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Chen Junhui, et al. v. Yadi Sub-district Office of the People's Government of Hubin District, Sanmenxia Municipality, et al. (retrial case regarding dispute over a construction contract for a construction project)
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*Dear user, this document contains only a summary of the respective judicial case. To request a full-text translation as an additional service, please contact us at:  + 86 (10) 8268-9699
   Chen Junhui, et al. v. Yadi Sub-district Office of the People's Government of Hubin District, Sanmenxia Municipality, et al. (retrial case regarding dispute over a construction contract for a construction project)
(retrial case regarding dispute over a construction contract for a construction project)

[Key Terms] construction ; partnership ; project payment
[核心术语] 建设施工;合伙关系;工程款

[Disputed Issues] The contractor may claim project payment from the party with which the employer has established a partnership.
[争议焦点] 发包人与他人有合伙关系的,承包人可向他人主张工程款。

[Case Summary] The employer and the contractor have entered into a construction contract yet the employer fails to make corresponding project payment to the contractor upon the completion of the construction project. If the employer and another party agree to jointly operate and manage the right to use land for construction and share risks and incomes therefrom a partnership is determined to exist therebetween and the contractor may assert a claim for project payment from that party. However...
[案例要旨] 发包人与承包人签订建设工程施工合同工程施工完成后发包人没有向承包人支付相应工程款若发包人与他人约定对建设用地使用权共同经营、共同管理、共担风险、共享收益即存在合伙关系的...

Full-text omitted.



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