Case of Dispute over Labor Contracts by Ms. Gu and Company S—Those Retiring Before December Receive Much Less Bonus, Court: Company Has Right to Determine at its Own Discretion Payment of Year-end Bonus | | 顾某某与S单位劳动合同纠纷案——年终前一月退休 奖金少拿万余元 法院:用人单位有权依法自主决定年终奖发放事宜 |
[Case Review] | | 【案情回放】 |
Ms. Gu had retired happily, but she became quite upset after attending the retirement dinner hosted by her former employer. | | 顾阿姨开心地光荣退休了,不过在之后参加了单位组织的退休聚餐后心情变得有点糟糕。 |
She learned at the dinner that as she retired in November last year, her year-end bonus was about RMB 16,000 less than her colleagues who retired in December. Ms. Gu and others who also retired before December were dissatisfied: although they did not work throughout the year, they also made their contributions to the company, which should give their year-end bonuses in proportion. So, Ms. Gu and other employees filed a lawsuit with the court after the labor arbitration. | | 原来,自己是去年11月份退休的,年终奖比12月份退休的同事足足少了16000余元。顾阿姨等人想不通,自己虽然没有干完一整年,但同样在这个年度为单位贡献了一份力量,公司应当按照比例给自己发放年终奖。于是顾阿姨等一批员工经劳动仲裁后诉至法院。 |
...... | | 近日,上海市金山区人民法院(以下简称“上海金山法院”)审结这起涉及年终奖的劳动合同纠纷案。 |
| | 庭审中,单位认为,奖金系企业自主权的体现依规办事。 |
| | 顾阿姨则认为,S单位对退休职工奖金发放的差异极不公平,没有法律依据,严重侵害了大家的合法权益,请求法院判决S单位支付年终奖差额。 |
| | 单位辩称,顾阿姨等人所诉奖金系企业自主权的体现,所有员工在退休后都采取了相同的工资标准,符合同工同酬的要求,不同意顾阿姨等人的诉请。 |
| | 在本案审理过程中,S单位向法院提交了《职工大会决议》、《单位完善薪酬分配制度的实施方案》、《单位员工年度绩效考核管理办法》等文件。 |
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