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Case of Equity Transfer Dispute—Transferee Failed to Pay Equity Transfer Price According to Contract on the Grounds of Underpaid Contribution, Court: Transferee Should Actually Perform Its Monetary Obligation and Pay Interest for Late Payment
华某与余某股权转让纠纷案——以转让方未足额出资为由不按约支付股权转让款 法院:应承担金钱债务实际履行责任并支付逾期利息
  • Procedural status: Trial at First Instance
Case of Equity Transfer Dispute—Transferee Failed to Pay Equity Transfer Price According to Contract on the Grounds of Underpaid Contribution, Court: Transferee Should Actually Perform Its Monetary Obligation and Pay Interest for Late Payment 华某与余某股权转让纠纷案——以转让方未足额出资为由不按约支付股权转让款 法院:应承担金钱债务实际履行责任并支付逾期利息
[Case Review] 【案情回放】
Hua, a majority shareholder of Hongru Company, holds 70% of the company's shares. In order to withdraw funds for other investments, Hua and Yu signed an Equity Transfer Agreement, stipulating that Hua would transfer 30% of the shares he held in Hongru Company to Yu at the price of RMB 900,000 yuan. 华某是鸿儒公司的大股东,持有该公司70%的股权。为了回笼资金进行其他投资,华某和余某签订了一份《股权转让协议》,约定华某将其持有的鸿儒公司30%的股份作价90万元转让给余某。
Subsequently, Hongru Company held a shareholders' meeting and made a resolution at the meeting, agreeing to the content of the above equity transfer. Afterwards, Hua actively cooperated with Yu to go through the registration procedures of shareholding change with the market supervision administration. Unexpectedly, Yu, who got the equity, didn't make payment according to the contract. 鸿儒公司随后召开股东会并作出股东会决议,同意了上述股权转让的内容。之后,华某积极配合余某到市场监督管理局办理了股权变更登记手续。谁料,得到股权的余某却迟迟不按约付款。
...... 因投资项目急需资金,华某一再向余某催要90万的股权转让款。余某却说,华某在股权转让前虽确认出资完毕,但实际上却未向公司完成出资,存在欺诈行为,故余某要求撤销股权转让协议,也不同意支付任何款项。华某遂诉至上海市青浦区人民法院(以下简称“上海青浦法院”)要求余某按约支付股权转让款及逾期付款利息。

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