Yuanyuan v. A Property Management Company (case regarding dispute over rights of life, inviolability and integrity of person, and health) — A Girl Playing in the Community Got Injured by a Blank Door
圆圆与物业公司生命权、健康权、身体权纠纷案——女孩小区内玩耍被暗门砸伤 法院:物业公司没有尽到安全保障义务应承担侵权责任
- Legal document:
- Procedural status:
Trial at Second Instance
Yuanyuan v. A Property Management Company (case regarding dispute over rights of life, inviolability and integrity of person, and health) — A Girl Playing in the Community Got Injured by a Blank Door Court: The Property Management Company Shall Be Solely Responsible for Compensating Nearly RMB 80,000 | | 圆圆与物业公司生命权、健康权、身体权纠纷案——女孩小区内玩耍被暗门砸伤 法院:物业公司没有尽到安全保障义务应承担侵权责任 |
Yuanyuan, a five-year-old girl, was injured by a blank door suddenly falling down when she was playing in the community. In order to settle the dispute on compensation, Yuanyuan brought a lawsuit to the court. Changning District People's Court of Shanghai made the first-instance ruling on the case concerning right to life, right to health and body right that the property management company should compensate a total of over RMB 79,000 for medical nursing fees, etc. the property management company refused to accept the ruling lodged an appeal. Recently, the court of second instance rendered the final judgment that the appeal was dismissed and the original judgment was affirmed. | | 5岁的小女孩圆圆,在小区里玩耍时被突然倒下的一扇暗门砸伤。为解决赔偿纠纷,圆圆诉至法院。长宁区法院日前对这起生命权、健康权、身体权纠纷案作出一审判决,被告物业公司应赔偿圆圆医疗费、护理费等共计7.9万余元。物业公司不服一审判决提起上诉。近日,二审法院作出终审判决:驳回上诉,维持原判。 |
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| | 2015年8月底的一天,晚上8点左右,5岁女孩圆圆在妈妈的陪伴下到小区内的空地上纳凉玩耍。这是一片两栋楼房间的休闲区域,一同玩耍的还有其他十多位家长和他们的孩子。空地一侧的墙面上,年纪稍大一点的孩子模仿着攀岩的动作在攀爬墙面。突然传来一声重物倾倒的沉闷声响,随即响起大人、小孩惊恐的尖叫声。圆圆妈妈发现女儿呆呆地坐在地上不能动弹,身后及身下有一大块碎裂的大理石板和生锈的铁质框架……原来,在孩子们攀爬的墙面上有一扇暗门,因连接处生锈老化发生断裂,致使门扇脱落倾倒,砸中了正在此处的圆圆。家人立即将圆圆送往医院诊治。经检查,圆圆右侧股骨干及左足1-4跖骨骨折,需要手术治疗。 |
| | 2016年1月,长宁区法院受理了这起民事赔偿案件。原告方认为,被告物业公司为小区提供物业管理服务,对这起因暗门倾倒发生的人身意外伤害事故负有全部责任,要求被告赔偿医疗费、护理费等共计39.1万余元。被告物业公司则认为,自己平时对暗门有检修,暗门上有禁止攀爬的警示标志,附近还有保安巡逻,加之事发时有其他小朋友在攀爬,原告家长未加制止,因此双方应该分担责任。 |
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