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Chenzhou Damuyin Anti-Counterfeiting Technology Co., Ltd. v. China National Intellectual Property Administration (An administrative dispute over reexamination after rejection of a trademark application)
  • Judgment date: 09-26-2023
Chenzhou Damuyin Anti-Counterfeiting Technology Co., Ltd. v. China National Intellectual Property Administration (An administrative dispute over reexamination after rejection of a trademark application) 郴州大拇印防伪科技有限公司与国家知识产权局商标申请驳回复审行政纠纷案
[Key Points of the Judgment] 【裁判要旨】
To judge whether a mark applying for trademark registration has distinctive features, first, identifiability of the meaning, pronunciation, and appearance composition of the mark shall be taken into consideration, that is, whether the general public may identify the mark as a mark indicating the source of goods or services. Second, whether the mark may indicate the source of goods or services shall be further judged in a specific, comprehensive, and overall manner in light of the cognitive habits of the relevant public in the field where such goods or services applying for a trademark are used as well as the actual usage under specific circumstances. 判断申请商标注册的标志是否具有显著特征,首先应考虑其本身的含义、呼叫和外观构成的识别性,即一般公众是否可以将该标志作为指示商品或服务来源的标志加以识别对待,其次在具体情况下进一步结合申请指定使用商品或者服务所在领域的相关公众的认知习惯,以及所属行业的实际使用情况等,对标志是否可指示商品或服务来源进行具体、综合、整体判断。
Administrative Ruling of the Supreme People's Court (No. 1053 [2023], Administrative Appeal, SPC) 最高人民法院行政裁定书(2023)最高法行申1053号
Retrial applicant (plaintiff in the first instance and appellant in the second instance): Chenzhou Damuyin Anti-Counterfeiting Technology Co., Ltd., domiciled in Room 502, Building No. 1, located in No. 54, Guimenling Community, Beihu Sub-district, Beihu District, Chenzhou City, Hunan Province. 再审申请人(一审原告、二审上诉人):郴州大拇印防伪科技有限公司。
Legal representative: Tang Zhiying, executive director of the Company. 法定代表人:唐志英,该公司执行董事。
Agent ad litem: Liao Zhengliang, a lawyer from Hunan Xinghe Law Firm. 委托诉讼代理人:廖正亮,湖南星河律师事务所律师。
Respondent (defendant in the first instance and appellee in the second instance): China National Intellectual Property Administration, domiciled in No. 6, Xitucheng Road, Jimen Bridge, Haidian District, Beijing Municipality. 被申请人(一审被告、二审被上诉人):国家知识产权局。
Legal representative: Shen Changyu, director general of the Administration. 法定代表人:申长雨,该局局长。
Agent ad litem: Zhang Ling, examiner from the Administration. 委托诉讼代理人:张玲,该局审查员。
Retrial applicant, Chenzhou Damuyin Anti-counterfeiting Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Damuyin Company") refused to accept the Administrative Judgment (No. 6436 [2022], Final, Administrative Division, HPC, Beijing) entered by the High People's Court of Beijing Municipality for an administrative dispute over reexamination after rejection of a trademark application against respondent China National Intellectual Property Administration and filed an application for retrial with the Supreme People's Court (hereinafter referred to as the "SPC"). The SPC legally formed a collegiate bench and conducted an examination. The case has been concluded upon examination. 再审申请人郴州大拇印防伪科技有限公司(以下简称大拇印公司)因与被申请人国家知识产权局商标申请驳回复审行政纠纷一案,不服北京市高级人民法院(2022)京行终6436号行政判决(以下简称二审判决),向本院申请再审。本院依法组成合议庭进行了审查,现已审查终结。
In its application for retrial, Damuyin Company alleged that: As a whole, the trademark (No. 52444799), "大拇印卖家承诺商标假一赔百" (hereinafter referred to as the "disputed trademark", see the attached diagram of the document) had distinctive features and it should be approved for registration. 1. The vertically arranged Chinese characters "大拇印" in the disputed trademark are located in the middle of the trademark in a relatively large font, which is the distinctive part of the disputed trademark. Damuyin Company has applied for several trademarks containing the Chinese characters "大拇印," all of which have been approved for registration, showing that the Chinese characters "大拇印" have distinctive features. 2. The Chinese characters in a border in the disputed trademark "卖家承诺商标假一赔百" ("sellers' commitment to damages 100 times the price paid for a counterfeit trademark") are below the vertically-arranged Chinese characters "大拇印." The relevant public may generally recognize such characters as a commitment to the authenticity of the trademark above "大拇印," which increases the distinctiveness of the entire mark. 3. The disputed trademark has an anti-counterfeiting function, which is a major breakthrough in the trademark field and may promote the development of China's anti-counterfeiting undertaking. Damuyin Company thus requested the SPC to hold a retrial in accordance with the law. 大拇印公司申请再审称:从整体上看,第52444799号“大拇印卖家承诺商标假一赔百及图”商标(以下简称诉争商标,见文书后附图)具有显著特征,应予核准注册。(一)诉争商标中的竖排“大拇印”汉字位于商标中间,字体较大,系诉争商标的显著识别部分。大拇印公司曾以“大拇印”汉字申请了多个商标,均被核准注册,说明“大拇印”汉字具有显著特征。(二)诉争商标中的带框汉字“卖家承诺商标假一赔百”,位于竖排“大拇印”汉字下方,相关公众一般把它识别为经营者对上方“大拇印”商标真实性的保证承诺,增加了整个标志的显著性。(三)诉争商标自身具有防伪功能,是商标领域的一项重大突破,可以推动我国防伪事业的发展。请求本院依法再审。
The China National Intellectual Property Administration submitted opinions that the fact finding in the judgment of second instance was clear and the application of law was correct and thus the judgment of second instance should be affirmed. 国家知识产权局提交意见称,二审判决认定事实清楚,适用法律正确,应予以维持。
Upon examination, the SPC holds that the issue in the retrial review is whether the disputed trademark lacks distinctive features. 本院经审查认为,本案再审审查的争议焦点为:诉争商标是否属于缺乏显著特征的情形。
Paragraph 1 of Article 11 of the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the "Trademark Law") provides for that "The following marks may not be registered as trademarks:(1) a mark only bearing the generic name, design, or model of the goods; (2) a mark only directly indicating the quality, main raw materials, functions, uses, weight, quantity, or other features of goods; (3) other marks lacking distinctive features." 中华人民共和国商标法》(以下简称商标法)第十一条第一款规定:“下列标志不得作为商标注册:(一)仅有本商品的通用名称、图形、型号的;(二)仅直接表示商品的质量、主要原料、功能、用途、重量、数量及其他特点的;(三)其他缺乏显著特征的。”
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