Case of Dispute over Staffing Service Contract—Woman Can't Claim Maternity Insurance as Company Stops Paying for Her Social Security Without Any Justified Reasons, Court: Company is Obliged to Pay for Maternity Allowance Based on Salary Prior to Maternity Leave | | 范某某与悦与公司劳务派遣合同纠纷上诉案——无正当理由停缴社会保险费用 致女职工生育保险申领不成 法院:用人单位按照产假前工资标准支付生育津贴 |
As part of the social insurance system, the maternity insurance system is an important public policy that affirms women's value in childbirth and protects their rights and interests. However, as the major players in the market economy, employers often do not pay for their female employees' maternity insurance, either by negligence or on purpose, in order to reduce expenditure. This was what happened to Ms. Fan. She was unable to claim maternity insurance because her company stopped paying for her social security during her pregnancy. | | 生育保险制度是社会保险制度的一部分,是体现对妇女生育价值之肯定、保障妇女权益的重要公共政策。但用人单位作为市场经济主体,为减少支出而怠于、甚至故意不为女职工缴纳生育保险费的情况时有发生。范小姐就遇到了这种情况,公司在她怀孕期间停缴了她的社保,导致她无法领取生育保险。 |
Recently, the Shanghai No.1 Intermediate People's Court concluded the case over service dispatch contract, deciding that Ms. Fan can choose a maternity allowance based on the average monthly salary of employees paid by the company in the previous year and or based on her own salary prior to maternity leave, whichever was higher, as the company was legally required to pay for her maternity insurance yet failed to do so. | | 近日,上海市第一中级人民法院(以下简称“上海一中院”)依法审结了这起劳务派遣合同纠纷案,认定在该公司依法负有缴纳生育保险费义务却未缴纳情况下,范小姐可在该公司上年度职工月平均工资、个人产假前工资标准中择高者享受生育津贴。 |
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| | 2017年8月21日,范小姐确认自己怀孕了。欣喜之余,她却有些隐隐的担忧,她任职的悦与公司从上个月起就经营异常,即将破产,不知道是否会影响生育津贴的领取。但范小姐只是悦与公司的派遣员工,社保一直是由实际与她签署劳动合同的遥靖公司缴纳。 |
| | 转眼到了9月,范小姐孕期反应严重,便请了长病假在家养胎。 |
| | 2017年12月15日,悦与公司停工停产,后于2018年1月进入破产程序。不久,范小姐便接到遥靖公司电话,通知她遥靖公司与悦与公司合作关系已结束,遥靖公司已为她办理了社保转出手续,不再为她继续缴纳社保。范小姐很着急,这时候停缴社保,即意味着她将无法领取生育津贴。范小姐立即向遥靖公司提出异议,并多次找遥靖公司、悦与公司交涉。 |
| | 也不知遥靖公司与悦与公司是如何协商的,悦与公司最终为范小姐缴纳了1至2月社保,但3月起,悦与公司社保账户因破产清算被查封,不再帮范小姐缴纳社保。范小姐又犯了愁,预产期就在4月份,社保可不能断。范小姐为此再度与遥靖公司交涉,要求遥靖公司缴纳社保,然未果。 |
| | 2018年4月底,范小姐生下女儿,并向相关机构申领生育保险待遇。意料之中,她的申领未通过审核,理由为申请的业务不符合办理条件。 |
| | 范小姐遂申请劳动仲裁,要求遥靖公司支付产假工资2.6万余元、生育医疗费补贴3,600元。仲裁裁决仅支持了范小姐的部分请求。 |
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