未按规定下达停炉指令。14时30分,叶某某向赵某某报告“蒸汽管道泄漏,电厂要求停炉”。赵某某未按规定下达停炉指令,亦未到现场处置。14时49分,2号锅炉高压主蒸汽管道上的喷嘴发生爆裂,致使大量高温蒸汽喷入事故区域,造成22人死亡、4人受伤,直接经济损失2313万元。
[Performance of Duties by the Procuratorial Organ] 【检察机关履职过程】
1. Intervening in investigation (一)介入侦查
After the accident occurred, the Public Security Bureau of Dangyang City filed a case to investigate and took compulsory measures against Yu A, Shuang A, Zhang A, Zhao Yu A, Wang A, Zhao A, and Ye A on suspicion of the crime of major liability accident. The People's Procuratorate of Dangyang City intervened in advance, participated in the study of the case by the public security organ, and proposed the priorities of evidence collection from three aspects: first, ascertaining whether the accident-related enterprise violated laws and regulations in the process of approval of the proposal, equipment procurement, project construction, and bidding; second, ascertaining Yu A and others' duties to manage the production safety of the enterprise; and third, ascertaining the performance of duties and specific acts of Yu A and others during the accident. The Public Security Bureau of Dangyang City supplemented and improved the above evidence, and after the conclusion of investigation, transferred seven persons including Yu A to the People's Procuratorate of Dangyang City for prosecution on suspicion of the crime of major liability accident, from January 23 to February 22, 2017. 宜昌市检察院检察干警踏勘事故现场
2. Examination and prosecution (二)审查起诉
The accident involved a series of 11 cases and 14 persons, including, in addition to the above seven persons, the employees of the Yichang Branch of Hubei Special Equipment Inspection and Testing Institute, the Development and Reform Bureau of Dangyang City, and Quality Supervision Bureau of Dangyang City who were suspected of the crime of dereliction of duty, the relevant personnel of A Chemical Group who were suspected of the crime of assisting in destroying evidence, and the Meter Company which was suspected of the crime of producing and selling counterfeit and substandard products. The People's Procuratorate of Dangyang City formed case handling teams according to the types of cases, assigned resources based on the difficulty of cases, and ensured the coordinated advancement of the examination and prosecution by each case handling team. Since the facts of cases related to different charges were closely related, the case handling department regularly convened joint meetings of public procurators to uniformly coordinate the handling of the series of cases, in order to give each case handling team an understanding of all the facts of cases. 该事故涉及的系列案件共11件14人,除上述7人外,还包括湖北省特种设备检验检测研究院宜昌分院、当阳市发展与改革局、当阳市质监局工作人员涉嫌的渎职犯罪,A化工集团有关人员涉嫌的帮助毁灭证据犯罪以及仪表公司涉嫌的生产、销售伪劣产品犯罪。当阳市人民检察院按照案件类型成立多个办案组,根据案件的难易程度调配力量,保证各办案组的审查起诉工作协调推进。由于不同罪名的案情存在密切关联,为使各办案组掌握全部案情,办案部门定期召开检察官联席会议,统一协调系列案件的办理。
...... 当阳市人民检察院审查认为:本次事故发生的最主要原因是B矸石发电公司所采购的喷嘴系质量不合格的劣质产品,直接原因是主蒸汽管道蒸汽泄漏形成重大安全隐患时,相关管理人员没有按照操作规程及时停炉,作出正确处置。余某某、双某某作为A化工集团负责人和B矸石发电公司管理者,在热电联产项目设备采购过程中,未按审批内容公开招标,自行组织邀请招标,监督管理不到位,致使采购人员采购了质量不合格的喷嘴;张某某作为A化工集团电气设备采购负责人,收受投标人好处费,怠于履行职责,未严格审查投标单位是否具备相关生产资质,采购了无资质厂家生产的存在严重安全隐患的劣质产品,3人的主要责任均在于未依法依规履职,致使B矸石发电公司的安全生产设施和条件不符合国家规定,从而导致本案事故的发生,涉嫌构成重大劳动安全事故罪。赵某某作为A化工集团副总经理、总工程师,叶某某作为该集团生产部部长,赵玉某作为B矸石发电公司的副总经理,王某某作为该公司锅炉车间主任,对B矸石发电公司的安全生产均负有直接管理职责,4人在高压蒸汽管道出现漏汽、温度异常并伴随高频啸叫声的危险情况下,未按操作规程采取紧急停炉措施,导致重大伤亡事故发生,4人的主要责任在于生产、作业过程中违反有关安全管理规定,涉嫌构成重大责任事故罪。

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