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Zhang Kang v. Xue Cong and An Advertising Company (case regarding dispute over tort liability) — Lighting Engineer Injured from High-altitude Falling during Advertisement Shooting
张康与薛聪、广告公司、某场地侵权责任纠纷案——灯光师拍摄广告高空坠落受伤 法院厘清各方责任 伤者获赔17万余元
  • Legal document: Judgment
Zhang Kang v. Xue Cong and An Advertising Company (case regarding dispute over tort liability) — Lighting Engineer Injured from High-altitude Falling during Advertisement Shooting
The court clarified the responsibilities and the injured got over RMB 170 thousand as compensation.
 张康与薛聪、广告公司、某场地侵权责任纠纷案——灯光师拍摄广告高空坠落受伤 法院厘清各方责任 伤者获赔17万余元
A lighting engineer fell from high place got injured during an advertisement shooting. Several entities concerned were split on compensation the injured engineer chose to settle the problem by resorting to law. Recently, Xuhui District People's Court tried this case the judge clarified the responsibilities of different parties the injured got RMB 170 thousand as economic compensation. 灯光师拍摄广告时高空坠地,几家单位关于理赔费用各执己见,伤者选择法律途径解决。近日,徐汇区法院开庭审理了此案,法官厘清各方责任,最终使伤者获得了17万元的经济赔偿。
...... 【案情回放】

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