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Case of Environmental Pollution by Dystar (Nanjing) Colorant Co., Ltd., et al. and of Bribery-Taking by Non-State Functionaries
Case of Environmental Pollution by Dystar (Nanjing) Colorant Co., Ltd., et al. and of Bribery-Taking by Non-State Functionaries 德司达(南京)染料有限公司等污染环境、非国家工作人员受贿案
Intermediate People's Court of Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province 江苏省扬州市中级人民法院
Criminal Order 刑事裁定书
(2016) Su 10 Xing Zhong No.185 (2016)苏10刑终185号
Original Procuratorate: People's Procuratorate of Gaoyou City, Jiangsu Province. 原公诉机关江苏省高邮市人民检察院。
Appellant (defendant in the original instance): Dystar (Nanjing) Colorant Co., Ltd., with its domicile at No.×, Bailong Road, Chemical Industry Park, Liuhe District, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, and Li A as its legal representative. 上诉单位(原审被告单位)德司达(南京)染料有限公司。
Litigation Representative: Shen Xuelian, Manager, Administrative Department of the Company 诉讼代表人沈学廉,该公司行政部经理。
Attorney: Yin Qinghua, Jiangsu Junchengxing Law Firm 辩护人殷庆华,江苏君诚兴律师事务所律师。
Appellant (defendant in the original instance): Wang Jun, Assistant to the General Manager of Dystar (Nanjing) Colorant Co., Ltd., criminally detained by the Public Security Bureau of Jiangdu District, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province on June 10, 2014 for the suspected crime of environmental pollution, arrested by the Public Security Bureau of Jiangdu District, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province on July 17 after approved on the same day by People's Procuratorate of Jiangdu District, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province, and currently detained in the Detention Center of Yangzhou City. 上诉人(原审被告人)王军,系德司达(南京)染料有限公司总经理助理。因涉嫌犯污染环境罪,于2014年6月10日被江苏省扬州市江都区公安局刑事拘留,同年7月17日经江苏省扬州市江都区人民检察院批准,当日由江苏省扬州市江都区公安局执行逮捕。现羁押于扬州市看守所。
Attorney: Yang Dong, Jiangsu Sunfair Law Firm 辩护人杨冬,江苏三法律师事务所律师。
Appellant (defendant in the original instance): Huang Jinjun, male, born on December 31, 1971, ID No. 43052119711231××××, ethnic Han, from Meizhou City, Guangdong Province, a holder of associate bachelor degree, Sewage/Utilities Director of Dystar (Nanjing) Colorant Co., Ltd., domiciled as registered at No.×, Genglouxia, Meijiang District, Meizhou City, Guangdong Province, residing in Room × × × , Building × , Kangerfu Neighborhood, Liuhe District, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province before being arrested, criminally detained by the Public Security Bureau of Jiangdu District, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province on June 10, 2014 for the suspected crime of environmental pollution, arrested by the Public Security Bureau of Jiangdu District, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province on July 17, 2014 after approved on the same day by People's Procuratorate of Jiangdu District, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province, and currently detained in the Detention Center of Gaoyou City. 原审被告人黄进军。因涉嫌犯污染环境罪,于2014年6月10日被江苏省扬州市江都区公安局刑事拘留,同年7月17日经江苏省扬州市江都区人民检察院批准,当日由江苏省扬州市江都区公安局执行逮捕。现羁押于高邮市看守所。
Defendant in the original instance: Wang Zhanrong, legal representative of Nanjing Shunjiu Chemistry Co., Ltd., criminally detained by the Public Security Bureau of Jiangdu District, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province on May 25, 2014 for the suspected crime of environmental pollution, arrested by the Public Security Bureau of Jiangdu District, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province on July 1, 2014 after approved on the same day by People's Procuratorate of Jiangdu District, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province, and currently detained in the Detention Center of Gaoyou City. 原审被告人王占荣,系南京顺久化工有限公司法定代表人。因涉嫌犯污染环境罪,于2014年5月25日被江苏省扬州市江都区公安局刑事拘留,同年7月1日经江苏省扬州市江都区人民检察院批准,当日由江苏省扬州市江都区公安局执行逮捕。现羁押于高邮市看守所。
Attorney: Yang Yaolei and Li Xiaofei, Jiangsu Zhongmeng Law Firm 辩护人杨耀雷、李小飞,江苏中盟律师事务所律师。
Defendant in the original instance: Xu A, driver, criminally detained by the Public Security Bureau of Jiangdu District, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province on May 27, 2014 for the suspected crime of environmental pollution, arrested by the Public Security Bureau of Jiangdu District, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province on July 1, 2014 after approved on the same day by People's Procuratorate of Jiangdu District, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province, and bailed out on July 13, 2016 as decided by the People's Court of Gaoyou City, Jiangsu Province. 原审被告人徐某甲,驾驶员。因涉嫌犯污染环境罪,于2014年5月27日被江苏省扬州市江都区公安局刑事拘留,同年7月1日经江苏省扬州市江都区人民检察院批准,当日由江苏省扬州市江都区公安局执行逮捕。2016年7月13日,被江苏省高邮市人民法院决定取保候审。
Defendant in the original instance: Sun A, boatman, criminally detained by the Public Security Bureau of Jiangdu District, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province on May 22, 2014 for the suspected crime of environmental pollution, arrested by the Public Security Bureau of Jiangdu District, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province on June 26, 2014 after approved on the same date by People's Procuratorate of Jiangdu District, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province, and currently detained in the Detention Center of Gaoyou City. 原审被告人孙某,船工。因涉嫌犯污染环境罪,于2014年5月22日被江苏省扬州市江都区公安局刑事拘留,同年6月26日经江苏省扬州市江都区人民检察院批准,当日由江苏省扬州市江都区公安局执行逮捕。现羁押于高邮市看守所。
Defendant in the original instance: Qian A, boatman, bailed by the Public Security Bureau of Jiangdu District, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province on August 15, 2014, and then by the People's Court of Gaoyou City, Jiangsu Province on May 21,September 20, 2015 and March 20, 2016, and further by the present court on September 20, 2016, for the suspected crime of environmental pollution. 原审被告人钱某,船工。因涉嫌犯污染环境罪,于2014年8月15日被江苏省扬州市江都区公安局取保候审;2015年5月21日以及9月20日、2016年3月20日,被江苏省高邮市人民法院决定取保候审。2016年9月20日,经本院决定继续取保候审。
The People's Court of Gaoyou City, Jiangsu Province made, on July 13, 2016, its criminal judgment (2015) You Huan Xing Chu Zi No.00003, on the case where the People's Procuratorate of Gaoyou City, Jiangsu Province accused the defendants of Dystar (Nanjing) Colorant Co., Ltd., Wang Jun, Huang Jinjun, Wang Zhanrong, Xu A, Sun A and Qian A of the crime of environmental pollution, and defendant Huang Jinjun of the crime of taking bribes by a person who is not a civil servant. During the period of appeal, Dystar (Nanjing) Colorant Co., Ltd., and Wang Jun, both defendants in the original instance, refused to accept the judgment, and appealed. After forming the panel in accordance with law, reviewing the case files, interrogating the appellants and defendants in the original instance, hearing the opinions of the litigation representative of the appealing entity and their respective defenders, the present court believes that the facts of this case are clear, and no new fact or evidence has been submitted by the appellants, defendants in the original instance, the litigation representative of the appealing entity or their respective defenders, and thus decides, in accordance with Article 223 of the Criminal Procedural Law of the People's Republic of China, not to conduct a hearing for this trial. The trial of the present case has been concluded. 江苏省高邮市人民法院审理江苏省高邮市人民检察院指控被告单位德司达(南京)染料有限公司(以下简称德司达公司)、被告人王军、黄进军、王占荣、徐某甲、孙某、钱某犯污染环境罪,被告人黄进军犯非国家工作人员受贿罪一案,于2016年7月13日作出(2015)邮环刑初字第00003号刑事判决。在上诉期限内,原审被告单位德司达(南京)染料有限公司、原审被告人王军不服,均提起上诉。本院依法组成合议庭,经过阅卷,提讯了上诉人、原审被告人,听取了上诉单位的诉讼代表人以及各自辩护人的意见,认为案件事实清楚,上诉人、原审被告人、上诉单位的诉讼代表人以及各自辩护人亦未提出新的事实和证据,故此依照《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》第二百二十三条的规定,决定不开庭审理。本案现已审理终结。
The original judgment found:Crime of environmental pollution. The defendant, Dystar (Nanjing) Colorant Co., Ltd., was incorporated on September 29, 2004, with its scope of business being the production of auxiliaries, oiling agents and colorants for textile and chemical fibers. Despite their knowledge that Nanjing Shunjiu Chemistry Co., Ltd. operated by defendant Wang Zhanrong did not have the qualification to dispose waste acid, Wang Jun, Assistant to the General Manager of Dystar (Nanjing) Colorant Co., Ltd., and Huang Jinjun, the Company's Sewage/Utilities Director, repetitively engaged Wang Zhanrong, from September 2013 to May 2014, to dispose the waste acid generated in the course of the Company's production at a disposal fee rate of CNY 580/ton. Despite his knowledge that Ding Weidong (handled in another case) did not have qualification to dispose waste acid, Wang Zhanrong hired defendant Xu A, a boatman, to drive a tank truck (No. Su Axxxxx) and transport 2,828.02 tons of such waste acid to the boat of Ding Weidong for Ding Weidong's disposal at CNY 150/ton. Ding Weidong arranged defendant Sun A and Qian A, boatmen, as well as Zhang Jianfu and Wang Liyun et al (handled in other cases) to drive a Yuduoji boat (with a fake plate, plate number 1048) and dump 2,698.1 tons of such waste acid into the water body of Taidong River and Xintongyang Cannel. Sun A and Qian A were respectively involved in 1,729.82 tons and 318.78 tons of such discharge. Because of the judiciary's investigation of the Taizhou “May 15” Major Environmental Pollution Case, the fake Yuduoji boat No.1048 containing 129.92 tons of undisposed waste acid was berthed by Ding Weidong at the dock of Yangzhou Xiangfa Comprehensive Resource Utilization Co., Ltd., and later discovered. According to the assessment report by Jiangsu Scientific and Technological Consulting Center, such waste acid constituted hazardous waste. After being brought to justice, Dystar Company, Wang Jun, Huang Jinjun, Wang Zhanrong, Xu A, Sun A and Qian A truthfully confessed the main facts of the crime. Crime of taking bribes by non-state functionaries. From January 2011 to the Chinese New Year period of 2014, defendant Huang Jinjun took advantage of his positions as the Director of Tank Area and Director of Sewage/Utilities of Dystar Company, extorted from Wang Zhanrong commissions for waste acid disposal fees, totaling CNY 281,000 paid in eight instalments, and advanced Wang Zhanrong's interests in the transport of waste acid and other activities. More specifically:1.One day in January 2011, defendant Huang Jinjun collected CNY 20,000 from Wang Zhanrong in the latter's car;2.One day in July or August 2011, defendant Huang Jinjun collected CNY 30,000 of acceptance bill from Wang Zhanrong in the latter's office;3.One day in 2011, defendant Huang Jinjun collected CNY 10,000 from Wang Zhanrong via bank transfer;4.One day at the end of 2011, defendant Huang Jinjun collected CNY 100,000 of acceptance bill from Wang Zhanrong in the latter's car;5.One day in August 2012, defendant Huang Jinjun collected CNY 8,000 from Wang Zhanrong via bank transfer;6.One day around July 2013, defendant Huang Jinjun collected CNY 30,000 from Wang Zhanrong in the latter's office;7.One day before the Chinese New Year of 2014, defendant Huang Jinjun collected CNY 50,000 from Wang Zhanrong in the latter's car;8.One day after the Chinese New Year of 2014, defendant Huang Jinjun collected CNY 33,000 from Wang Zhanrong via bank transfer. The facts above are proven by such evidence as the relevant physical evidences, documentary evidences, witness testimonies, defendants' confessions and defense, forensic opinions, and inspection records. 原判决认定:一、污染环境罪。被告单位德司达公司于2004年9月29日注册成立,经营范围为纺织及化纤抽丝用助剂、油剂、染化料生产。2013年9月至2014年5月,德司达公司行政部经理兼总经理助理被告人王军、废水公用/工程主管被告人黄进军明知被告人王占荣经营的南京顺久化工有限公司无废酸处置资质,仍多次将公司生产过程中产生的废酸以每吨处置费580元的价格交给王占荣处置。王占荣明知丁卫东(另案处理)无废酸处置资质,仍雇佣被告人徐某甲驾驶苏A×××××号槽罐车将其中的2828.02吨废酸运至丁卫东的船上,以每吨150元的价格交给丁卫东处置。丁卫东安排船工被告人孙某、钱某与张建福、王礼云(均另案处理)等人驾驶套牌俞垛机1048号船,将其中2698.1吨废酸倾倒至泰东河、新通扬运河水域的河水中。其中,孙某参与排放1729.82吨,钱某参与排放318.78吨。因司法机关调查泰州“5.15”重大污染环境案,丁卫东将存放未排放的129.92吨废酸的套牌俞垛机1048号船停放在扬州市祥发资源综合利用有限公司码头,后被查获。经江苏科技咨询中心评估,上述废酸属于危险废物。德司达公司、王军、黄进军、王占荣、徐某甲、孙某、钱某归案后如实供述主要犯罪事实。二、非国家工作人员受贿罪。2011年1月至2014年春节期间,被告人黄进军利用担任德司达公司罐区主管、废水/公用工程主管的职务便利,向王占荣索要处置废酸的提成费,后八次索取王占荣所送的提成费计人民币28.1万元,并为其在运送废酸等方面谋取利益。具体如下:1、2011年1月的一天,被告人黄进军在王占荣的汽车内,收取王占荣人民币2万元。2、2011年7、8月份的一天,被告人黄进军在王占荣的办公室内,收取王占荣面额3万元承兑汇票。3、2011年的一天,被告人黄进军通过银行转账方式,收取王占荣人民币1万元。4、2011年底的一天,被告人黄进军在王占荣的汽车内,收取王占荣面额10万元的承兑汇票。5、2012年8月的一天,通过银行转账方式,被告人黄进军收取王占荣人民币8000元。6、2013年7月左右的一天,被告人黄进军在王占荣的办公室内,收取王占荣人民币3万元。7、2014年春节前的一天,被告人黄进军在王占荣的汽车内,收取王占荣人民币5万元。8、2014年春节后的一天,通过银行转账方式,被告人黄进军收取王占荣人民币3.3万元。上述事实,有相关物证、书证,证人证言,被告人的供述和辩解,鉴定意见,勘验检查工作记录等证据证明。
The court of original instance held: Despite its knowledge that defendant Wang Zhanrong did not have the qualification to dispose waste acid, defendant Dystar Company, in violation of the state's environmental law, engaged him to dispose the waste acid generated in the course of the Company's production; Despite his knowledge that Ding Weidong did not have the qualification to dispose waste acid, defendant Wang Zhanrong forwarded him Dystar Company's waste acid for his disposal; Despite his knowledge that it was chemical waste liquid and that Ding Weidong was unable to dispose waste acid, defendant Xu A, helped Wang Zhanrong with the transport; and despite their knowledge that it was chemical waste liquid, defendant Sun A and Qian A secretly dumped it into rivers in violation of the regulatory provisions. These conducts finally caused severe environmental pollution and exceptionally serious consequences, and all constituted the crime of environmental pollution, as a joint offense. Despite their knowledge that Wang Zhanrong did not have the qualification to dispose waste acid, defendant Wang Jun and Huang Jinjun facilitated, within their respective authority, the consummation of the transaction, caused the consequence of severe environmental pollution, and shall be held criminally liable for the crime of environmental pollution as Dystar Company's direct supervisor and other directly liable person. By taking advantage of its position, defendant Huang Jinjun extorted properties from defendant Wang Zhanrong and advanced the latter's interest at a relatively large amount. His conduct constituted the crime of taking bribes by a person who is not a state functionary. Guilty of multiple crimes, Huang Jinjun shall be subject to combined punishments. 原审人民法院认为:被告单位德司达公司违反国家环境保护法律规定,明知被告人王占荣无废酸处置资质,而将本公司生产过程中产生的废酸交由其处置;被告人王占荣明知丁卫东亦无废酸处置资质,仍将德司达公司的废酸转交给其处置;被告人徐某甲明知其运输的是化工废液以及丁卫东可能没有处置废酸的能力,而帮助王占荣进行运输作业;被告人孙某、钱某明知是化工废液,仍然违反国家规定偷偷排放河中,最终导致严重污染环境且后果特别严重,均已构成污染环境罪,且属共同犯罪。被告人王军、黄进军明知王占荣没有废酸处置资质,仍然在各自职责范围内促成交易进行,导致严重污染环境的后果发生,是德司达公司直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,依法应当以污染环境罪追究刑事责任。被告人黄进军利用职务上的便利,索取被告人王占荣的财物,为其谋取利益,数额较大,其行为构成非国家工作人员受贿罪。黄进军一人犯数罪,依法应当数罪并罚。
In the joint crime of environmental pollution, Dystar and Wang Zhanrong played the main role, constituted the principal criminals, and shall be punished for all the crimes involving them; Xu A helped Wang Zhanrong transport waste acid, played an ancillary role, constituted an accessory criminal and shall be subject to mitigated punishment within or below the statutory range of sentencing; Sun A and Qian A were hired by Ding Weidong, acted in an subordinate position, constituted accessory criminals and shall be subject to mitigated punishment within or below the statutory range of sentencing. After being brought to justice, all the defendants truthfully confessed the basic facts of crimes, and shall be deemed to have confessed and eligible for mitigated punishments within the statutory range of sentencing. Huang Jinjun extorted bribes, and warranted aggravated punishments for the crime of taking bribes by a person who is not a state functionary; and justified a discretionarily mitigated punishment for his return of the illicit gains after the case was found. After committing the crime, Dystar Company cooperated with the investigation by the judiciary, took remedial measures, and warranted discretionarily mitigated punishment within the statutory range of sentencing. In the joint offense, Xu A played an ancillary role with lesser involvement in the crime, admitted his crime relatively well, somewhat repented his crime, and would not harm the society again if awarded a probation. In accordance with Article 338, Article 346, Article 163.1, Article 30, Article 31, Article 25.1, Article 26.1&4, Article 27, Article 67.3, Article 69, Article 72.1&3, Article 73.2&3 and Article 64 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, as well as Article 3.11 and Article 7 of the Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court and Supreme People's Procuratorate on the Certain Issues Concerning the Application of Law to the Handling of Criminal Cases on Environmental Pollution, it was ruled: 1.Defendant Dystar (Nanjing) Colorant Co., Ltd. is found guilty of environmental pollution, and shall be fined CNY 20 million;2.Defendant Wang Jun is found guilty of environmental pollution, and shall be imprisoned for 3 years and 6 months, and be fined CNY 30,000;3.Defendant Huang Jinjun is found guilty of environmental pollution, and shall be imprisoned for 3 years and be fined CNY 25,000; is found guilty of taking bribes by a person who is not a state functionary, and shall be imprisoned for 2 years; and finally, be imprisoned for 4 years and fined CNY 25,000;4 .Defendant Wang Zhanrong is found guilty of environmental pollution, and shall be imprisoned for 5 years and be fined CNY 1.8 million;5.Defendant Xu A is found guilty of environmental pollution, and shall be imprisoned for 2 years and 6 months, probated for 3 years and 6 months, and be fined CNY 50,000;6.Defendant Sun A is found guilty of environmental pollution, and shall be imprisoned for 2 years and 6 months and be fined CNY 20,000;7.Defendant Qian A is found guilty of environmental pollution, and shall be imprisoned for 1 year, probated for 2 years, and be fined CNY 10,000;8 . The CNY 10,000,000 temporarily seized from defendant Dystar (Nanjing) Colorant Co., Ltd. by the Public Security Bureau of Jiangdu District, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province shall be charged against the fine, and be paid into the national treasury;9.The illicit gain of CNY 281,000 disgorged by defendant Huang Jinjun shall be confiscated; and 10.The illicit gain of CNY 1,396,951.6 by defendant Wang Zhanrong shall be continuously pursued. 在污染环境共同犯罪中,德司达公司和王占荣起主要作用,是主犯,应当按照其所参与的全部犯罪处罚;徐某甲帮助王占荣运输废酸,起辅助作用,是从犯,应当从轻或者减轻处罚;孙某、钱某系丁卫东的雇佣人员,居于从属地位,是从犯,应当从轻或减轻处罚。各被告人归案后能如实供述基本犯罪事实,系坦白,可以从轻处罚。黄进军具有索贿情节,对其非国家工作人员受贿罪可酌情从重处罚;其在案发后主动退出赃款,可酌情从轻处罚。德司达公司犯罪后配合司法机关调查、采取补救措施,可酌情从轻处罚。徐某甲在共同犯罪中起辅助作用、钱某参与犯罪相对较少,且认罪态度较好,有一定的悔罪表现,对其判处缓刑不致再危害社会。依照《中华人民共和国刑法》第三百三十八条、第三百四十六条、第一百六十三条第一款、第三十条、第三十一条、第二十五条第一款、第二十六条第一、四款、第二十七条、第六十七条第三款、第六十九条、第七十二条第一、三款、第七十三条第二、三款、第六十四条、《最高人民法院、最高人民检察院〈关于办理环境污染刑事案件适用法律若干问题的解释〉》第三条第(十一)项、第七条之规定,判决:1、被告单位德司达(南京)染料有限公司犯污染环境罪,判处罚金人民币二千万元。2、被告人王军犯污染环境罪,判处有期徒刑三年六个月,并处罚金人民币三万元。3、被告人黄进军犯污染环境罪,判处有期徒刑三年,并处罚金人民币二万五千元;犯非国家工作人员受贿罪,判处有期徒刑二年;决定执行有期徒刑四年,并处罚金人民币二万五千元。4、被告人王占荣犯污染环境罪,判处有期徒刑五年,并处罚金人民币一百八十万元。5、被告人徐某甲犯污染环境罪,判处有期徒刑二年六个月,缓刑三年六个月,并处罚金人民币五万元。6、被告人孙某犯污染环境罪,判处有期徒刑二年六个月,并处罚金人民币二万元。7、被告人钱某犯污染环境罪,判处有期徒刑一年,缓刑二年,并处罚金人民币一万元。8、扬州市江都区公安局暂扣被告单位德司达(南京)染料有限公司的人民币一千万元抵充罚金,上缴国库。9、没收被告人黄进军退出的违法所得人民币二十八万一千元。10、继续追缴被告人王占荣违法所得人民币一百三十九万六千九百五十一元六角。
The appellate's grounds and defenses raised by the appellant Dystar Company and its defender were:1.The first-instance judgment elevated, without a theoretical or factual basis, the conduct of individual employees of Dystar Company to be the will of the Company, and therefore Dystar Company shall not be founded as a primary criminal;2.Due to its illegal source of samples, unscientific content and erroneous conclusions, the environmental damage assessment report issued by Jiangsu Provincial Academy of Environmental Science shall be excluded as illegal evidence; and 3.The fine assessed for Dystar Company was excessively high. 上诉单位德司达公司及其辩护人提出的上诉理由和辩护意见是:1、一审判决将德司达公司员工的行为上升为公司意志,缺乏理论和事实依据,不应认定德司达公司为主犯。2、江苏省环境科学研究院出具的环境损害评估报告中的检材来源不合法,且内容不科学,鉴定结论错误,属于非法证据,应当予以排除。3、对德司达公司判处的罚金数额过高。
The appellate's grounds and defenses raised by the appellant Wang Jun and his defender are:1.Wang Jun's sentence shall be 3 years of imprisonment or less because the amount of hazardous waste disposed in the presented case did not belong to the other exceptionally serious circumstances set forth in the judicial interpretation; and 2.Wang Jun's punishment shall be changed into a probation because in joint offenses, the one who directly made the waste disposal is more culpable, and by doing the work assigned by the General Manager, Wang Jun was not a direct supervisor, played an ancillary and secondary role in the joint offense and thus shall be deemed an accessary criminal. 上诉人王军及其辩护人提出的上诉理由和辩护意见是:1、本案处置危险废物的数量不属于司法解释中的其他后果特别严重情形,对王军的量刑应在有期徒刑三年以下。2、在共同犯罪中,直接非法处置废物的主体责任更大,王军实施的行为是完成公司总经理交办的工作,不属于直接负责的主管人员,在共同犯罪中起辅助、次要作用,应认定为从犯,请求改判缓刑。
The appellate's grounds and defenses raised by the appellant Wang Zhanrong and his defender are:1.The environmental damage assessment report issued by Jiangsu Provincial Academy of Environmental Science shall be excluded as illegal evidence;2.It was inappropriate to find that the case caused exceptionally severe consequence of environmental protection; and 3.The imprisonment term and fines assessed in the first instance were excessively high because Wang Zhanrong truthfully admitted and repented the crime, and deserve mitigated punishment within or below the statutory range of sentencing. 原审被告人王占荣的辩护人提出的辩护意见是:1、江苏省环境科学研究院出具的环境损害评估报告属于非法证据,应当予以排除。2、认定本案构成污染环境罪的后果特别严重情形不当。3、王占荣如实供述罪行,有悔罪表现,可以从轻或者减轻处罚,一审判处的刑期和罚金过重。
It has been found through this trial that: 经审理查明:
I. The facts on the environmental pollution: 一、污染环境事实。
On September 29, 2004, Dystar Company, the appellant, was incorporated, with its business scope being the production of auxiliaries, oiling agents and colorants for textile and chemical fibers. In its course of production, that Company would generate waste acid liquid, which belong to hazardous waste, and shall, according the state's relevant rules, be given to qualified companies for disposal. 2004年9月29日,上诉单位德司达公司注册成立,经营范围主要是纺织及化纤抽丝用助剂、油剂、染化料生产。该公司生产过程中会产生废酸液体,属于危险废物,依照国家相关规定应当交由具有资质的企业进行处置。
In September 2010, Wang Jun, appellant, then Executive Assistant of Dystar Company, was assigned by the Company to liaise on the disposal of waste acid, and later contacted Wang Zhanrong of Nanjing Shunjiu Chemistry Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred as “Shunjiu Company”), defendant in the original instance, checked the documents indicating that the Company was merely qualified for the distribution of hazardous chemicals, and later reached an oral agreement with Wang Zhanrong on the disposal of waste acid at a rate of CNY 580/ton. After confirmed by the Company, the waste acid liquid generated by Dystar Company was all given to Wang Zhanrong for disposal. Despite his knowledge that Wang Zhanjun was not qualified for the disposal, Huang Jinjun, defendant in the original instance, then directing the tank area of the Company, directly interfaced in details with Wang Zhanrong transporting waste acid. Wang Jun was in charge of checking and approving the payments of waste acid disposal fees. In September 2012, Li A took over as the General Manager of Dystar Company. As of January 1, 2013, Huang Jinjun assumed the position of the Company's Sewage/Utilities Director. As of June 1, 2013, Wangjun took office as the Company's Manager of Administrative Department and Assistant to General Manager, and continuously oversaw the Company's disposal of waste acid. 2010年9月,时任德司达公司执行助理的上诉人王军受公司指派联系处置废酸事宜,后与经营南京顺久化工有限公司(以下简称顺久公司)的原审被告人王占荣进行联系,查看了该公司仅具有经销危险化学品资质的相关资料,后与王占荣达成了每吨580元处置废酸费用的口头协议,得到公司确认后,德司达公司产生的废酸液体均交由王占荣进行处置。时任公司罐区主管的原审被告人黄进军明知王占荣没有处置资质,仍具体负责与拉运废酸的王占荣直接对接,王军负责审核支付处置废酸费用。2012年9月,李某甲接任德司达公司总经理,黄进军于2013年1月1日起担任公司废水/公用工程主管,王军于2013年6月1日起担任公司行政部经理兼总经理助理,继续负责公司处置废酸工作。
Despite his knowledge that Ding Weidong (handled in another case) was not qualified to dispose waste acid, Wang Zhanrong reached, in September 2013, an oral agreement with him on disposal at a rate of CNY 150/ton, and instructed Xu A, defendant in the original instance, to drive a tank truck (No. Su Axxxxx) and transport waste acid from Dystar Company directly to boats berthed by Ding Weidong the Yiling Dock of Jiangdu, Mazhuang Dock of Jiangyan, Qingyuan Detergent Factory Dock of Jiangyan, Zhenchang Steel Mill Dock of Jinagyan and other places. By May 2014, a total of 2,828.02 tons of waste acid had been given to Ding Weidong for disposal. On many occasions during this period, Ding Weidong instructed Sun A and Qian A, defendants in the original instance, as well as Zhang Jianfu and Wang Liyun (both handled in other cases) to drive boats at night and directly discharged 2 , 698.1 tons of such waste acid into the water way of Taidong River and Xintongyang Cannel, with Sun A involved in the discharge of 1,729.82 tons, and Qian A 318.78 tons. After the “May 15” Major Environmental Pollution Incident happened in Taizhou, the 129.92 tons of waste acid, which Ding Weidong stored inside the boat with fake plate Yuduoji No.1048 but did not have time to discharge, was seized at the dock of Yangzhou Xiangfa Comprehensive Resource Utilization Co., Ltd. 2013年9月,王占荣明知丁卫东(另案处理)没有处置废酸资质,仍与丁卫东达成每吨150元处置费用的口头协议,并指使原审被告人徐某甲驾驶苏A×××××号槽罐车从德司达公司拉运废酸,直接送至丁卫东停放在江都宜陵码头、姜堰马庄码头、姜堰清源净水剂厂码头、姜堰振昌钢厂码头等处的船上,至2014年5月间,交由丁卫东处置的废酸共计2828.02吨。在此期间,丁卫东多次指使原审被告人孙某、钱某以及张建福、王礼云(均另案处理)等人于夜间驾驶船只,将其中2698.1吨废酸直接排放至泰东河和新通扬运河水域的河道中,其中,孙某参与排放1729.82吨,钱某参与排放318.78吨。泰州“5·15”重大污染环境事件发生后,丁卫东未及排放的储存在套牌俞垛机1048号船内的129.92吨废酸在扬州祥发资源综合利用有限公司码头被查获。
As concluded in the expert appraisal and analysis by Jiangsu Scientific and Technological Consulting Center and Jiangsu Provincial Academy of Environmental Science, such waste acid liquid generated by Dystar Company belong to hazardous waste, and mainly consisted of sulphuric acid and a lot of organics; the former are highly concentrated, extremely corrosive and extremely harmful to the living matters, water body and environment; and the latter, a lot of which was left in the waste acid, would also pose a long -lasting cumulative harm to the living matters and environment. 江苏科技咨询中心、江苏省环境科学研究院专家论证分析认为,德司达公司产生的上述废酸液体属于危险废物,其中主要成份为硫酸并含有大量有机物,硫酸浓度较高且具有极强的腐蚀性,对生物、水体、环境的危害极大,废酸中残存的大量有机废物对生物环境也会造成长远的累积性危害。
II. Facts on the taking of bribes by a person who is not a State Functionary 二、非国家工作人员受贿事实。
From January 2011 to early 2014, Huang Jinjun, defendant in the original instance, took advantage of his positions as Dystar Company's Tank Area Director and Sewage/Utilities Director, and extorted commissions from Wang Zhanrong at the rate of CNY 20 or CNY 50 per ton. After verifying the amount of waste acid transported each month, Wang Zhanrong paid Huang Jinrun CNY 281,000 of commissions in eight installments via cash, acceptance bill or bank transfer. Such facts were volunteered by Wang Zhanrong after being brought to justice. Huang Jinjun truthfully confessed his collection of commissions. 2011年1月至2014年初,原审被告人黄进军利用担任德司达公司罐区主管、废水公用/工程主管的职务便利,以每吨20元、50元的比例向王占荣索取提成费,通过每月核对拉运废酸的数量,王占荣先后八次以现金、承兑汇票或者银行转账的方式向黄进军支付提成费计人民币28.1万元。此节事实,系王占荣归案后主动交代,黄进军如实供述了收取提成费的行为。
The facts above are proven by the following evidence: 上述事实,有下列证据予以证明:
A. Evidence proving the identity of Dystar Company and the positions of Wang Jun and Huang Jinjun. 一、证明德司达公司主体身份以及王军、黄进军职务情况的证据。
1.The business license of, and certificate issued by, Dystar Company prove: The Company's term of operation is from September 29, 2004 to September 28, 2054; the Company is categorized as a limited liability company (wholly owned by foreign legal person) and domiciled at No.×, Bailong Road, Chemical Industry Park, Nanjing City; its scope of business is ordinary business dealings, including the production of auxiliaries, oiling agents and colorants for textile and chemical fibers (cation and VAT colorants, indigo blue solutions and reactive dyes projects). Li A served as its General Manager since September 1, 2012, and as its legal representative since October 7, 2012. 1、德司达公司企业法人营业执照以及出具的证明证实,该公司的营业期限自2004年9月29日至2054年9月28日,公司类型为有限责任公司(外国法人独资)。
2.Job description files of, and two certificates issued by, Dystar Company prove: Wang Jun served as Executive Assistant from June 2007 to June 30, 2011, as Deputy Manager of Public Relations from July 1, 2011 to May 31, 2013, as Manager of the Company's Administrative Department and concurrently as Assistant to General Manager since June 1, 2013, responsible for assisting the General Manager with investigation and research, and planning, implementing, checking, urging and following up with the concrete management work, as confirmed by a letter of job responsibilities signed by Wang Jun. Huang Jinjun served as Senior Foreman of the tank area from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010, as Director of the Tank Area from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2012, in charge of the management of the tank area and the management of sewage operation, and as Director of Sewage/Utilities since January 1, 2013, in charge of the energy supply and sewage operations of the whole plant. 2、德司达公司有关岗位描述的文件以及出具的二份证明证实:王军于2007年6月至2011年6月30日担任执行助理,2011年7月1日至2013年5月31日担任公共关系副经理,2013年6月1日起担任公司行政部经理兼总经理助理,工作职责为协助总经理调查研究,在总经理领导下负责具体管理工作的布置、实施、检查、督促、落实执行工作,王军在岗位责任书上签名确认。黄进军于2010年1月1日至2010年12月31日担任罐区高级班长,2011年1月1日至2012年12月31日担任罐区主管,负责罐区管理和废水运行管理,2013年1月1日起担任废水公用/工程主管,负责全厂能源系统的供应管理及废水的运行管理工作。
3. The testimony of witness Li A(General Manager of Dystar Company) proves: Dystar Company was incorporated in 2004 as a wholly foreign owned enterprise, and later partially acquired by Zhejiang Longsen Group; he served as the legal representative and General Manager of the Company since September 2012, with Wang Jun being the Assistant to General Manager. 3、证人李某甲(德司达公司总经理)的证言证明,德司达公司是2004年注册成立的一家外资独资公司,后浙江龙胜集团收购了部分股份,其于2012年9月担任公司的法人和总经理,王军是总经理助理。
4.The testimony of witness Xue A (Deputy General Manager of equipment, Dystar Company) proves: Li A appointed Wang Jun as Assistant to General Manager and Administrative Manager on June 1, 2013, with his job responsibilities detailed in the job description and confirmed by Li A and Wang Jun by signatures; all employees of the Company do their work according to their respective job descriptions. 4、证人薛某(德司达公司设备副总)的证言证明,2013年6月1日,李某甲任命王军为总经理助理和行政经理,岗位责任在岗位描述中有详细说明,李某甲和王军签名确认,公司员工都是按照各自的岗位描述进行工作。
5.The confession and identification transcript made by Wang Jun, appellant, during investigations prove: Dystar Company was founded in 2004 and led by two successive German General Managers; in 2012, the Company's equity was transferred to Zhejiang Longsen Group; Li A served as legal representative and General Manager since September 2012; Wang Jun himself was appointed Administrative Manager and concurrently Assistant to General Manager, mainly conducting logistical service, translation and work assigned by the General Manager. 5、上诉人王军在侦查阶段的供述以及辨认笔录证明,德司达公司成立于2004年,先后有两任德籍总经理,2012年间,公司股权转让给浙江龙胜集团,李某甲从2012年9月担任法人和总经理,其被任命为行政经理兼总经理助理,主要从事后勤服务、翻译以及处置总经理交办的工作。
6.The confession and identification transcript made by Huang Jinjun, defendant in the original instance, during investigations prove: Since 2010, Wang Jun had been in overall charge of waste acid disposal in Dystar Company; problems happening to the waste acid loading in the tank area which he oversaw shall be directly reported to Wang Jun; Wang Jun was the Company's Administrative Manager and Assistant to General Manager. 6、原审被告人黄进军在侦查阶段的供述以及辨认笔录证明,2010年以来,德司达公司的废酸处置是王军总负责,其负责废酸罐区的装车事宜,出现的问题直接向王军反映,王军是公司行政经理兼总经理助理,
B.Evidence proving that Wang Jun contacted, on behalf of Dystar Company, Wang Zhanrong for waste acid disposal, and hid the traces after the case was revealed, and that Huang Jinjun delivered, on behalf of Dystar Company, the waste acid, and extorted commissions therefrom. 二、证明王军代表德司达公司联系王占荣处置废酸和德司达公司在事发后掩盖痕迹情况以及黄进军代表德司达公司交运废酸并从中索取提成的证据。
7.The confession and identification transcript made by Wang Jun, appellant, during investigations prove: In the summer of 2010, he inquired, as assigned by the Company, Wang Zhanrong about his qualifications and transport of waste acid; Wang Zhanrong stated that he had special connections and could dispose waste acid; and Wang Jun submitted the relevant files to the General Manager. After a while, the second General Manager instructed him to negotiate price with Wang Zhanrong, and the disposal fee was finalized at CNY 580/ton, for which Wang Zhanrong said that he could only issue invoices as transport cost. Huang Jinjun directly interfaced with Wang Zhanrong regarding the transport of waste acid. Whenever accounts were settled, Wang Zhanrong would bring transport invoice to him for verification. In 2011, financial manager proposed to pay the fee with acceptance bill; Wang Zhanrong disagreed on the ground that cash needed to be paid to the vendors. Wang Jun was cognizant that the rate of CNY 580/ton comprised the cost of transport and disposal. After Li A took over as the General Manager, Wang Jun submitted Wang Zhanrong's transport invoice to Li A for his signature, and clearly told the latter that it was a bill for waste acid disposal, and explained that Wang Zhanrong would transport the waste acid to Yangtze Sewage Treat Plant for disposal. Li A signed the invoices. Wang Jun accepted the shopping cards of around CNY 30,000 from Wang Zhanrong. 7、上诉人王军在侦查阶段的供述以及辨认笔录证明:2010年夏天,其受公司指派找到王占荣询问了资质和运输废酸的情况,王占荣表示有特殊关系可以处置废酸,其将相关资料交给了总经理。过了一段时间,第二任总经理让其与王占荣洽谈价格,最终确定每吨580元的处置费用,王占荣表示只能开具运输发票。黄进军与王占荣直接对接拉运废酸,每次结账时,王占荣都是拿运输发票给其核算。2011年间,财务主管提出以承兑汇票支付费用,王占荣表示不同意,解释说要给下家现金,其意识到每吨580元的价格包括了运输和处置费用。李某甲接任总经理后,其将王占荣的运输发票给李某甲签名,明确告知是处置废酸的票据,并解释王占荣是将废酸运至扬子污水处理厂去处置,李某甲在发票上签了字,其曾接受王占荣3万元左右的购物卡。
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