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No. 3 of Eight Model Cases of Lawfully Punishing the Crime of Offering Bribes Jointly Published by the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate: People v. Li [REDACTED] (case of offering bribes and fraud) — Severely punishing the crime of offering bribes in the field of social security in accordance with the law
  • Legal document: Ruling
  • Procedural status: Trial at Second Instance
No. 3 of Eight Model Cases of Lawfully Punishing the Crime of Offering Bribes Jointly Published by the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate: People v. Li [REDACTED] (case of offering bribes and fraud) — Severely punishing the crime of offering bribes in the field of social security in accordance with the law 最高人民法院、最高人民检察院联合发布八起依法惩治行贿犯罪典型案例之三:李某行贿、诈骗案——依法严惩社会保障领域行贿犯罪
[Basic Facts] 基本案情
From May 2015 to December 2018, defendant Li [REDACTED] paid a bribe of 1.76 million yuan to Li [REDACTED], a staff member of the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of [REDACTED] City (subject to disposition in another case). This bribe secured early retirement for 30 persons, including Pei [REDACTED], in violation of the applicable provisions, and resulted in the defrauding of the state of huge social security benefits. From June to December 2015, Li [REDACTED] paid a bribe of 500,000 yuan to Sun [REDACTED] (subject to disposition in another case), a staff member of the Social Insurance Management Center of [REDACTED] City, resulting in retroactive payment of contributions to the pension insurance for 23 persons, including Zhou [REDACTED], in violation of the applicable provisions. In summary, Li [REDACTED] gave a total of 2.26 million yuan in property to the state employees. 2015年5月至2018年12月,被告人李某向某市人力资源和社会保障局工作人员李某甲(另案处理)行贿176万元,为裴某某等30人违规办理提前退休,骗取国家巨额社保基金。2015年6月至12月,李某向某市社会保险事业管理中心工作人员孙某某(另案处理)行贿50万元,为周某某等23人违规办理补缴养老保险。综上,李某给予国家工作人员财物共计226万元。
It was also ascertained that Li [REDACTED] voluntarily confessed to the act of offering bribes before being prosecuted, that Li [REDACTED]'s relatives returned the proceeds of the crime of offering bribes, and that all the social security benefits fraudulently obtained had been recovered. 另查明,被告人李某在被追诉前主动交代行贿行为,李某亲属退缴行贿犯罪所得,被骗取的社保基金已全部追回。
[Proceedings] 【办理情况】
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