Guiding Case No. 169 of the Supreme People's Procuratorate: Procuratorial supervision case in which the People's Procuratorate of [REDACTED] District of Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province urged the governance of false registration of market participants | | 检例第169号:浙江省杭州市某区人民检察院督促治理虚假登记市场主体检察监督案 |
(Guiding Case No. 169 of the Supreme People's Procuratorate) | | 检例第169号 |
[Keywords] | | 【关键词】 |
administrative procuratorial, false registration, supervision of similar cases, prosecutorial integration, digital governance | | 行政检察 虚假登记 类案监督 检察一体化 数字化治理 |
[Key Points] | | 【要旨】 |
When discovering the problem of false registration of market participants during the supervision of administrative litigation, a people's procuratorate may prepare and issue procuratorial recommendations in accordance with the law, urging an appropriate administrative department to perform its regulatory duties in accordance with the law. The people's procuratorate shall actively use big data to facilitate legal supervision, pay attention to discovering clues to the supervision of similar cases among individual cases, and promote efficient and coordinated social governance across departments through procuratorial recommendations for social governance. | | 人民检察院在开展行政诉讼监督中发现存在虚假登记市场主体问题,可以依法制发检察建议,督促行政主管部门依法履行监管职责。要积极运用大数据赋能法律监督,注重从个案发现类案监督线索,通过社会治理检察建议推动跨部门高效协同社会治理。 |
[Basic Facts] | | 【基本案情】 |
When buying a ticket in August 2018, Wang [REDACTED] discovered that he was on the high-end consumption restriction list; after an investigation, Wang [REDACTED] learned that another person registered and formed [REDACTED] Consulting Company with the lost identification document of Wang [REDACTED] and registered Wang [REDACTED] as the legal representative of the company and that as [REDACTED] Consulting Company defaulted on its debt, Wang [REDACTED] was listed as a dishonest party subject to enforcement by the court. In November 2018, Wang [REDACTED] applied for deregistration to the Administration for Market Regulation of [REDACTED] District, and the Administration for Market Regulation of [REDACTED] District denied his application. Wang [REDACTED] applied for handwriting identification, and the identification opinion proved that he did not write the signature of Wang [REDACTED] on the registration materials and the power of attorney. In March 2019, Wang [REDACTED] initiated administrative litigation in the Primary People's Court of [REDACTED] District, requesting an order that the Administration for Market Supervision of [REDACTED] District revoke the company's registration. As the administrative litigation filed by Wang [REDACTED] was barred by a statute of limitations, the Primary People's Court of [REDACTED] District invited procuratorial authorities to jointly seek a substantive resolution of the administrative dispute in accordance with the Minutes of the High People's Court of Zhejiang Province and the People's Procuratorate of Zhejiang Province on Jointly Advancing the Substantive Resolution of Administrative Disputes. | | 2018年8月,王某在购买车票时发现自己被纳入限制高消费名单,经查询得知,其遗失的身份证被他人冒名用于登记设立某咨询公司,王某被登记为公司法定代表人,因某咨询公司欠款未还,王某被法院列为失信被执行人。2018年11月,王某向某区市场监督管理局申请撤销登记,该局未同意。王某申请笔迹鉴定,鉴定意见证明注册的登记资料和委托书上的“王某”签名均非其本人书写。2019年3月,王某向某区人民法院提起行政诉讼,请求判令某区市场监督管理局撤销公司登记。因王某提起的行政诉讼已超过法定起诉期限,依据浙江省高级人民法院、浙江省人民检察院《关于共同推进行政争议实质性化解工作的纪要》,某区人民法院邀请检察机关共同开展行政争议实质性化解工作。 |
...... | | 【检察机关履职过程】 |
| | 案件来源。某区人民检察院应邀参与化解工作。经调查查明王某确系被冒名登记,遂于2019年11月18日向某区市场监督管理局发出检察建议书,建议其依法启动公示和调查程序。某区市场监督管理局收到检察建议后,按照规定启动了公示调查程序,并于2020年4月23日撤销王某名下的某咨询公司。针对王某案反映出的提交虚假材料或者采取其他欺诈手段隐瞒重要事实取得市场主体登记(以下简称虚假登记)问题,某区人民检察院研判认为该问题并非个案,经检索检察业务应用系统,发现该院办结的朱某某诈骗案中,朱某某等人为骗取街道招商引资引荐奖金,通过购买、借用他人身份信息,虚假登记26家公司。经对辖区内涉嫌虚假登记线索进一步筛查,发现2019年11月至2020年1月期间,杭州某灯饰有限公司等74家公司分别以杭州市已处于歇业状态的某宾馆3-8层74个房间号为经营地址登记注册,涉嫌提交虚假材料取得公司登记,遂依法启动行政检察类案监督。 |
| | 调查核实。某区人民检察院开展了以下调查核实工作:一是向该区市场监督管理局调取相关公司登记材料;二是向人社部门、税务部门调取涉案公司人员社保缴纳信息、税款缴纳情况;三是向该区公安分局刑事侦查大队了解电信诈骗团伙犯罪相关情况;四是实地查看74家公司登记地址,调取该地址经营的某宾馆有限公司营业执照、租赁合同。查明:某宾馆有限公司是74间房屋产权所有方,74家公司系邓某某等人伪造租赁合同和办公租用协议,加盖伪造的“某宾馆有限公司”的印章,冒用他人身份信息,通过浙江省企业登记全程电子化平台登记设立公司,申请银行对公账户,某宾馆有限公司对74家公司擅自使用其地址注册公司的行为并不知情;该74家公司均无社保、税费缴纳记录,未在登记地址实际经营。其中有4家公司的对公账户已证实被用于电信诈骗活动,其余公司及其对公账户也被转卖给他人用于违法犯罪活动。上述74家公司冒用某宾馆有限公司经营地址,影响了该公司破产程序的进行。 |
| | 监督意见。某区人民检察院经审查认为,杭州某灯饰有限公司等74家公司提交虚假材料取得公司登记用于违法犯罪活动,已严重损害人民群众的财产安全、信用安全,情节严重,根据《中华人民共和国公司法》第一百九十八条、《中华人民共和国公司登记管理条例》第六十四条规定,应当吊销营业执照。杭州市某区市场监督管理局对上述违法行为负有法定监督管理职责,但并未依法尽责履职。2020年5月29日,某区人民检察院向区市场监督管理局发出检察建议书,建议:1.履行监管职责,吊销杭州某灯饰有限公司等74家公司的营业执照;2.开展涉案公司法定代表人的关联公司信息排查专项行动;3.建立长效监管机制,利用大数据排查等方式加强日常巡查。 |
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