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Case of Dispute over Labor Contracts by Ms. Gu and Company S—Those Retiring Before December Receive Much Less Bonus, Court: Company Has Right to Determine at its Own Discretion Payment of Year-end Bonus
顾某某与S单位劳动合同纠纷案——年终前一月退休 奖金少拿万余元 法院:用人单位有权依法自主决定年终奖发放事宜
Case of Dispute over Labor Contracts by Ms. Gu and Company S—Those Retiring Before December Receive Much Less Bonus, Court: Company Has Right to Determine at its Own Discretion Payment of Year-end Bonus 顾某某与S单位劳动合同纠纷案——年终前一月退休 奖金少拿万余元 法院:用人单位有权依法自主决定年终奖发放事宜
[Case Review] 【案情回放】
Ms. Gu had retired happily, but she became quite upset after attending the retirement dinner hosted by her former employer. 顾阿姨开心地光荣退休了,不过在之后参加了单位组织的退休聚餐后心情变得有点糟糕。
She learned at the dinner that as she retired in November last year, her year-end bonus was about RMB 16,000 less than her colleagues who retired in December. Ms. Gu and others who also retired before December were dissatisfied: although they did not work throughout the year, they also made their contributions to the company, which should give their year-end bonuses in proportion. So, Ms. Gu and other employees filed a lawsuit with the court after the labor arbitration. 原来,自己是去年11月份退休的,年终奖比12月份退休的同事足足少了16000余元。顾阿姨等人想不通,自己虽然没有干完一整年,但同样在这个年度为单位贡献了一份力量,公司应当按照比例给自己发放年终奖。于是顾阿姨等一批员工经劳动仲裁后诉至法院。
...... 近日,上海市金山区人民法院(以下简称“上海金山法院”)审结这起涉及年终奖的劳动合同纠纷案。

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