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Zhitu Company v. A Tourism Website (dispute over the infringement of the right of communication to the public on information networks) — A Tourism Website Was Alleged of Infringement Due To Use of the Cartoon Image “Fortune Boy” In Its Mobile APP (dispute over the infringement of the right of communication to the public on information networks)
治图公司与某旅游网站侵害作品信息网络传播权纠纷案——擅用“招财童子”卡通形象 旅游网站手机APP被诉侵权 法院:未经许可使用美术作品构成侵犯信息网络传播权
  • Legal document: Judgment
Zhitu Company v. A Tourism Website (dispute over the infringement of the right of communication to the public on information networks) — A Tourism Website Was Alleged of Infringement Due To Use of the Cartoon Image “Fortune Boy” In Its Mobile APP 治图公司与某旅游网站侵害作品信息网络传播权纠纷案——擅用“招财童子”卡通形象 旅游网站手机APP被诉侵权 法院:未经许可使用美术作品构成侵犯信息网络传播权
On the eve of the spring festival of 2016, a large tourism website launched a spring festival sales promotion, and designed a page on its mobile app for promotion, which however used a cartoon monkey image without authorization. Therefore, the tourism website was taken to court by the right holder of the cartoon monkey image. Recently, Huangpu District People's Court of Shanghai made a ruling that the tourism website constituted infringement, and should compensate a total of RMB 7000 yuan for economic losses and reasonable costs. 2016年春节前夕,某大型旅游网站推出新春促销活动,并在其手机APP上制作了相应的推广页面。然而,由于页面上使用了一个未经授权许可的卡通猴形象,设计制作该页面的旅游网站被卡通猴形象的权利人告上法庭。近日,上海市黄浦区法院作出判决,该旅游网站的行为构成侵权,被判赔偿经济损失及合理费用共7000元。
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